Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Canadians file class action lawsuit against antidepressant drug maker

By Mike Adams, December 11 2003
Serzone, one of several dangerous antidepressant drugs now available on the market, has killed dozens of patients and injured many more. In Canada, citizens are joining a class action lawsuit against the drug maker. In the U.S., the FDA still refuses to ban Serzone. As well described on, "Public Citizen consumer group petitioned the FDA to ban Serzone in March 2003. When the FDA failed to adequately respond to the group's request, they renewed its' call for the FDA to ban the antidepressant...

Antidepressant drug causes liver failure, kills patients, but FDA refuses to issue ban

By Mike Adams, December 11 2003
The antidepressant drug Serzone has killed dozens of people and destroyed normal liver function in at least 90 more, according to Public Citizen, which is petitioning the FDA to ban Serzone. Of course, the FDA is reluctant to pull deadly prescription drugs off the market (even though the agency quickly acts to ban herbal supplements), mostly due to the fact that the agency works hard to protect the profits of pharmaceutical companies. Meanwhile, patients are dying from Serzone, and probably from...

New research shows green tea fights cancer, heart disease, cholesterol and obesity

By Mike Adams, December 11 2003
The healing powers of green tea just keep on coming. This is a miraculous natural food -- even a superfood -- that fights so many diseases at once that it should rightly be called a "miracle food." New research is showing that green tea simultaneously prevents cancer, defends against heart disease, lowers blood levels of bad cholesterol, and even helps people lose weight. It's astounding: there's no prescription drug that comes even close to having such an impact, and yet green tea is far cheaper...

Ginger inhibits colon cancer, says research

By Mike Adams, December 11 2003
Ginger is one of several powerful healing foods that exhibit strong, well documented effects on the human body. In this case, it's being shown to inhibit the growth of colorectal cancer cells. Eat a little ginger with each meal, and your risk of developing colon cancer drop significantly. But you can help yourself even more by eliminating the foods that cause colon cancer in the first place: red meat is the primary culprit, followed by hydrogenated oils (a common ingredient in margarine, crackers...

The A-List: Top Products Recommended By Mike Adams

By Mike Adams, May 24 2005
These are products and services I personally use and highly recommend to others. They include health products, technology products, services and food & grocery items. Nobody pays to be listed here. I do not earn affiliate fees, kickbacks or sponsorship fees of any kind for listing products here. Health / Nutrition Products: Best dental herbal powder: Check out Dental Miracle. This is a serious herbal powder product for healthy gums and teeth. Just dip your toothbrush (with toothpaste) into this...

Cancer-causing products are sold to raise money for breast cancer research

By Mike Adams, November 25 2003
Once I saw Coca-Cola sponsoring a run to raise money for diabetes. It's sort of like having Hitler run the local Hanukkah celebration. Similarly, cancer-causing foods and sweets are now being sold to the public with the promise of raising money for breast cancer research. It's all a sham, of course: most of the money spent on the candy goes straight to the candy manufacturer. The candy itself actually promotes cancer due to the fact that it contains both refined sugars and artificial colors (as...

U.S. government may require nutritional information on restaurant menus

By Mike Adams, November 25 2003
Of course the restaurant industry is balking at the idea of being required to add nutritional information to their menus. It's not that they don't want to reprint all their menus (although that is a consideration), it's more than they don't want to horrify their customers by revealing the frightening nutritional facts about their foods. Restaurant food is typically loaded with ingredients that promote diseases like diabetes, obesity, heart disease, cancer and many more. Meals are typically very...

New Research Shows That Fish Feel Pain

By Mike Adams, October 27 2003
Hundreds of years ago, the forefathers of modern medicine performed live dissections on monkeys and other animals, peeling away layers of skin and muscle to observe the operating organs deep inside. The screams and cries of the animals were thought to be just reflexes. Today, it's common sense that all mammals feel and experience pain, but it has also been long believed that fish and other forms of animal life don't. Fishing isn't cruel, sportsmen have argued, because the fish don't have the brain...

Mammograms produce extremely unreliable test results

By Mike Adams, November 23 2003
Mammograms are one of the great myths of modern medicine: they're extremely unreliable and give false positives, especially in the U.S. where intepretation standards vary widely. Even worse, mammograms are cancer-causing procedures to begin with, since they work by irradiating the human breast -- an action that inevitably increases a woman's risk of breast cance. The whole promise of mammograms is groundless to begin with. Any cancer tumor that's big enough to show up on a mammogram is already a...

Fast food environment incompatible with the biological hardware provided by human evolution

By Mike Adams, November 23 2003
As scientists are discovering, our modern food supply -- overloaded with fast food, processed foods and soft drinks -- is simply incompatible with the biological hardware engineered through human evolution. We're designed to burn lots of calories and eat relatively few, yet most people today do exactly the opposite: they burn few calories and consume enormous portions. Even further, we're not at all built to digest refined carbohydrates like high-fructose corn syrup, refined white flour or refined...

Microwaving your veggies destroys 97% of nutrients and antioxidants

By Mike Adams, November 23 2003
Don't microwave your vegetables: new research shows that microwaving destroys up to 97% of important nutrients like antioxidants. It is, in fact, the healing phytochemicals that are the most important reason to be easing vegetables like broccoli in the first place. These phytochemicals are powerful anti-cancer nutrients, but blasting them with a microwave defeats the whole purpose. If you microwave your food, you're killing it. You might as well be eating canned soup or other forms of "dead food...

Plant-based fats inhibit cancer and prevent both breast cancer and prostate cancer

By Mike Adams, November 23 2003
Those who say all fats are bad for you are, of course, dangerously incorrect. As it turns out, plant-based fats are powerful cancer fighters, and even saturated fats from plant sources are now being shown to offer extraordinary health benefits. If you want to prevent cancer, or you're currently battling colon cancer, prostate cancer or breast cancer, it is essential to get plant-based fats into your diet on a daily basis. What kind of plant-based fats are we talking about? The best sources are...

Sewage sludge legal to use as fertilizer on crops

By Mike Adams, November 23 2003
It's an outrage: the EPA says farmers can spread human waste sludge on their crops, regardless of what's in the sludge. And with the general public putting all sorts of toxic ingredients into their own bodies in terms of personal care products loaded with toxic chemicals and cancer-causing food additives like sodium nitrite, there's tremendous cause for concern. And this doesn't even mention the outrageous number of prescription drugs and drug chemicals being put into peoples' bodies that end up...

Pill keeps people awake, but at what price?

By Mike Adams, October 16 2003
It's questionable reporting when someone writes a story about a drug that keeps people awake for two or three days and claims it has "negligible side effects." Anyone fluent in human physiology knows the dangers of sleep deprivation, and going 72 hours without a wink has definite, measurable side effects, no matter what drug you're on. Even worse, I wonder what the potential side effects are from long-term use of this drug? I'm just guessing here, but psychosis comes to mind. I'm willing to bet...

Health insurance costs continue to spiral out of control

By Mike Adams, November 19 2003
Health insurance costs for employers continue to climb at an outrageous pace. We all know that. But what's the cause? Although almost nobody will admit it, there are really three primary causes of spiraling health care costs. 1. Drug company profiteering. They're doing everything they can to squeeze profits out of U.S. consumers, including banning drugs from Canada, delaying the approval of generics and trying to monopolize the markets. 2. Paper pushers. Around 70% of all costs in a typical clinic...

Aspirin and painkiller drugs cause widespread stomach ulcers

By Mike Adams, November 19 2003
A reported 40,000 people die each year from the use of over-the-counter painkillers like aspirin. This statistic goes largely unreported, of course, since it's not something the pharmaceutical industry wants people to know about. Think about it: each year, almost as many Americans die from OTC painkillers and NSAIDs as died in the Vietnam War. If an herb killed even 1% that many people, the FDA would ban it in an instant, and newspapers around the country would blare headlines about the dangers...

Scientists continues to blame genes for cancer

By Mike Adams, November 18 2003
The great search for the genes that cause cancer continues... yet researchers are looking in the wrong place. Genes don't cause cancer: food and exercise choices do. People who eat anti-cancer foods like broccoli, chlorella, and spirulina don't get cancer. People who avoid cancer-causing ingredients like sodium nitrite and other metabolic disruptors don't get cancer. And people who engage in regular physical exercise don't get cancer, either (unless they're also ingesting cancer-causing food ingredients...

Earthship houses provide affordable living

By Mike Adams, October 12 2003
One of the reasons so many people can't afford homes in the U.S. is simply because our definition of a home is rather narrow: a box-like structure with wood frame walls, a slanted roof, a driveway and perhaps a second floor. But if you're willing to expand your definition of a "home," then all sorts of affordable structures become available for comfortable living. The Earthship is just one of them. It looks like the kind of place where a Hobbit might live, and yet it provides all the basics of...

Independent medical journal hopes to shake up highly corrupt medical journal industry

By Mike Adams, November 18 2003
Medical journals are highly corrupt: they only print "science" that agrees with the belief systems of the top editors. The vast majority of articles published in most journals have conflicts of interest where, for example, researchers are funded by the very same drug companies that stand to financial benefit from the conclusions of the published studies. In reality, today's medical journals are collections of scientific fiction, wishful thinking, and outright scientific fraud posing as hard science...

Food manufacturers scheme on how to sell more junk food to children

By Mike Adams, November 18 2003
It's sickening: junk food manufacturers and marketers have come up with a new report highlighting tactics for selling more junk food to children. With this, junk food companies and soft drink manufacturers demonstrate a complete lack of business ethics: as long as they can make greater profits, it doesn't matter who they harm. While they're making money, of course, they're priming these children for a life of suffering with obesity, diabetes and other chronic diseases caused by the metabolic disruptors...

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