
Chemotherapy hoax: Toxic cancer treatments lead to more disease

It’s no secret that cancer is deadly. It’s also not a secret that cancer treatment is a billion dollar industry, starting with early detection programs and ending with toxic therapies. Chemotherapy is not used today because it works well. It’s used today because it makes the industry money. You see, chemotherapy doesn’t just kill cancer Read More

Top 10 healing plants that are safer, more affordable and work better than pharmaceutical drugs

Top 10 plants that work better than pharmaceutical drugs

Plants contain incredible healing power that often gets overlooked in today’s world of modern medicine. Common maladies may be treated with plants that you possibly have in your home, or which can be bought in supplement-form at your local grocer. It is important to not forget the natural healing power that plants can provide us. Read More


Top 10 foods that naturally boost your immune system

There are many important lifestyle changes that you can make to improve your immune system’s ability to fight viruses and infectious diseases like measles. You have probably heard most of this advice many times over: Don’t smoke, exercise regularly, only drink alcohol in moderation, get plenty of sleep, maintain a healthy weight and eat a Read More


Health field invents medical diagnoses to drug America’s youth

In a disturbing modern trend, the young, middle aged and the old seem to be increasingly diagnosed with mental health disorders. Almost everyone knows someone who has been diagnosed with a mental illness whether it is attention deficit disorder (ADD), bipolar disorder, depression or anxiety. Is it possible that mental health disorders aren’t really on the rise, but Read More

Scientific research backs traditional Chinese treatment of diabetes

A collaborative study shows than an herb traditionally used in Chinese medicine may help to control diabetes type II. The product’s name is berberine, and it’s found in the roots and bark of a number of plants used for many purposes, like wound healing. The Chinese have also documented its ability to lower blood sugar. Read More

Top 10 throat-soothing herbal remedies that work better than over-the-counter drugs

Top 10 throat-soothing herbal remedies

Sore throats are a literal pain in the neck. They are often triggered by a bacterial or viral infection and can last anywhere from two days to two weeks. Many people run to the nearest drug store to treat a sore throat. Yet viral infections do not respond to antibiotics, and many over-the-counter drugs leave Read More


Melatonin, the sleep hormone, may treat MS

Melatonin is known by many for its ability to help you relax and go to sleep. A new study shows that melatonin may also be beneficial for people with multiple sclerosis (MS) – a debilitating neurological disorder. The root cause of MS is unknown, but we do know that it causes the body to attack its own neurons Read More

blushwood berry

This Australian berry kills cancer cells, naturally

According to the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute in Queensland, Australia, there may be a new, up-and-coming natural treatment for cancer on the way: blushwood berries. Researchers found that the fruit contains compounds that immediately began killing off cancer cells in laboratory studies. The researchers, led by Dr. Glen Boyle, have developed an experimental drug Read More

Top 10 herbal remedies for back pain

Top 10 natural herbal remedies for back pain

Considering that some 80% of adults have back problems at some point in their life, the human spine seems to be an engineering failure. Each year, 13 million people go to the doctor for chronic back pain, with over 4 million Americans either chronically or temporarily disabled. The problem plagues both men and woman alike, Read More

Top 10 medicinal plants for sunburn relief

Top 10 medicinal plants for natural sunburn relief

Medicinal plants have been used for millennia to treat wounds, burns and common maladies. Many practitioners of traditional medicine believe in the natural healing power of nature itself, and today people continue to rely on medicinal plants to treat common problems such as sunburn. Sunburns are caused by radiation from the sun and, normally, a Read More