#1) Eating pesticide-food is crazy, but over 200,000,000 Americans do it everyday
by S.D. Wells
GMOs are genetically MODIFIED organisms being consumed by humans thanks to Biotech and the agricultural "engineering" taking place in labs to help corporations bankroll.

GMOs are intended to destroy reproductive capabilities and the digestive systems of worms, beetles and other vegetation "pests" that "consume" profits. Are YOU a pest?

GMOs are DNA-designed to kill insects and weeds in crop fields. The medical-industrial complex invests heavily in GMOs, also known as pesticide food, that drive the cancer and Alzheimer's businesses.

Most people who don't tune into Natural News eat bug and weed killer every day, maybe even every meal of their lives.

Since the early 1990s, 200 million Americans have been secretly fed bug and weed killer.

Microwave ovens affect the cell structure of food, contributing to cell mutation.

Also, know the "Dirty Dozen" soft fruits and veggies that easily absorb MORE pesticide you can't wash off!




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