Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Free Greg Caton from FDA tyranny; your help needed

By Mike Adams, March 5 2010
(NaturalNews) Herbalist Greg Caton remains under arrest in the United States after having been illegally kidnapped and extradited from Ecuador by the FDA ( He faces a hearing on March 17th in a Louisiana court, and he needs your help. To support Greg Caton's bid for freedom, NaturalNews is organizing a letter-writing campaign that seeks to inform the presiding Judge of just how many people support Greg Caton's work and website (www.AltCancer...

Heal Yourself in 15 Days by eating MORE (not less)

By Mike Adams, March 4 2010
(NaturalNews) Can you really heal yourself by eating more food? It seems counterintuitive, but in this article -- part eleven of our 15-day self-healing series -- I'm going to share with you how eating more food can actually be a powerful tool in accelerating your body's own natural healing potential. But there's a catch, of course: It's not about eating more junk food, processed food or factory-made food. Eating more of that stuff would only promote more disease of course. It's about eating more...

Due to high demand, Healing Miracles LIVE event to be broadcast on the 'net; watch live from your PC

By Mike Adams, March 4 2010
(NaturalNews) The upcoming "Healing Miracles LIVE" event in Southern California on March 19 and 20 has been quickly sold out. Apparently we didn't organize enough seats for this event, as readers have been scrambling to be part of it. So over the last few days we've organized something spectacular: The ability for you to watch this event LIVE, over the internet on March 19 and 20, through streaming technology offered by a division of Cisco. Plus, you will be able to watch the video archive of the...

Terry Lemerond joins Natural News Talk Hour LIVE this Thursday evening

By Mike Adams, March 4 2010
(NaturalNews) This week's NaturalNews Talk Hour features Terry Lemerond in "Health Food Store Secrets Revealed". Experience the wisdom of a real (health food) industry insider. This show will forever change your shopping habits. It runs this Thursday evening at 6pm Pacific / 9pm Eastern, and registration is FREE. Simply enter your email address in the registration form on the right column of this page and you'll receive call-in details for the broadcast. The NaturalNews Talk Hour is a "behind...

Natural dental products: Tooth Soap, Dental Miracle, Weleda and more

By Mike Adams, March 3 2010
(NaturalNews) I've been a fan of Tooth Soap for years. This is the product that replaces the usual toothpaste products with far more natural, gentle teeth-washing ingredients. That's why, along with Dental Miracle (, it has remained among my top-recommended products for oral health. (Many other products are mentioned below...) Because let's face it: You don't actually need to "scrub" your teeth with sand, chemical preservatives and sweeteners. Most toothpaste products are...

New psychiatric disorders flag normal human behaviors as "diseases"

By Mike Adams, March 2 2010
(NaturalNews) The Disease Mongering Engine, which I invented a couple of years ago and posted on NaturalNews, was initially created as a joke to demonstrate the ridiculousness of the fictitious diseases that are constantly created by the psychiatric industry. This hilarious online disease generator ( allows you to instantly create your own fictitious diseases and disorders such as: • Repetitive Dysmorphic Nose Picking Disorder With Itching...

Why pharmaceuticals might be called Weapons of Mass Prescription

By Mike Adams, March 1 2010
(NaturalNews) Most people are familiar with traditional weapons of mass destruction such biological weapons, nuclear weapons and chemical weapons. The point of all such weapons of mass destruction is to inflict a large number of casualties on civilian populations as a way to cripple a nation into political or military submission. When it comes to actually deploying weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) against civilian populations, no country has murdered more innocent civilians than the United States...

Doritos ads represent sick, demented nature of junk food companies and their products

By Mike Adams, February 27 2010
(NaturalNews) Junk food advertising has reached a new low with the recent Doritos "Crash the Super Bowl" ads which portray Doritos consumers as violent murderers who will kill fellow human beings to get a bag of Doritos. One Doritos ad portrays a man backing out of a parking lot when his car strikes an innocent person who drops a bag of Doritos and falls to the ground behind the car. Rather than trying to help the innocent victim, this man throws his car into reverse and drives over the victim...

Oops! Brain cancer patients over-irradiated with miscalibrated radiotherapy machines

By Mike Adams, February 26 2010
(NaturalNews) One of the advantages of natural medicine is that if you make a mistake on your dosage, it's usually no big deal because natural medicine is inherently safe. But conventional medicine, with all its toxic chemotherapy poisons and irradiation machines, can be fatal even when simple mistakes are made. Numerous patients have already been killed by miscalibrated chemotherapy pumps that drip poison in to the bodies of patients. And now there's news from Springfield Missouri where an actively...

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