Quit smoking before you finish reading this news!

April 22nd, 2016, by

It’s a mental quit first. Get your mind in gear. Get it ready. Get it wrapped around the notion that you will not ever be a smoker again–then start the process of weeding out chemicals and infusing high grade superfood nutrition. The news is in: Cigarettes contain ammonia, bleach, fiberglass, plastic, insecticides! yes … we know all that. But thanks. We want a legitimate way to quit, and we haven’t found one yet. The pills, ha, they just give you horrific nightmares and more anxiety. You might as well drink a whole bottle of aspartame and eat a handful of MSG. And Allen Carr’s book–you still gotta “psyche” yourself out of smoking. He left out nutritional advice and heavy metal detoxification and mineral supplements and vitamin D and the list just goes on and on.

And so you get ready for all of these things in your MIND, you get them straight in your head, before just “diving into some dark lake full of danger,” instead you go in slow with a plan that you know works, and then you don’t even really HAVE to think about it, you just work the plan. That’s another reason the patch doesn’t work. It’s no kind of plan. You can’t take 100 milligrams of nicotine every 45 minutes (a cigarette) and then go and put some lame patch on your arm that bleeds nicotine out at 3 to 4 milligrams an hour and expect to wean yourself off cigarettes. That’s like being a raging alcoholic who drinks 18 – 24 beers a day (yes, there are plenty of them who do) and then tries to wean himself off it all using some non-alcoholic beer (they still have alcohol in them btw), and trying to psych himself out of the rest of the withdrawals.

That’s never going to work. Never does. They always go back. One beer. One shot of vodka at a party. One dash of whiskey in that cola at the ball game and BAM! Raging alcoholic within days. Same for smokers. You think you quit, but with no plan for rebuilding the body’s immune system, nutrient base, good gut bacteria, and detoxifying heavy metals, within 2 weeks, and sometimes within 6 months, they cave, and stress hits and they smoke just ONE cigarette and BAM!! Within days they’re chain smokers again.

And so once you know how the chemicals in cigarettes actually AFFECT your body, then you REALIZE what you’ve put yourself through, WHY you feel like you do when you need a cigarette, and exactly WHAT you’re going to do about it, and, LAST BUT NOT LEAST, you know that what you are going to do REALLY WORKS.

Now that you’ve got your head wrapped around the first part, let’s get to the second part, which is behavior modification. Here are the TOP 5 behavior modification strategies you should deeply consider right now:


Top 5 behavior modification strategies

(1) Breathing pattern: Smokers take between 9 and 14 drags off one cigarette. If you smoke a pack a day (about 20 cigarettes), that means you are inhaling, holding, and exhaling over 200 times a day in a particular way (two packs a day = 400). Although the smoke contains over 700 toxins, the breathing pattern is relaxing and meditative. When smokers quit, they fail to replace this ritual, which leads to stress and builds anxiety, especially when they feel the urge to smoke. Try pretending you have a cigarette and breathe the same way as often as you smoke. This also aids in digestion.

(2) Change of environment: At least 90% of smokers change their environment every time they have a cigarette. That means leaving an office, restaurant, factory, home or party to step outside. This change of scenery is an escape from the hustle and bustle, or the stress of work. Add to the fresh air a glance at the sun or stars, and you’ve built in some stress relief. Take “fake smoke breaks” after quitting.

(3) Replace nicotine with natural stress relievers and motivators: Hundreds of chemicals in cigarettes disrupt the central nervous system, creating and heightening anxiety, nervousness, doubt and frustration. Nicotine provides just enough kick to make smokers feel normal for 20 to 30 minutes. Ex-smokers must replace and replenish the body’s capacity to produce normal hormones that defeat anxiety and motivate them into action (http://addictions.about.com/od/overcomingaddiction/f/vitamin_B.htm). Specific natural foods, vitamins and supplements boost dopamine and serotonin production, and balance the central nervous system. Vitamin B complex, mucuna, and cabbage are great examples(http://www.serotune.com).

(4) Hand to mouth habit: Multiply a dozen drags of a cigarette by a pack a day, and that’s about 250 hand- to-mouth motions a day, a ritualized behavior that must be replaced by something productive and mood enhancing. Eating raw mixed nuts, sipping a healthy drink, nibbling on dark organic chocolate or chewing licorice replaces cravings and converts a bad habit into a productive one.

(5) Shift your acid heavy system to alkaline: Most smokers have given up on nutrition and exercise. Common food for smokers includes meat, dairy, processed foods, alcohol, sugar, salt, and possibly artificial sweeteners. In order to defeat stress, the body must be more alkaline than acid, which means consuming mostly fresh vegetables, fruit, and spring water. This balances the system and detoxifies it, driving away the urge to smoke(http://www.findaspring.com/).

she reads

See! Just like that–a little knowledge about your body and your mind and the fuel they need and you’ve already quit–in your mind that is–before you finished reading this article.

Now, the final step–the physical one–and you’re going to love this part…because it means feeling so much better than you do right now:

Climb OUT of the chemical factory and detoxify from the fix … start now and BE DONE WITH CIGARETTES in less than two weeks. Here’s how. Watch the free trailer and find out more about the Natural Method that’s sweeping the country and changing THOUSANDS of lives …

beach guy

14AndOut – Stop Smoking Naturally in 14 Days!

One-hour instructional video comes with a nutritional guide in PDF format, so you can print it and use it for shopping! It’s all so easy to follow. Start your new life as a non-smoker now. This program is doctor, nutritionist and Health Ranger recommended.

14AndOut – Stop Smoking Naturally in 14 Days!

Extending people’s lives 10 to 20 years by quitting smoking naturally and for good–14AndOut program combines common sense, substantial research, a 14-step plan, and sound nutritional advice. Start your new life now.



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