Biotech industry news, articles and information:
 | 5/27/2016 - "Science" is a word that is often taken for granted, since the public trusts that it means they can trust what they are being told. But whose version of "science" can you really trust? When a scientific study is set up today, it's often used as a means to an end, to approve a synthetic formulation so...
 | 2/10/2016 - The Centers for Disease Control announced on Feb. 1 that the Chipotle Mexican Grill E. coli outbreak is officially over. The outbreak, which triggered allegations of bioterrorism and corporate sabotage, has apparently been contained after making scores of people in more than a dozen states sick.
 | 2/2/2016 - After months of investigation, the CDC has now reached a conclusion that provides yet more support for the likelihood that Chipotle was the victim of corporate sabotage by the biotech industry, which targeted Chipotle because of its non-GMO menu.
On December 23 of last year, I wrote about the likelihood...
 | 2/2/2016 - What happens when a private company with a long history of producing some of the most toxic chemicals[1] on the planet and now produces our food starts facing public pressure from a growing national grassroots movement to label their products to conform with basic principles of democracy...
 | 12/23/2015 - After observing recent events involving Chipotle and e.coli, here's my analysis of the situation: Chipotle's e.coli outbreaks are not random chance. They are the result of the biotech industry unleashing bioterrorism attacks against the only fast food company that has publicly denounced GMOs.
 | 9/8/2015 5:51:38 PM - One of the arguments supporters of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) often give in defense of the controversial technology is that the scientific community has supposedly come to a consensus that biotechnology is a safe and effective way to produce food. What they're not telling you is that many...
 | 4/27/2015 - The free market victories against the sleazy biotech industry are coming at a rapid pace now, and the latest announcement is a real game changer: Chipotle Mexican Grill has outright rejected all GMOs and, as of today, is now serving all non-GMO ingredients in its foods.
"When it comes to our food,...
 | 3/14/2015 - On February 11, the New York State Assembly passed a bill that would protect farmers from being sued by biotechnology companies in the case of genetically engineered (GE) crops accidentally growing in their fields.
In contrast with conventionally bred crops, GE crops are typically held under a patent...
 | 9/7/2014 - Governments have teamed up with the biotech industry in the past to demonize critics of genetically modified foods and crops, as well as promote efforts to propagandize their use. Now, it seems, academia is teaming up with the industry as well, and for the same reasons.
In a recent announcement,...
 | 7/21/2014 - After watching the bizarre and irrational reaction to the original story I published here, I've decided to replace it with a meta analysis of what the reaction to this story really says about today's corrupt media and irresponsible "corporate science" operators.
For the record, the story which originally...
 | 5/23/2014 - Golden rice is falsely touted by GMO advocates as a miracle cure for blindness and death -- usually with a "leap to faith" attitude that disallows any thought of skepticism or requirement of scientific proof. GMO fantasy land adherents claim that golden rice is genetically engineered to produce higher...
 | 4/25/2014 - Most of you reading this have no idea how desperate the biotech industry has been to block GMO labeling laws: they've committed election money laundering crimes, hired negative P.R. trolls, paid major publishers to place character assassination hit pieces against activists, unleashed threatening phone...
 | 1/25/2014 - Anti-GMO activists and Kauai County council members in Hawaii had to dig in as Kauai mayor Bernard Carvalho made a plea to not override his veto of Bill 2491. That's a bill that would monitor and restrict GMO planting and pesticide use in that county. The council got the necessary votes to overturn...
| 4/23/2013 9:27:12 PM - Let me preface this by saying; thank God there are people in the world that are willing to expose the endless deceit of the biotech industry. Much of this article was taken from a piece written by Thomas A. Anderson, a Wall Street correspondent, in his article entitled; GMO Foods become "NEO" Foods.
 | 7/15/2012 - While millions of Americans were busy celebrating freedom from tyranny during the recent Independence Day festivities, Monsanto was actively trying to thwart that freedom with new attacks on health freedom. It turns out that the most evil corporation in the world has quietly attached riders to both...
 | 3/7/2012 - Genetically engineered foods will "feed the world," say Bill Gates and all the rest of the GMO pushers. GM crops are the result of "high-tech agriculture" and "advanced technology" created by super-smart agricultural geniuses who only enhance the properties of food crops. GMOs are better than God, better...
 | 8/19/2011 - A meeting among several key executives and CEOs of organic food producers, distributors, and retailers was held in Anaheim, CA in March, 2011. It was part of the Natural Products Expo West. The meeting focused on the USDA and the biotech industry's GMO allowances. Essentially, a war against GMOs was...
 | 4/1/2010 - As NaturalNews readers already know, corporations and universities right now claim intellectual property ownership over roughly twenty percent of your genetic code. This absurdity has occurred due to bizarre operations of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office which has handed corporations intellectual...
| See all 65 Biotech industry feature articles.Concept-related articles:Cancer:Public health:The FDA:Food supply:FDA:Diet:Doctors:Science:Big Pharma:SAMe:Food:Article:Health:News:Direct:Congress:
Concepts related to Biotech industry
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The Consumer Wellness Center is
a non-profit organization offering nutrition education grants to programs that
help children and expectant mothers around the world.
Food Investigations is
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The Honest Food Guide is
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truth about what foods we should really be eating. offers
a free online reference database of healing foods, phytonutrients and plant-based
medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions. is
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