Buying news, articles and information:
 | 2/14/2015 - Many of the world's uber-elite and super-wealthy are staking out retreats in remote lands like New Zealand to protect themselves and their families from coming unrest.
As reported by Britain's Mirror, hedge fund managers especially are staking out the secret escapes, "in the event of civil uprising...
 | 5/18/2014 - An unmarried and undecided man is on his way home when he receives a phone call from his girlfriend. They've been dating on and off for many months now; she wants a commitment. He's undecided. When he hears her voice come through the line, it's unsteady, but giddy with excitement. For a month now, she...
 | 7/11/2013 - China might be in the middle of an incredible economic rebirth, as its thousands of factories churn out all sorts of consumer goods for an increasingly hungry global consumer market. But it is doing so in a manner that is harming its public and destroying its environment. So bad is the contamination...
 | 6/22/2013 - The federal leviathan has become obsessed with keeping an eye on us, as evidenced by recent revelations that the National Security Agency (NSA) has been conducting blanket warrantless surveillance on all our electronic communications for years.
Though inexplicable on its face, the NSA at least had...
 | 5/21/2013 - Unhappy with the lack of progress on new gun control legislation, the Obama Administration is using your tax dollars to corner the market on ammunition, buying up as much as possible to limit the amount the public can purchase, according to a U.S. lawmaker.
Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., in an interview...
 | 4/10/2013 - There's a bigger agenda happening with bitcoin that needs to be publicly stated, and this goes far beyond the issue of the financial harm that will be caused when the bitcoin bubble finally implodes.
Central banks hate bitcoin. They hate it because it doesn't allow them to loot bank accounts (Cyprus)...
 | 4/3/2013 - The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist....
 | 2/22/2013 - "Dear Mr. Adams, there are things we don't talk about in the natural products industry..." Such began a message sent to me by the founder of a nutritional products company. It was sent in reaction to my posting of my "organic China fraud" article that questioned the legitimacy of organic certification...
 | 10/8/2012 - Are you one of the tens of millions of Facebook users who don't think you can live without it? If you value your privacy in a high-tech society in which 24/7 surveillance is a virtual reality - especially online - you might want to reassess just how important the site really is to you.
 | 7/20/2012 - In the midst of an economy that's turning upside down, many people feel the loss of control and sovereignty in their communities and their lives. Many are concerned about where they can buy healthy food and other supplies and services without being pressured by large corporations whose interests differ...
 | 6/18/2012 - Now that the GMO labeling ballot measure has been officially accepted onto the California ballot, Monsanto is gearing up its propaganda campaign that aims to convince people you don't need to know what you're eating! Trust us, we're the food companies! We never lie, do we?
For the record, I'm an...
 | 4/18/2012 - You can tell a lot about a person by assessing what they purchase. It's called "consumer profiling," and corporations do it all the time. That's how those grocery store loyalty discount programs work, by the way -- they profile your psychology by analyzing what you're buying. From that information,...
 | 11/28/2011 - There are arguably a number of varying factors influencing the mass farmland sell-off currently taking place in the American Midwest. One thing seems certain, though -- America's once-treasured farming tradition is quickly fading into history as the next generation of Americans abandon rural life, and...
| 8/12/2011 - After decades of grassroots public education, battles to safeguard standards, and hard work, organic food and farming has become the fastest growing sector of U.S. agriculture. Organics have surged in popularity to become a $30 billion dollar industry in the United States, representing approximately...
| 5/13/2011 - Essential oils are used in the practice of aromatherapy. They are also useful to use at home for psychological and physical well-being. Essential oil is the distilled, pure essence extracted from the fruit, peel, twigs, leaves or flowers of a plant. Caution needs to be exercised when purchasing essential...
 | 10/22/2010 - On June 30, 2010, a group of armed government agents from local, state, federal and even the Canadian government illegally trespassed on private property and raided Rawesome Foods, a private food buying club in Venice, California. With guns drawn, these agents tore through the property stealing computers,...
 | 5/10/2010 - The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF), an organization whose mission includes "defending the rights and broadening the freedoms of family farms and protecting consumer access to raw milk and nutrient dense foods", recently filed a lawsuit against the FDA for its ban on interstate sales of...
| 2/10/2009 - Organic food is now the fastest growing segment of U.S. agriculture. In 2007, the value of retail sales from organic food was estimated at more than $20 billion. According to the Food Marketing Institute, more than half of Americans now buy some organic food product at least once a month. The industry...
 | 9/8/2008 - Are you having a hard time stretching your grocery dollars during the current economic downturn? You're not alone. But before you stop buying fresh fruit, meat, vegetables and other items often perceived as costing a lot, check out these tips from a University of Michigan Health System dietitian.
 | 7/31/2007 - This is a rare opportunity to take part in a cooperative product acquisition effort organized by and designed to help consumers eliminate the toxic chemicals found in manufactured laundry detergent products. A few months ago, we announced a product called Maggie's Soap Nuts -- a natural...
| 8/11/2006 - New research published in the August 12 issue of The Lancet has found that more patients are buying prescription drugs on the internet, which has led many conventional medical authorities to worry about the possible dangers of online drug purchases. Mainstream media outlets are reporting on the dangers...
 | 9/28/2005 - You have the power in your hands to change the world. This change ripples out from you in concentric circles, and it all starts with decisions you make at the grocery store because what you choose to buy and consume impacts the world in many powerful ways that you may have never been aware of. Every...
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The Consumer Wellness Center is
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The Honest Food Guide is
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