#2) Since most conventional meat contains bleach, why isn't it white? The US meat industry uses nitrates for the red "color trick" that makes you sick
by S.D. Wells
What's your poison, a steak or a burger? Does it look real fresh at the butcher's station at your favorite grocer, just that right, distinctive tint of red? Is it turning a little brown in the package now? Does it even matter?

Carnivores know the distinctive color of bacon and hot dogs. It looks like that "healthy flush of just-slaughtered meat," but processed meat sold in stores was slaughtered long ago, then bleached to kill bacteria, so what happened?

Nitrates and Nitrites are additives that increase meat's shelf life but shorten human life. It's that simple.

Nitrates give meats that "Junk Science" high salt content flavor, and most carnivores are just plain addicted. Don't say bacon three times in a row and ring a bell or Pavlov's dogs (all the carnivorous humans) will start salivating!

Pay close attention, meat eaters, to what it is your organs are consuming.


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