Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Women using so much botox it's stopped working

By J. D. Heyes, May 4 2013
(NaturalNews) Forget the clown-like appearance and other physical metamorphoses that the overuse of Botox has created on the mugs of some of Hollywood's famous faces. Now comes news that some women have used the treatments so often they are no longer working at all. Costly Botox - short for botulism toxin - treatments have been used by millions to smooth out aging skin and hide wrinkles on foreheads and around the eyes (the dreaded "crows feet"). But those who have relied on it too heavily to...

The structural rigidity of trans fats, and why they are so dangerous for your health

By Jonathan Benson, May 4 2013
(NaturalNews) Saturated fats often get erroneously lumped into the same unhealthy category as trans fats because of their similar molecular structure, which is part of the reason why saturated fats are still largely looked down upon in mainstream society as harmful to health. But trans fats are actually in a class of their own when it comes to form, function, and effect on the human body, and this class is definitely not a positive one. Trans fats, it turns out, take the place of healthy saturated...

Every television newscast is a conspiracy

By Jon Rappoport, May 4 2013
(NaturalNews) Focus on the network evening news. This is where the staging is done well. First, we have the image itself, the colors in foreground and background, the blend of restful and charged hues. The anchor and his/her smooth style. Then we have the shifting of venue from the studio to reporters in the field, demonstrating the reach of coverage: the planet. As if this equals authenticity. The managing editor, usually the elite anchor, chooses the stories to cover and their sequence...

Florida sheriff tells citizens to call police on neighbors who don't like big government

By J. D. Heyes, May 4 2013
(NaturalNews) If you have something critical to say about your government, which is a fundamental right under the founding principles of the First Amendment, don't make your comments in Palm Beach County, Fla., because such criticism is likely to get you a visit from a local deputy. In an outrageous attack on the Bill of Rights, Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw said April 29 that he will use $1 million in funding provided by state legislators to form "prevention intervention" units for the...

Dandelion: Your medicinal powerhouse go-to herb for spring cleansing

By PF Louis, May 4 2013
(NaturalNews) Dandelion is a common weed flower that is usually considered somewhat of a nuisance by fastidious lawn keepers. It can grow wild anywhere. But this weed with it's cute little yellow flowers packs a punch medicinally. It has been used as a healing and preventative herb for centuries. And currently it's one of the top herbs being researched by western medical science. Thus far, that scientific scrutiny has confirmed the medicinal value of dandelion, known for centuries by herbalists...

Are nightshades causing your arthritis, chronic pain and inflammation?

By Elisha McFarland, May 4 2013
(NaturalNews) Few people are familiar with the term nightshades, and many will be surprised to learn that consuming foods from this plant group may be contributing to their pain and inflammation. Nightshades belong to the Solanaceae family which includes over 2,000 species. They include some of the most popular foods consumed today, such as tomatoes, potatoes, all types of peppers, and eggplant. Not truly nightshades, blueberries, huckleberries, goji berries and ashwaganda contain the same inflammation...

Use Korean red ginseng to fight bad breath: Study

By David Gutierrez, May 4 2013
(NaturalNews) One of the most overlooked natural bad breath remedies is red ginseng (also known as Asian ginseng), according to a 2009 study conducted by researchers from the Gachon University of Medicine and Science, and the Lee Gil Ya Cancer and Diabetes Institute in Korea, and published in the journal Digestion. The study was performed on a total of 88 people with bad breath, 68 of whom suffered from infection with the bad breath-causing bacteria Helicobacter pylori, and 20 who did not have...

Three simple ways to enter the present moment

By Mike Bundrant, May 4 2013
(NaturalNews) The calm of the eternal present is always with us. Accessing it is deceptively simple. In fact, it is more complicated to escape the present moment than to be in it. The problem is, we are naturally complicated! We learn early in life to avoid the simplicity of the moment and live inside an entangled mind-mess. So, back to basics! We connect to the present through our senses. In this article, we'll review simple ways to use the senses to sweep away the mind-mess and just be...

Windsor, Ontario air quality improves slightly, but still not impressive

By Antonia, May 4 2013
(NaturalNews) According to a report released by the Ontario Environment Ministry, the quality of the air Windsorites in Ontario breathe in has improved. But in terms of pollutants and smog-causing ozone that affect human health, Windsor is still among the worst in the province. Some are optimistic about the direction the air quality is going in for Windsor, Ontario, but agree there is significant room for improvement. "The trends continue to look good overall," said Derek Coronado of the Citizens...

China food scandal: Rat meat sold as lamb meat

By Mike Adams, May 3 2013
(NaturalNews) When it comes to lying, cheating, deceiving and scamming people about their food, no country is more accomplished than China, home of the melamine infant formula scandal and foods contaminated with high levels of heavy metals. Now a new scandal adds one more milestone to the list: Chinese authorities say they broke up a 900-person criminal ring that harvested meat from rats and other animals to be modified and sold as lamb meat. This "rat meat" appeared in markets in Jiangsu province...

Missouri moving to protect parental rights from federal tyranny over medicine, education and discipline of children

By J. D. Heyes, May 3 2013
(NaturalNews) A number of Missouri lawmakers are supporting an amendment to the state constitution that essentially formalizes the fundamental right of parents to raise their children as they see fit. In late April the House gave its approval to a measure, House Joint Resolution 26 (HJR26) that says parents have the right to make all decisions regarding the "discipline, education, religious instruction, health, medical care, place of habitation, and general well-being" for their own minor children...

How to prevent diabetes with everyday foods

By Ethan A. Huff, May 3 2013
(NaturalNews) According to the most recent statistics, about one-third of the entire U.S. population, or more than 100 million Americans, suffers from either diabetes or pre-diabetes, a blood sugar condition that can eventually lead to more serious health conditions and even death. And based on U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) projections, this number is expected to double by 2050 if trends continue at current rates. But you and your family do not have to fall victim to this...

Obama trying to take over public education with 'common core' curriculum that teaches socialism

By J. D. Heyes, May 3 2013
(NaturalNews) Whenever he can, President Obama likes to poke fun at anyone who suggests that he's a closet socialist because that's what socialists do - they ridicule anyone who tries to "out" them. And yet, every policy he pursues takes a page right out of the socialist/Marxist playbook, and one of them is to ensure that the government controls all forms of education. Right now, of course, there are thousands of private schools and institutions of higher learning in the U.S., so the government...

GAO investigating the DHS ammo purchases that liberal media still says do not exist

By J. D. Heyes, May 3 2013
(NaturalNews) To the country's largely liberal mainstream media, there is nothing to see here, but to the Government Accountability Office - and a growing list of alternative media - large-scale ammunition purchases by a massive government agency is worthy of closer examination. The GAO - Congress' non-partisan watchdog agency - tells US News & World Report's "Washington Whispers" column that its investigators are now looking into the purchases - something that would not occur unless there were...

More research verifies powerful anti-cancer properties of turmeric

By David Gutierrez, May 3 2013
(NaturalNews) A growing body of research continues to pile up, showing that turmeric and its naturally occurring compounds have potent anti-cancer properties. Turmeric root is one of the most important spices and traditional medicines across vast sections of Asia, and has been for hundreds of years. Scientists attribute many of turmeric's health benefits to the trio of naturally occurring chemicals known as curcuminoids, which give the root its characteristic yellow-orange color. The name curcumin...

Common backyard weeds for dinner? Delicious and nutrient rich fare at your fingertips that won't break the bank

By Carolanne Wright, May 3 2013
(NaturalNews) Instead of signing over your entire paycheck for organic produce, have you considered the bounty of nourishing fare growing wild right in your own backyard? Not surprisingly, edible weeds have come back into vogue as food prices continue to rise and budgets tighten. Tasty and nutritious, these humble plants ofter exceptional value (as in free) along with substantial health enhancing properties. Forage and feastWeeds are often viewed with a wary eye by gardeners as invasive intruders...

Your doctor may be misleading you about your lab results and what's 'normal'

By J. D. Heyes, May 3 2013
(NaturalNews) Most Americans have little-to-no medical training whatsoever, so it's nigh-on impossible for them to figure out what is and is not "normal," in terms of lab results and so forth. What's more, your doctor may not be providing you with complete information either, regarding what is and is not "normal" for you. According to Dr. Lee Hieb, an orthopedic surgeon specializing in spinal surgery and a past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, a free market...

Organic agriculture ravaged by chemtrails - Monsanto seizes the opportunity, profits and dominates

By Carolanne Wright, May 3 2013
(NaturalNews) Organic farmers have yet another environmental hazard to contend with, this time compliments of the U.S. government in the form of chemtrails. A mess of toxic chemicals, these harmful sprays pollute the soil, water and air while compromising the health of humans, animals and plants. And now Monsanto has developed seeds that will weather the effect of the sprays, creating a tidy profit for the corporation while organics suffer. If this poisoning continues, true organic farming may become...

EPA deliberately releases private details on factory farmers to environmental groups

By Ethan A. Huff, May 3 2013
(NaturalNews) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is in hot water following the agency's impetuous release of sensitive information on roughly 80,000 American farmers and cattle ranchers, according to new reports. In response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by a trio of environmental groups, the EPA admittedly released more data than was actually required by the filing, which has since generated a firestorm of outrage by many who fear the information could land in...

Four steps to rid your body of fluoride's negative affects

By J. D. Heyes, May 3 2013
(NaturalNews) For years experts have been warning against the dangers of sodium fluoride, but that awareness has grown in recent years, as cities like Portland, Ore. have angered residents with plans to add fluoride, and voters in Wichita, Kan. voting against adding it to their water system for the third time in as many decades. Such dangers, experts have noted, include incredibly high amounts of fluoride in toothpaste - 500,000 percent higher than fluoridated water, according to this report)...

How 'Earth Day' could reinvent itself as... relevant

By Michael A. Bedar, MA, May 3 2013
(NaturalNews) You know how the "Earth Day" story goes. The Cuyahoga River in Cleveland caught on fire. Wild birds were laying eggs so weak, they broke open before the chicks were ready to hatch. Acid rain was skewing the pH of lake, river, and coastal ecosystems. Choking smog blanketed the large cities, and with urban sprawl, paradise was rapidly being paved over for parking lots. It was imperative to bring what was happening to the forefront of consciousness. Thus, Earth Day was born. However...

Shifting from being a consumer to a producer

By Sherry L. Ackerman, Ph.D., May 3 2013
(NaturalNews) Confucius said that the health of a nation could be determined by the integrity of its homes. If we apply that standard, we're in trouble. Culturally, most Americans don't even have homes anymore. They have houses, not homes. Homes are something that are made, not bought. And, homes, thus, require homemakers. That's right, plural: homemakers. I am not talking about just women. And, I am not talking about Ozzie and Harriet stereotypical housewives. I am talking about what Dr. Shannon...

Include these seven brain superfoods in your daily diet for optimum functioning

By PF Louis, May 3 2013
(NaturalNews) You probably know enough about neurological excitoxins such as aspartame and MSG to avoid them, right? If not, plug in those terms in the NaturalNews search window at the top of the site's page and explore NaturalNews archives. Those are the bad guys. Let's proceed with a list of the good guys. Foods that boost your brain health and power(1) Omega-3 fatty acids may be the most vital brain food substance available. It's the building material of nerve and brain tissue. Animal sources...

India considers banning captive dolphin entertainment

By Laurab, May 3 2013
(NaturalNews) The Indian Minister of Environment and Forests, Jayanthi Natarajan, is currently considering a nationwide ban on dolphin and whale, collectively known as cetaceans, captivity. Other governing bodies in India have already assumed anti-captivity stances, reflecting a growing understanding of the unnecessary suffering visited upon cetaceans as a result of captivity and pointing towards India's established tradition of compassion towards animals. The decision to ban cetacean captivity...

Triceps exercises for a complete workout

By Sarka-Jonae Miller, May 3 2013
(NaturalNews) The triceps are an often misunderstood muscle group. Despite "tri" being in the name, few people know that there are three heads. To fully work the triceps, you must do exercises that emphasize the different heads. It's impossible to isolate one head completely, but using different angles and grips ensures that each head gets the tone you want. Triceps anatomyThe triceps consist of the lateral head, medial head, and long head. The lateral head is the most visible part on the outside...

Weather radicalization worsening, global food supply at increased risk of regional failures

By Mike Adams, May 3 2013
(NaturalNews) If you live in the USA, you're probably experiencing some of the effects of a cold weather front and multi-state blizzard that's sweeping across much of North America. While the weather felt like summer just a few days ago, suddenly much of the upper Midwest is blanketed in snow and reeling from freezing temperatures. As reports: On the final two days of April, Amarillo, Texas saw temperatures rise well into the 90s. A record high temperature of 97 degrees was set...

Ron Paul: Boston lockdown, police state manhunt resembled 'banana republic' military action

By J. D. Heyes, May 2 2013
(NaturalNews) Former long-serving U.S. Rep. Ron Paul of Texas isn't mincing words when describing the scene in and around Boston following the April 15 terrorist bombing of the famous annual Boston Marathon. To him, the tactics local police and federal agents used when searching for the suspects was nothing short of the kind of military action you see in a "banana republic." In fact, to him - and millions of other Americans watching as well - the resultant house-to-house searches and martial law...

The United States of plastic surgery: Americans spent $11 billion last year on face lifts, Botox, breast augmentations

By Ethan A. Huff, May 2 2013
(NaturalNews) The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) recently released its 2012 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report and the findings are truly astounding. According to the latest available data, Americans and people living in America collectively spent a whopping $11 billion last year on face lifts, Botox injections, breast augmentations and various other purely aesthetic - and technically unnecessary - cosmetic procedures. The non-profit organization, which supports the interests of the...

Seven amazing spring superfoods

By PF Louis, May 2 2013
(NaturalNews) In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), spring is a time for rejuvenation and regeneration. Outdoor nature reflects this as foliage returns and flowers blossom while birds fill the air with their celebratory singing. We should also follow this seasonal event by practicing dietary cleansing and rejuvenation. TCM considers spring to correlate with the liver. So foods that help cleanse the liver are appropriate, in addition to using liver herbs dandelion and milk thistle as extract supplements...

US govt. sues Lance Armstrong to recover tens of millions he collected while cheating

By J. D. Heyes, May 2 2013
(NaturalNews) The U.S. government has filed a lawsuit against disgraced bicyclist Lance Armstrong in an attempt to recover millions of dollars in endorsements paid to him and his U.S. Postal Service team after he admitted that illegal blood doping helped him win a record seven Tour de France titles. The Justice Department announced its formal complaint against Armstrong on April 23, accusing the cyclist of violating his contract with the Postal Service and that he was "unjustly enriched" while...

Flax seed consumption reduces breast cancer risk by 28 percent in new study

By Ethan Evers, May 2 2013
(NaturalNews) In the first-ever study of its type, Canadian researchers have shown that flax seed consumption reduces the risk of breast cancer by 28 percent in postmenopausal women and flax bread consumption reduces risk by 26 percent in both pre- and postmenopausal women. These results indicate that flax seed and flax-containing breads may be simple but effective means for reducing breast cancer risk. Flax seed: the richest dietary source of anti-cancer lignansLignans are a class of polyphenols...

DHA from fish oil improves aggression and impulsivity

By Randall Neustaedter OMD, May 2 2013
(NaturalNews) A study of the effect of DHA and vitamin supplements on aggressive and impulsive behaviors showed that DHA, but not the vitamins, had a positive effect. The study group included 200 young men, with an average age of 20 years, with no history of antisocial behavior. They were given 672 mg of DHA per day for 12 weeks. Test subjects were administered several tests before and after the supplementation period that actively measure aggressive and impulsive responses. These tests were primarily...

US senators introduce bill to prevent government departments from stockpiling ammo

By J. D. Heyes, May 2 2013
(NaturalNews) In the wake of revelations - thanks in every way to the alternative media - that the Department of Homeland Security had planned to purchase and stockpile as much as 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition, a pair of U.S. lawmakers are proposing legislation that would prevent all government agencies from storing vast amounts of ammo. Sens. Jim Inhofe, and Rep. Frank Lucas, both Oklahoma Republicans, have introduced in their respective chambers the Ammunition Management for More Obtainability...

Cop fired for driving drunk sues city, claiming alcoholism is a 'disability'

By J. D. Heyes, May 2 2013
(NaturalNews) Most Americans know that our public servants are human beings too, and as such are far from perfect, but we also expect them to, at all times, at least make a serious attempt to set the standards of behavior, even if they sometimes fall short of those standards themselves. But there is no excuse for a public servant who has already violated the public's trust to compound his mistake by trying to justify it with outrageous claims. Yet, that is precisely what one disgraced former Oregon...

What's really in your vitamins?

By Elisha McFarland, May 2 2013
(NaturalNews) Many people understand the need for a healthier lifestyle. Many of us are trying to eat better, exercise and take vitamins to fill in the nutritional gaps in our diets. Unfortunately, you may not realize what you are really buying, unless you are reading every label. The fact is most vitamins sold in department and grocery stores are vitamins in synthetic forms with a long list of unhealthy and toxic ingredients. Some ingredients are healthy-sounding and may seem harmless, but do you...

7 foods to detoxify and rejuvenate the body

By Jonathan Landsman, May 2 2013
(NaturalNews) Why should we care about detoxification? Because millions of people are needlessly (unconsciously) suffering from fatigue, headaches, insomnia, allergies, depression and a host of degenerative diseases due to excessive exposure to toxic substances. And, I believe, it's time to shed light on the cause and provide simple solutions that work. On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman and Dr. Susan Smith Jones talk about the dangers of toxicity and how to naturally cleanse...

Nestle trying to patent the natural fennel flower

By Lance Johnson, May 2 2013
(NaturalNews) In an interview with "We Feed the World," Nestle CEO Peter Brabeck touted that his company is the largest foodstuff corporation in the world, worth $65 billion. He went on to proclaim that water is not a human right and that corporations such as his should control water to preserve it for future generations. In addition to controlling naturally occurring water, Nestle is also striving to monopolize and control a naturally available plant called the fennel flower. According to patent...

Computers are now better at treating cancer than doctors

By Ethan A. Huff, May 2 2013
(NaturalNews) Researchers from the Netherlands claim to have found a better way to develop and monitor the effects of treatment protocols for cancer patients, but it involves taking doctors out of the picture. As reported by the U.K.'s Independent, a team of scientists from Maastricht University Medical Hospital has developed a computer model they say is able to more accurately predict how cancer patients will respond to various treatment options compared to experienced oncologists doing the same...

Three super-easy, super-convenient, super-fun ways to prevent cavities naturally

By Zach Calantini-Miller, May 2 2013
(NaturalNews) There are few health afflictions that affect people living in modern civilization more regularly than cavities. With an abundance of junk food available, it becomes more and more difficult for the average person to maintain a diet that is optimal for body and mouth. However, there are easy ways to prevent cavities and keep a clean, fresh mouth without a large investment of time or money. 1. Spend some time outside. Recent studies have shown that people who get adequate vitamin D...

Why didn't the US just attack Afghanistan with Monsanto GMOs?

By Jon Rappoport, May 2 2013
(NaturalNews) It would have been so simple. Flood Afghanistan with Monsanto GMOs. Truckloads of seeds. Tanks full of Roundup herbicide. Result? Nutritionally deficient food crops, chronic disease, poisoning with Roundup. Perfect. And we know how to do it, because we've been doing it to ourselves for almost 20 years. We've got it down. GMO ballot labeling initiatives in Afghanistan? Are you kidding? Plus...and this is a big winner, Monsanto scientists could have developed a GMO poppy seed...

Food investigations: Welch's fruit juice cocktails contain more corn than fruit: 80% water and high fructose corn syrup

By Mike Adams, May 2 2013
(NaturalNews) If you buy fruit juices at your local grocery store, you might notice the Welch's brand juices sold in refrigerated cartons. Welch's calls them "refrigerated cocktails" and offers exotic-sounding flavors like Strawberry Peach, Dragon Fruit Mango Cocktail and Orange Pineapple Apple. These products are aggressively marketed with pictures of splashy fruit and loud label claims like "Fruity and Refreshing!" But what Welch's doesn't reveal anywhere except in the fine print on its ingredients...

GM wheat could permanently damage human genetics by silencing hundreds of genes throughout the body

By Ethan A. Huff, May 1 2013
(NaturalNews) It is one of the only major food crops left without a genetically-modified (GM) counterpart, but this could soon change if the Australian government gets its way in approving a GM wheat variety developed by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), an agency of the Australian government. Despite being hailed by its creators as a breakthrough in food production technology, the GM wheat crop itself, when ingested, has the potential to permanently alter...

Federal government joins lawsuit against drug giant Novartis over bribery, kickback schemes

By Ethan A. Huff, May 1 2013
(NaturalNews) A lawsuit originally filed by a former employee-turned-whistleblower of pharmaceutical giant Novartis is gaining new momentum following the announcement that the federal government has now joined on as a plaintiff. According to the suit, Novartis has committed numerous crimes over the years, including alleged violations of the federal anti-kickback statute, by illegally paying off doctors with fancy dinners, vacation trips, cash, and other lavish perks to prescribe Novartis-branded...

Use mangosteen to fight disease and inflammation: Research

By David Gutierrez, May 1 2013
(NaturalNews) A tropical fruit known as mangosteen is a potent immune booster and anti-inflammatory that also appears to have significant cancer-fighting powers, research has shown. Mangosteen is a small, slow-growing tropical evergreen tree native to southeast Asia. The fruit has a long history of use in the region as a traditional medicine for the treatment of diarrhea, skin infections and wounds. Numerous studies have established mangosteen's potent anti-inflammatory properties. One randomized...

Synthetic vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, kills beneficial probiotic bacteria in the gut

By Zach C. Miller, April 27 2013
(NaturalNews) Most people nowadays are well informed about the numerous health benefits of vitamin C, and find ways to incorporate it in their diets, either by taking supplements or eating more foods that contain the vitamin. While the many benefits of vitamin C are well-documented, such as its ability to boost the immune system, there are less well known facts about the synthetic version of vitamin C, or ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid, the synthesized version of vitamin C, has been proven to kill...

Teen abuse of prescription drugs up 33 percent, includes Ritalin, Adderall

By Lance Johnson, May 1 2013
(NaturalNews) A new national survey has been released, highlighting startling new trends in teen prescription drug abuse. The Partnership at and MetLife Foundation are confirming that one in four teens now abuse or misuse a prescription drug at least once in their lifetime. These results suggest a 33 percent increase since 2008. Further results suggest that one in eight teens have misused stimulants Ritalin or Adderall at least once in their lifetime. The study finds that the apathetic...

Texas fertilizer plant that exploded filed lawsuit against Monsanto in 2007

By Ethan A. Huff, May 1 2013
(NaturalNews) New information has surfaced in the West, Texas, explosion case that could alter the course of the ongoing investigation into what caused the disaster. As it turns out, West Fertilizer Co., which used to be known as Texas Grain Storage Inc., filed a lawsuit under its former name against biotechnology giant Monsanto back in 2007, alleging that the company had engaged in anti-competitive behavior by artificially inflating prices for Roundup herbicide. The lawsuit, which was poised...

Stress - The modern poison that is making us fat, bald, crazy and extremely unhealthy

By Carolanne Wright, May 1 2013
(NaturalNews) The term stress is tossed around freely in this modern age and has become a casual buzzword for just about any predicament that we find unpleasant. Yet how it truly effects health and well-being in substantial ways is rarely acknowledged. Linked with a range of degenerative diseases from cancer to diabetes to stroke, stress is a silent poison, sapping us of vitality and, oftentimes, spirit. Weight-gain, mental illness and hair loss are common indicators of a life filled with too much...

McDonald's hamburger from 1999 looks exactly the same today

By Jonathan Benson, May 1 2013
(NaturalNews) A Utah man's recent discovery of an old fast food hamburger hiding in a coat pocket serves as a reminder to us all about why we continue to choose fresh foods as close to their natural states as possible over processed foods. What began as a month-long experiment to see how long it takes for a basic McDonald's hamburger to decompose turned in a shocking revelation for David Whipple, whose 14-year-old McDonald's hamburger still looks almost exactly the same today as it did back in 1999...

Cayenne pepper is a lot more than just a hot herb

By P. Simard, May 1 2013
(NaturalNews) Cayenne pepper may not be overwhelmingly used in America but it certainly deserves to be given a lot more attention considering the many health benefits associated to eating it. This very spicy herb has many advantages such as helping the cardiovascular system; preventing stomach ulcers; aiding the digestive tract and fighting against inflammation, just to name a few. Cayenne pepper owes its given name to a town in French Guiana where it is cultivated. It's a hot chilli pepper from...

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