#3) Plastics, perfumes, deodorizers - top "culprits" of recurring headaches that start when you get dressed to go somewhere
by S.D. Wells
Is your whole system overwhelmed with toxic stuff that smells good? Are you wearing toxins? When you sweat, does your body absorb MORE toxins, the more you sweat?

Can your skin even breathe? Tell me you're not using Lysol or Febreze and that you don't burn cheap candles loaded with toxins in your home.

Promise that you don't use antiperspirant that contains aluminum and carcinogenic chemicals, because your skin is absorbing them!

"Environmental sensitivities" are usually the direct result of what you spray in your home, what you burn (candles and scents), and what you apply to your skin.

Do you have allergies or asthma? Millions of Americans use scented candles, air freshener sprays, plug-in deodorizers and diffusers to make their living spaces smell clean, but various chemical additives trigger major health problems.

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) include formaldehyde and petroleum distillates that can cause respiratory issues and leukemia. No wonder your head hurts. It's a warning sign.

Perfumes can contain benzyl alcohol and phthalates. To help alleviate these sensitivities, incorporate several plants into your home and workspace, spend more time in nature, and cleanse your liver.


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