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Originally published December 21 2015

Big Pharma exploits patients with insane drug pricing while attacking natural healers who safely treat disease with herbal medicine

by Jonathan Benson, staff writer

(NaturalNews) In the wake of the Martin Shkreli scandal, the pharmaceutical industry has been aggressively defending its price-gouging tactics as necessary for the treatment of sick patients. The line goes that pharmaceuticals are expensive to produce, so paying $750 for a single tablet of Daraprim, for instance, is just business as usual.

At the same time, the drug industry routinely and ferociously attacks natural healers who offer patients cheap, or even free, herb- and plant-based remedies which are generally safer and more effective than pharmaceuticals. These natural remedies don't cost taxpayers tens of billions of dollars a year, and many of them grow in the ground – anyone can produce them!

This dichotomy is at the crux of the modern healthcare crisis, as media pundits and politicians duke it out over how to pay the ballooning costs of drug-based medical treatments. But what none of them ever talk about is the fact that free cures already exist that are routinely mocked or ignored in favor of FDA-approved pills and poisons.

It's a conundrum that our readers and many others in the natural health community have been grappling with for many years. We know the system is broken, and we've been trying to teach the world that ordinary people can take ownership of their own health, without involving greedy corporations and corrupt doctors.

Many have seen the light of truth in this and evolved to a higher level of healing consciousness. But many others have rejected the truth in favor of the status quo model that's bankrupting our country and causing higher rates of disease and death than we've ever seen before. It's a war of ideas, and one that we're slowly winning – but not without a drawn-out fight.

Conformity to corrupt authority will be America's downfall

The problem lies in society's unquestioning acceptance that whatever the "authorities" say is true. If the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) insists that vaccines are safe, for instance, then they must be. After all, this agency belongs to the federal government of "the greatest nation on earth," so it would never lie to us, right?

Americans are rapidly waking up to the fact that this simplistic and naive view of reality represents cultural and societal suicide. If we continue to allow our overlords – in consolidation with evil monster corporations – to dictate health policy, there will come a time when real healing medicine will become extinct.

Take cannabis, for instance. It is easily grown by anyone; it is potent in the treatment of literally hundreds of health conditions, many of which stem from cannabinoid deficiency; and it can be produced practically for nothing, other than the costs associated with soil, water and regular care and cultivation.

Cannabis continues to remain an illegal substance at the federal level, even though it has the potential to remedy the out of control epidemic of chronic disease that ails the West today. Sure, times are changing and prohibition is on its way out, but many Americans don't know the true healing power of the plant because it's been demonized for far too long.

And the reason, says common sense, is that cannabis, like many other healing herbs, makes expensive and dangerous pharmaceuticals completely obsolete. It's a power struggle, in other words, between rich pharma barons and nature, which if allowed to flourish without human obstruction, would be the healing balm of the nations.

"We are not dealing with a scientific problem," says Dr. Samuel Epstein, M.D., a defender of the natural healing arts, about why real healing medicine continues to be unjustly slighted and disregarded by many prominent health authorities. "We are dealing with a political issue."

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