Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Avocados naturally treat leukemia, but FDA and officials deny existence of 'anticancer' foods

By J. D. Heyes, July 19 2015
(NaturalNews) A new study has found that a lipid found naturally in avocados can be used to fight acute myeloid leukemia, or AML, but to hear the federal Food and Drug Administration tell it, there is no such thing as an "anti-cancer" food. While avocados have widely been credited with providing a number of health benefits – they are packed with vitamins and are great for the skin – now, according to research conducted by Prof. Paul Spagnuolo of Canada's University of Waterloo, they...

Excess zinc in the body may contribute to kidney stones: Study

By Sandeep Godiyal, July 19 2015
(NaturalNews) Kidney stones are one of the most common urinary problems in the United States and are responsible for thousands of visits to the emergency room every year. This condition comes about when minerals and other substances in the kidneys come to together to form small clumps, or stones. If the stones remain in the kidneys themselves, a patient can have them for weeks, months or even years without symptoms and not even know that the stones have formed. However, if the stones become lodged...

What is Obama hiding from us all? Trans-Pacific trade agreement shrouded in insane secrecy; even Congress can't read it

By J. D. Heyes, July 19 2015
(NaturalNews) For some reason, President Barack Obama pushed for fast-track trade authority for a new trade deal that he also doesn't want anyone in Congress to see before he gets that authority. Even worse, the Senate's majority Republican leadership just gave Obama exactly what he wants. So much for having an "opposition" party. For those who don't know, "fast track trade authority" is the authority to make a trade deal and then offer it to Congress for an up-or-down vote, essentially taking...

How to avoid inadvertently poisoning your food when making home-cooked meals

By Ethan A. Huff, July 18 2015
(NaturalNews) When it comes to cooking at home, most health-conscious folks would probably say that their aim is to prepare wholesome, savory meals in the cleanest way possible for their families. However, unless these foods are cooked properly at the right temperatures and for the appropriate lengths of time, they could still be harmful to your health even if they are organic. In addition to the more obvious precautions such as choosing only chemical-free produce and pasture-raised meats and...

Massive new airborne city surveillance system can track and record everywhere you drive your car in real time

By J. D. Heyes, July 18 2015
(NaturalNews) When it comes to the business of keeping an eye on the general public, the U.S. government believes it should go big or go home, so it has decided to go big. As reported by of Australia, a small, private company has developed a surveillance system of Orwellian proportions that just put Big Brother on steroids. About 18 miles above any chosen city, a balloon aircraft hovers out of sight of the tens of thousands of people below, circling continuously while surveying...

Human sewage eating away sewer pipes throughout drought-stricken California

By Jennifer Lilley, July 18 2015
(NaturalNews) As if California doesn't have enough problems, ranging from its severe drought to the ongoing threat of forest fires, it's now experiencing the possibility that human sewage may soon be strewn about its streets. The problem is facing San Francisco in particular; there, pipes are about 150 years old and considered a "working relic." The term working puts it kindly since they're basically so old that they're much more prone to problems than newer ones.(1) Couple an already...

New generation of total destruction: Obama youth riot in Walmart to 'see how much damage they could cause'

By Daniel Barker, July 18 2015
(NaturalNews) At around 1:50 a.m. in the early morning hours of Sunday, June 28, a group of 40 to 50 teens entered a Macon, Georgia, Wal-Mart and proceeded to ransack store shelves and destroy merchandise in an effort, as the group's leader told an employee, to "see how much damage they could cause." From all reports, the youths involved indeed did cause a great deal of damage. A deputy sheriff's report stated, "The length of the store from front to rear was lined with items which had been shattered...

Emotional support animals offer companionship, comfort

By Antonia, July 18 2015
(NaturalNews) While most people have heard of service training dogs, the notion of an "emotional support animal" (or ESA) is somewhat new to the base of cultural knowledge. Recently, the awareness of the many benefits of these pets is spreading fast. Last November, the existence of emotional support animals came blasting into international headlines when a woman and her emotional support pig were asked to disembark from a U.S. Airways flight at Bradley International Airport. Presumably, the woman...

Amid Confederate flag racism uproar, a reminder that Obama's ancestors once owned slaves

By J. D. Heyes, July 18 2015
(NaturalNews) It was mentioned a few times and then dropped about the time that then-Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., was considering his first run for the Oval Office. In a March 2, 2007, report, The Baltimore Sun noted an ironic twist about the man who would become the first African American president of the United States: Forebears of his white mother owned slaves themselves. As reported by the paper: According to the research, one of Obama's great-great-great-great grandfathers, George Washington...

Pope Francis denounces Bill of Rights, says only his personal body guards should own guns

By J. D. Heyes, July 18 2015
(NaturalNews) Millions of people around the world have embraced a recently released encyclical by Pope Francis that focuses a great deal of attention on so-called climate change, capitalism and other forms of political, economic, and environmental policy. Most of what the pope wrote was readily accepted by a great number of people, while others criticized it for its seeming acceptance of environmental science that has yet to actually be settled and economic models that have brought prosperity...

Manage ADHD naturally - 5 things you can do to help your child be healthy and focused

By Kali Sinclair, July 18 2015
(NaturalNews) If your child is challenged with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, chances are you have both doctors and educators demanding you put your child on medication. Take heart. There are natural ways to help your child. First and foremost, diet plays a crucial and primary role in managing your child's health and symptoms. Diet management is simple, but overarching. Your child needs the healthiest possible diet, but then again, don't we all? Diet The healthiest possible diet...

Amazing new top-level domain now available: .NEWS domains are perfect for independent news sites; get listed for free at the search engine

By Mike Adams, July 17 2015
(NaturalNews) If you ever wanted to run your own news site, blog site or public opinion web page, your opportunity has now arrived. A valuable new top-level domain has just been announced this week called ".NEWS". It's a new alternative to .com, .net, .org and other top-level domains, and it makes instant sense to everyone. A ".news" domain name, everybody knows, means it's covering the news about that topic! Now you can register and own new domains such as, HealthyPetFood...

New brain implants are so microscopic, you won't even know that you've been implanted

By Ethan A. Huff, July 17 2015
(NaturalNews) The cult of "science" has a fetish for trying to amalgamate humanity with machine. And its latest endeavor in this pursuit has taken the form of an emerging brain implant technology that would render humans part flesh, part computer. Researchers from the University of California, Berkeley (UCB), have come up with a concept they've dubbed "neural dust" that they say can be implanted into people's brains for data collection purposes. And the technology is reportedly so small that humans...

American Dental Association now recommends drugging infants with toxic hydrofluorisilic acid despite known health dangers

By Julie Wilson staff writer, July 17 2015
(NaturalNews) Water fluoridation is a hot topic these days as the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently lowered their recommendation for fluoride in public water supplies, inducing a change in policy across the nation as communities scramble to update their fluoride-dispersing equipment. It's taken more than four years for the HHS to officially lower their recommendation on fluoride levels, which dropped from 1.2 parts per million to a maximum of 0.7ppm. The switch came...

Everything goes! Greek government mortgages the country's airports, banks and infrastructure to EU debt collectors

By J. D. Heyes, July 17 2015
(NaturalNews) Some last-minute deal-making to ensure that Greece's bailout debt is fully repaid is not likely to sit well with the Greek electorate. A week ago, voters in Greece overwhelmingly rejected a deal, rebuffing European leaders who were demanding new austerity measures and a piece of Greece's soul. In the end, it looks as though that's what EU creditors are going to get anyway. As reported by Zero Hedge, a new deal negotiated by the Greek government of Alexis Tsipras will only further...

Whooping cough vaccines could be causing a resurgence in deadly disease, scientists warn

By David Gutierrez, July 17 2015
(NaturalNews) The whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine may not actually prevent many people from becoming infected with the disease, according to a new study conducted by researchers from the Santa Fe Institute and published in the journal BMC Medicine on June 24. Instead, the vaccine may simply prevent such people from showing symptoms, even as they spread the disease to others. The study is the latest to show that lowered vaccination rates are not to blame for a recent resurgence of the disease...

Experimental GMO wheat crop devoured by aphids; written off as yet another total biotech failure

By Ethan A. Huff, July 17 2015
(NaturalNews) A U.K.-based agricultural research organization recently threw away nearly $5 million on a failed field trial of experimental, genetically-modified (GM) wheat. Rothamsted Research says it is "disappointed" that the transgenic crop, known as "whiffy wheat," utterly failed to deter aphids, succumbing to the same amount of insect damage as real wheat. The company is blaming the controversial nature of the field trial for its high costs; most of the money was spent building elaborate...

Eliminate cancer cells safely with European Biological Medicine

By Jonathan Landsman, July 17 2015
(NaturalNews) People are waking up to the limitations of conventional cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation. In reality, these treatment options never address the true cause of cancer and, actually, increase the risk of secondary cancers due to their toxic effect on the body. Defeat cancer by strengthening the body. All cancers, regardless of their origin or type, develop due to low energy generated by environmental toxins and nutritional deficiencies. On the next NaturalNews Talk...

Asparagus can help to lift your spirits and reduce the risk of birth defects

By Raw Michelle, July 17 2015
(NaturalNews) Asparagus, the green spear-shaped vegetable that arrives in grocery stores at the beginning of spring, is packed with a wealth of health benefits, making it a good choice to add to your diet. One cup of asparagus contains only 40 calories and has a very low glycemic impact, which makes it a great addition for anyone who wants to reduce spikes in blood sugar levels. What are the benefits of eating asparagus? One of the ingredients in asparagus, folate, has been shown to help in the...

More scientific proof that nature is an effective treatment for depression and negativity

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, July 17 2015
(NaturalNews) Walking alongside the creek with sand squishing in between his toes, a wandering man watched as the water rippled across the rocks. Looking back at his sandy foot trail, watching it meander along the water's edge out of sight, it seemed almost as if time had been frozen in place for fifty feet or so. Getting lost in the passing trees, each step he took into the green was one step further from being heard or seen. He felt like he was losing himself with every step. A fulfilling kind...

New Zealand government takes further steps to ease raw milk prohibition

By Jonathan Benson, July 17 2015
(NaturalNews) It's not exactly a complete scrapping of the country's antiquated prohibition laws governing the production and sale of raw milk, but the government of New Zealand has responded to consumer demand and made it at least somewhat easier for individuals and families to access this highly sought-after food product. A recent announcement by New Zealand's Ministry of Food Safety explains that beginning on March 1, 2016, raw milk will be legally available for purchase in unlimited quantities...

Scientists discover a natural molecule to treat type 2 diabetes

By Dr.Sofiya, July 17 2015
(NaturalNews) Most people in the medical profession agree that the current approach towards diabetes treatment is simply not working. This is evidenced by the fact that the number of type 2 diabetics in the United States - and around the world - has been steadily growing in recent years. It is estimated that there are close to 30 million diabetics in America alone. Diabetes is a major challenge to the healthcare system, as it can lead to problems with the heart, kidneys, wound healing and vision...

Nationwide mandatory vaccination bill is now here! New law will punish states that uphold medical choice

By Ethan A. Huff, July 17 2015
(NaturalNews) Medical tyranny is apparently quite trendy in America these days, as a Florida congresswoman recently introduced a new legislative bill that, if passed, would restrict federal funding to states that don't require every single public school student to be fully vaccinated according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended guidelines. Representative Frederica S. Wilson, a Democrat from Florida's 24th District (which includes parts of Miami), has unveiled the aptly...

Mexico, Canada use globalist trade organization to eliminate U.S. food safety regulations

By J. D. Heyes, July 17 2015
(NaturalNews) The United States' two neighboring countries are preparing to level trade sanctions under rules governing a globalist trade agreement following victory in a recent meat labeling case. The pending actions by the Canadian and Mexican governments are creating pressure on Congress to change existing U.S. laws that have been credited with providing consumers with more complete information about the food they feed their families. As reported by Reuters, a ruling by the World Trade Organization...

Forced water cut-offs begin in California as drought-stricken state's leaders consider depopulation program

By J. D. Heyes, July 17 2015
(NaturalNews) In Detroit, the city is cutting off water to residents who are months delinquent on paying their bills. In California, water is being cut off by various levels of government because there is less and less of it to go around. As reported by CBS Sacramento, some communities like the city of Mountain House are just days away from running out of water altogether – after the state cut off the only source of water residents there had. That has led some locals to being sort of...

Ron Paul warns of coming stock market chaos as bottom falls out of market

By Ethan A. Huff, July 17 2015
(NaturalNews) Record highs or not, the stock market is in for a major crash in the near future, says former Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul. The economics expert and seasoned defender of liberty told CNBC recently that the Fed's fiat currency creation scheme can only maintain the illusion of economic stability and growth for a time before the bottom completely falls out and the chickens come home to roost. Sharing his wisdom and insight on CNBC's Futures Now program, Paul chastised...

Now open for public test drive: search engine filters out media propaganda and government disinfo

By Mike Adams, July 16 2015
(NaturalNews) The world's first anti-propaganda search engine is now open for a 24-hour public test drive., dubbed "the search engine for truth seekers," filters out mainstream media propaganda and government disinformation, favoring independent media websites, blogs and reference sites. Good Gopher is the only search engine that completely bypasses the systematic censorship of the truth that's currently undertaken by Google, FB, Wikipedia and other sources of corporate-controlled...

The new science of healing: Energy medicine can remove tumors and improve skin health, studies find

By PF Louis, July 16 2015
(NaturalNews) Mainstream medical removal of skin cancers often involve surgeries that leaves scarring. Other less invasive methods such as laser, microwave, or ultra-sound ablation (tissue removal) create less scarring but promote skin discoloration with limited results. A group of researchers at the Frank Reidy Research Center for Bioelectrics at Old Dominion University, VA, worked on mice with actual carcinomas, cancers that originate from skin or organ surfaces, using a new electrical application...

Western doctors are now killing their patients in cold blood under euthanasia laws

By Daniel Barker, July 16 2015
(NaturalNews) A recent study by the Journal of Medical Ethics revealed a disturbing practice being carried out in Belgian hospitals -- namely, the deliberate euthanasia of patients without their voluntary consent. Raphael Cohen-Almagor, professor of philosophy and ethics at the UK's Hull University and author of the report, discovered that lethal drugs were being used to "shorten life and without explicit request." These cases of deliberate euthanasia accounted for 1.7 percent of all deaths...

Totalitarian medicine: Medical boards threaten to destroy careers of doctors who question Big Pharma propaganda

By Ethan A. Huff, July 16 2015
(NaturalNews) The American Medical Association (AMA) is upping the ante in pursuit of total control over the medical industry. Outraged that acclaimed physicians like Dr. Mehmet Oz of The Dr. Oz Show would dare to speak on national television about issues that go untouched by many conventional doctors, the AMA has proposed new "ethical and professional guidelines" for physicians that threaten to censor doctors who deviate from what the AMA deems as medical gospel. A group of medical students joined...

Majority of world's largest aquifers are being drained at unsustainable rate, NASA data show

By J. D. Heyes, July 16 2015
(NaturalNews) New data gathered by NASA satellites indicate that most of the world's largest underground aquifers, sources of water for hundreds of millions of people, are being depleted at speedy rates. The data, according to The Washington Post, provide the most compelling and detailed picture yet of the status of vital water reserves hidden underneath the earth's surface. The paper further reported: Twenty-one of the world's 37 largest aquifers — in locations from India and China...

The National School Lunch Program - pros, cons, and how to get your kids eating healthier

By Kristina Martin, July 16 2015
(NaturalNews) The National School Lunch Program's supplies meals for over 21 million low-income, food insecure children around the country. For many, it is the only meal they will eat all day, so the USDA created specific guidelines to ensure these students are receiving the most nutritious meal possible. New Standards for School Lunches The latest federal program concerning standards for school meals is the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. In its original form, the law authorized the funds to extend...

With nearly 90% of U.S. corn crop GMO, companies are now having to import non-GMO corn to keep up with demand

By Jonathan Benson, July 16 2015
(NaturalNews) Obtaining high-quality, chemical-free food that's actually grown in the U.S. -- not just sold here -- remains a challenge, and increasingly so as much of the so-called "food" grown on U.S. soil today is patented, genetically engineered imitation food. The latest data show that, as far as the availability of non-GMO, organic corn is concerned, as much as 90% of what's being sold on grocery store shelves in the U.S. actually comes from overseas. This is because demand for non-GMO,...

Breast Cancer Fund exposes the cancer-causing chemicals lurking in food

By Sandy J. Duncan, July 16 2015
(NaturalNews) I'm certain if you were to poll women and ask whether they'd rather have lawns with no weeds or be able to keep their breasts, the answer would be the latter! And yet billions of tons of pesticides are spread all over our lawns, on our kids' soccer fields, at our parks and on our crops, regardless of the mounting scientific evidence that directly links these toxic chemicals to breast cancer and other types of cancers. Here's a list of harmful but common chemicals found in our food...

Fiber-rich diet may reduce colon cancer risk

By Sandeep Godiyal, July 16 2015
(NaturalNews) The numbers, quite frankly, are grim: Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in America and the fourth leading cause of cancer death globally. And even if the colon cancer is not fatal, it can lead to radiation or chemotherapy as well as surgical removal of the colon and the placement of a colostomy bag, which can seriously impact the quality of life for these cancer survivors. That is why so much research in recent years has gone into discovering ways that this cancer...

Catastrophic famine could cause society to collapse within four decades, scientists say

By Ethan A. Huff, July 16 2015
(NaturalNews) Researchers pushing the climate change/sustainability agenda have released a new report replete with dire predictions about devastating food shortages and famines in the coming years. If humans don't change course, they say - and by humans, they're presumably referring to multinational corporations that are raping, pillaging, and polluting our world - then masses of people might starve and society could collapse. The report by Lloyd's, entitled Food System Shock, is chock full of...

Woman nearly amputates her own legs with ridiculously tight jeans - paramedics forced to cut them off

By PF Louis, July 16 2015
(NaturalNews) A recent Australian episode, which made the news wires globally, demonstrated the danger of skinny jeans. A 35-year-old woman wearing skinny jeans had been helping with a family member's moving process. Her activity involved a lot of bending and squatting as she unloaded cupboards and shelves and loaded items into boxes. After a day of this activity while wearing those super tight skinny jeans, the woman lost control of her feet and fell while walking home and was unable to get up...

Deadly, drug-resistant superbugs now being found in meat products

By Jennifer Lilley, July 16 2015
(NaturalNews) MRSA, or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, has been a concerning health topic, and for good reason. The superbug is a drug-resistant strain of Staph that infects hundreds of thousands of Americans annually, ultimately killing several thousand of them -- and that's not even taking into consideration the many cases that aren't included in government incidence statistics. And now, you just might stumble upon this harmful strain while eating certain meat products.(1)

AI robots denounce child-bearing as 'immoral,' claim the purpose of life is 'to serve the greater good' and 'live forever,' and get angry when questioned on ethics

By J. D. Heyes, July 16 2015
(NaturalNews) As the world's robotic development becomes more mature, there have been no shortage of experts who have predicted seismic cultural, economic and social changes on the horizon for our planet. But one of the little-discussed aspects of robotics is the development of AI – artificial intelligence – even though it is one of the most rapidly advancing computer science disciplines. Much of AI relies on development of a scientific process known as conversational modeling,...

Obama just seized over one million acres of state land, claiming ownership by the federal government

By J. D. Heyes, July 16 2015
(NaturalNews) The federal government once more dramatically increased its land holdings at the expense of states in recent days, as noted by a White House announcement that said President Obama has used the century-old Antiquities Act again to designate three new national monuments totaling 1 million acres. In particular, as reported by the San Jose Mercury News, Obama created the 704,000-acre Basin and Range National Monument north of Las Vegas, the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument,...

VIDEO shocker: Dead baby parts 'harvested' during partial-birth abortions... sold to biotech companies for 'scientific' research... Profiteering from sales of baby brains, hearts and intestines

By Mike Adams, July 15 2015
(NaturalNews) The headline of this article is true. This is what passes for "science" in today's twisted world: the harvesting of dead baby parts during partial-birth abortions so that profits can be generated from the biotech industry's "scientific" research. It has all been caught on undercover video by the Center for Medical Progress. Full transcript and video links below. Here are the highlights of this gruesome story that showcases the truly sick, psychopathic behavior of the abortion...

Russia says NO to GMO seeds; aims for food supply that's 'cleanest in the world'

By Ethan A. Huff, July 15 2015
(NaturalNews) The future of agriculture in Russia won't involve genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), says the country's Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich. In order to preserve the quality and integrity of its food supply, Russia plans to stick with growing methods that protect the soil and boost yields naturally, a move that Dvorkovich says will make his country's food among the "cleanest in the world." Russia does not import GMOs like most of Europe currently does, nor does it grow them...

Senator Pan caught lying about vaccine ingredients after taking bribes to push mandatory vaccination bill

By Ethan A. Huff, July 15 2015
(NaturalNews) The leading proponent of Senate Bill 277 to eliminate personal and philosophical vaccine exemptions in the state of California, which was recently signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown, has once again been exposed as a fraud and a liar. Senator and "Doctor" Richard Pan, who spearheaded the campaign to strip California parents of their right not to vaccinate their children, has been outed for flat-out lying about the contents of vaccines before lawmakers. The following video clip...

Five-day 'fasting' diet miraculously slows aging, can prevent death from heart disease, cancer and diabetes

By David Gutierrez, July 15 2015
(NaturalNews) Researchers from the University of Southern California (USC) have developed a diet that creates the same health effects as long-term calorie restrictions such as fasts if followed for just five days a month. "I think based on the markers for ageing and disease in humans it has the potential to add a number of years of life but more importantly to have a major impact on diabetes, cancer, heart disease and other age-related disease," researcher Valter Longo said. The study was funded...

Using hand sanitizer causes you to absorb 10,000% more emasculation chemicals that feminize men

By David Gutierrez, July 15 2015
(NaturalNews) Hand sanitizer causes the skin to absorb 100 times more of the hormone-disrupting chemical bisphenol A (BPA), according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Missouri and published in the journal PLOS ONE. BPA exposure came from handling receipts printed on thermal paper, the kind typically issued by cash registers. "Our research found that large amounts of BPA can be transferred to your hands and then to the food you hold and eat as well as be absorbed through...

Why factory farming will ultimately lead to mass global starvation

By Daniel Barker, June 15 2015
(NaturalNews) One of the biggest challenges we face is how to create a sustainable means of feeding ourselves as the population continues to increase. The current approach relies heavily on factory farming to supply meat and dairy products for human consumption, but these systems are completely unsustainable and will inevitably lead to mass global starvation if we continue to utilize them. We eat more animal products than we need to -- in fact, we would be much healthier overall if we reduced...

Green tea boosts your brain power, especially your working memory

By Dr.Sofiya, July 15 2015
(NaturalNews) Green tea has held the equivalent of rock star status in the world of natural health and nutrition for years now. This is largely because new research seems to be coming out all the time that finds yet more ways in which the regular consumption of green tea can benefit the body. So far, science has linked green tea drinking to a boosted metabolism, increased ease of weight loss, improved heart health, reduced cancer risk and stronger immunity, just to name a few. This is largely due...

Magnolia extract used in Chinese medicine is a natural cancer fighter, study shows

By Daniel Barker, July 15 2015
(NaturalNews) Magnolia bark has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine to promote physical health and treat a range of ailments. Its medicinal benefits include relief of menstrual cramps, abdominal distress, nausea, gas and indigestion. The Chinese also use magnolia bark for treating coughs and asthma. Modern medical researchers have discovered many other benefits associated with magnolia bark. The active compounds found in the bark, honokiol and magnolol, are reported...

U.S. government locked black soldiers in mustard gas chambers in racist human experimentation

By Ethan A. Huff, July 15 2015
(NaturalNews) Recently declassified documents reveal that the U.S. government forcibly subjected military servicemen to chemical testing of mustard gas and other noxious agents during World War II. Black servicemen in particular received the brunt of such experimentation, an investigation by NPR's Caitlin Dickerson has uncovered. Some 60,000 black men who served in the U.S. Army back in the 1940s were threatened with imprisonment if they didn't comply with having deadly chemicals blasted on their...

Special breast milk component protects and repairs infants' intestines

By Lance Johnson, July 15 2015
(NaturalNews) Without a strong colony of beneficial microbes present in the human gut, the immune system is weak and defenseless. Specific supportive microbes react to stress signals in the body and hasten the production of antibodies to fight infections. When these friendly microbes are depleted by things like antibiotics, we are more prone to infection and illness, over and over again. Pathogens and other toxins from food and water can readily penetrate the gut wall if the microbial defense...

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