(NaturalNews) After watching the bizarre and irrational reaction to the original story I published here, I've decided to replace it with a meta analysis of what the reaction to this story really says about today's corrupt media and irresponsible "corporate science" operators.
For the record, the story which originally appeared here reminded readers of the dangers of runaway science experiments being conducted on the public at large, and it proposed that bioengineered food crops -- which have been
scientifically shown to cause deadly cancer tumors in rat studies -- pose a very real and very serious danger to the public.
I also proposed that society should keep an eye on all the scientists who are pushing these dangerous GMOs without adequate testing, and I compared the blind pursuit of deadly "GMO science" to Nazi-era scientists who later went on to lead the pharmaceutical company now known as Bayer.
That story quickly became the most maliciously and intentionally mis-quoted story of the year, with media outlets knowingly and falsely attributing quotes to me personally which I had attributed in the story to the German government. This mis-quoting tactic used by the media was so incredibly unethical and malicious that it astonished many observers who became increasingly convinced that pro-Monsanto news outlets had surrendered any semblance of credibility. (It now turns out that many internet-based news organizations changed their tune on GMOs after receiving investment money or grant money from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, but that's another story.)
Every media attempt to attack this story deliberately refused to print the most important quote in my original story, which openly stated: "For the record, in no way do I condone vigilante violence against anyone, and I believe every condemned criminal deserves a fair trial and a punishment that fits the crime. Do not misinterpret this article as any sort of call for violence, as I wholly disavow any such actions. I am a person who demands due process under the law for all those accused of crimes."
Not one attack piece in the media dared print that statement. They all engaged in malicious misquoting in order to paint a falsehood, which is precisely the kind of junk science tactic used by the biotech industry itself to commit scientific fraud.
Predictably, those same media outlets that disparaged the article intentionally failed to mention the extraordinary contributions to public health and safety that I've pioneered here at Natural News. For example, I am the first food contamination research scientist to have documented the heavy metal tungsten in organic rice protein products. I'm the architect of the industry-wide voluntary agreement to limit the levels of lead and cadmium in rice protein, and my work on the discovery of lead and cadmium in cacao products has now been confirmed by a team of international scientists who
published in the journal of the American Chemical Society.
Using ICP-MS instrumentation and high-level analytical chemistry, I invented
the world's first dietary supplement that is scientifically proven to bind with radioactive isotopes of Cesium-137. This product has the potential to save millions of lives following a nuclear accident, and I've announced a campaign to donate the product to emergency responder groups all across America. The mainstream media refuses to cover this lifesaving discovery, even as that same media is heavily promoting an experimental Ebola drug that has so far produced a 40% death rate in those treated by it.
This is what happens when rats were fed GMOs in a strict laboratory setting:

Paid GMO shills -- people like
Monsanto front man Jon Entine -- organized a media propaganda campaign to malign the article and its author, but their efforts backfired because it only caused a surge in new Natural News readers and subscribers, boosting our email subscriber base by over 12,000 readers in just a few days (and continuing from there). It turns out that millions of people all around the world strongly agree with the comparison of biotech scientists to Nazi scientists. It isn't an irrational comparison: both groups consist of people who operated with blind faith in their "mission" with a total disregard for human dignity or the precautionary principle demanded by good science.
True history is filled with factual accounts of scientists causing mass death and suffering due to the same kind of stupefying arrogance we now see in the biotech industry. The history of thalidomide is just one example: there's also DDT, Agent Orange, Vioxx and all sorts of other chemicals that were declared "safe" by scientists but later found to be devastating killers of humans and animals.
The true history of the U.S. government's "scientific" medical experiments on
Tuskegee victims or
Guatemalan prisoners simply cannot be dismissed. If we are to protect the lives of our fellow human beings,
we MUST closely monitor and regulate the activities of scientists, especially those engaged in large-scale experiments in food, agriculture or medicine which essentially place the entire population into "guinea pig" status.

The biotech industry today operates much like Big Tobacco did a generation ago. Powerful lobbyists influence federal legislation while scientists who dare question the claimed safety pronouncements of the industry are aggressively censored, disparaged and blackballed. Through a campaign of extreme intimidation and threats, Big Tobacco managed to silence scientists and whistleblowers about the harm caused by smoking cigarettes for many decades. This industry dominated the medical journals of the day, running full-page cigarette advertisements in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
It also controlled legislators in Washington, making sure no laws were passed that might restrict the profit of its products, even as the industry was selling products it knew caused horrifying increases in cancer and heart disease.
See, we already have an historical example of corporate science silencing whistleblowers and causing the deaths of millions of people. By any honest account, the true history of Big Tobacco is nothing less than a "tobacco holocaust" that destroyed countless millions of lives.
Had I been an investigative journalist living in the 1960's, 70's or 80's, I would have published the truth about the dangers of cigarette smoking, and I would have been attacked and vilified by the tobacco industry in exactly the same way the biotech industry attacks skeptics and whistleblowers today. In 2014, it is now "common knowledge" that cigarette smoking is dangerous and deadly, but a generation ago, no person dared utter such an idea for fear of being disparaged, silenced and blackballed.
In the very near future, the truth about the deadly effects of glyphosate and bioengineered foods will be widely acknowledged with the same clarity and certainty now applied to smoking tobacco. Concerned journalists such as myself will one day be recognized and celebrated for sounding the alarm on deadly agricultural practices which, just like tobacco, contributed to millions of needless death and all its associated suffering.
The reason biotech shills are hyper-sensitive to comparisons with Nazi scientists, I've discovered, is because they fully recognize the resemblance. Modern GMO "science" is run entirely on quack science, media infiltration and influence, scientist intimidation, science journal censorship and financial influence with lawmakers. The biotech industry willfully violates federal law, contributing to
illegal money laundering operations in GMO labeling campaigns, organized by the deeply corrupted Grocery Manufacturers of America, a mafia-like organization that openly seeks to keep consumers in the dark about what they're eating.
If the technology of GMOs had any real merit and genuine safety, the industry would not have to resort to intimidation, threats and censorship tactics to achieve public acceptance. In a very real sense, the biotech industry is its own worst enemy precisely because of the way it hires mercenary shills and "scientists" to engage in the very same kind of tactics used by Nazi scientists as part of their campaign of genocide in the 1930's and 40's.
Many of these biotech operators know full well that they are engaged in fraudulent science that threatens the health and safety of humanity, but that's who writes their paychecks, so they play along for as long as the scam holds out. The fact that they are willfully engaged in "agricultural genocide" is of no importance to them because they can tell themselves the same kind of lies that Nazi soldiers told each other as they were rounding up Jews for extermination. Remember: the Nazi pursuit of genocide was promoted and embraced by the German society as a "cleansing" of the human race... a way to "uplift humanity" and make progress for human civilization. These proclamations smack of the very same kind of quack science delusions now parroted by GMO shills who echo Nazi logic seven decades later.
Ultimately, there is no question that history will vindicate all those who warned about the dangers of bioengineered crops and the devastating effects on the population and the environment. But if that day comes long after the damage has already been done, then we will have failed in our mission to stop the destruction, save human lives and prevent the ecological death -- "ecocide" -- caused by glyphosate herbicides and genetic pollution.
All genetically modified crops need to be studied in carefully-controlled greenhouse environments and tested for long-term safety before they are allowed to be released into the wild. Sadly, we are long past that point, and the biotech industry has placed upon humanity the burden of a Pandora's Box which can never be closed. The all-important step of establishing long-term safety before unleashing the self-replicating technology was willfully skipped in the rush to market.
Now we venture into the future as unwitting participants in a planet-wide experiment to find out what happens when greed-driven corporations play God with nature and "corporate science" is allowed to override scientific precaution. The outcome of this experiment is unknown and may be devastating to human civilization. Those responsible for placing humanity at extreme risk are acting not just irresponsibly, but criminally. The day may come when they recant their blind obedience to a dangerous corporate regime, but for now they march in step with the modern-day equivalent of Nazi science: biotechnology.
Following World War II and the collapse of the Nazi empire, the world convened the Nuremburg trials which prosecuted top Nazi collaborators for crimes against humanity. One day, I believe similar trials may very well be necessary in the realm of GMOs, for the purpose of making sure humanity never forgets how we were all hoodwinked, silenced and then poisoned by an industry of death which has long abandoned any respect for human dignity or environmental stewardship.
Sadly, millions of people will likely have to be killed by GMOs before this realization comes to light. Just as Big Tobacco managed to suppress science and infiltrate science journals and government decision makers for several decades, the biotech industry may well accomplish the same thing. But the truth cannot be buried forever, and when the truth comes out about the human death and environmental destruction caused by GMOs, the world will ask the question, "Why didn't anyone see this coming?"
We did see it coming. We warned the world about it for all the right reasons -- in an effort to save lives and halt suffering -- but the world wasn't yet ready to listen.
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