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As food inflation worsens, GROCERY STORES are becoming frequent sites of violent fights and thefts… welcome to Joe Biden’s utopia
07/01/2022 // Ethan Huff // Views

Joe Biden's "Build Back Better" (6uild 6ack 6etter) plan for America is moving right along just as his regime planned, with widespread civil unrest incidents now occurring at grocery stores.

Inflationary pressures coupled with food shortages is causing some Americans to suffer total meltdowns right there in aisle six. One recent incident involved a customer who stomped the face of a security guard, while another saw a woman light herself on fire over in produce.

Another unhinged person drank gasoline over in the bakery while still another brandished an axe – maybe this person was unaware of the fact that the meat in the butcher section had already been slaughtered.

It all sounds like fiction, but the news media says it is happening all over the place as people grow restless. The constant political bickering that rules this country could be one factor in the melee, or perhaps a few three-letter agencies are orchestrating these incidents as false flag events.

Whatever the case may be, American civility is being lost at a rapid pace, and the current regime appears to be doing everything within its power to escalate the insanity as much as possible. (Related: Many are calling the current crisis Biden's "inflationary bomb".)

"What happened with covid?" asked Kim Cordova, the president of a grocery union in Colorado who says that her members are seeing and experiencing more violence than ever before in the history of the group, which has been around for 37 years.

"People have changed. Sometimes I wonder if I am living in a Netflix movie. This can't be real."


Civilized society really took a turn for the worse after Trump was selected, followed by the plandemic and now the Supreme Court decisions

Call it the zombie apocalypse – or better yet, the precursor to the Great Tribulation spoken of in the Bible. Society is changing, just like Barack Hussein Obama promised it would, and the consequences of those changes are only just beginning.

Violence has become so out of control that the Colorado union Cordova heads recently negotiated a contract to allow grocery workers to defend themselves in the event of a customer attack.

"It is a grim acknowledgment of not only the violence plaguing many facets of American society but the increasing unwillingness of retail employees to keep turning the other cheek to crime in their stores," reported Yahoo! News.

Things really started to spiral out of control back in early 2020 when the government, with Donald Trump at the helm, started imposing lockdown and mask mandate restrictions, which set many people off.

Since that time, restrictions have eased somewhat, but people are still on edge. Like a bundle of dry tinder on a blazing summer day, many are just one nasty comment away from a blowup and possible physical altercation.

Even before the plandemic, FDA data shows that assaults have been increasing at an astounding rate. Between 2018 and 2020, overall assault cases rose by 42 percent. In grocery stores specifically, they rose by 63 percent, and by 75 percent in convenience stores.

"Violence in and around retail settings is definitely increasing, and it is a concern," says Jason Straczewski, a vice president of government relations and political affairs at the National Retail Federation.

In essence, what we have seen is a long line of inflammatory events occur that appear to have been engineered for the purpose of dividing and once and for all conquering America. It was really ramped up with the selection of Donald Trump as president in 2016, followed by the plandemic and now the highly controversial Supreme Court decisions over abortion, the Second Amendment and even climate change.

The latest news about the engineered, controlled demolition of America and the West can be found at Collapse.news.

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