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Originally published December 10 2015

Don't give into emotional eating, instead learn what cravings mean and how to overcome them

by Julie Wilson staff writer

(NaturalNews) We all experience food cravings, and for good reason as they often hold more meaning than you might think. Next time you have one, try embracing it as opposed to feeling shameful like many of us often do.

By examining food cravings, you can begin to understand what they actually mean and why they originate in the first place. In her book Constant Craving: What Your Food Cravings Mean and How to Overcome Them, Doreen Virtue delves into the meaning behind cravings for not-so-healthy food such as chocolate, bread, cheese and fries. Once you understand the meaning behind food cravings, you can begin to eliminate them.

The following is an excerpt from Virtue's book:

Every part of you is perfect, whole, and complete; and your appetite is no exception. Your food cravings and voracious appetite don't mean that something is wrong with you or that you are weak in any way. Rather, they show that your appetite is operating exactly as intended.

Your entire body, including your appetite, reflects the level of peace of mind in your life. Your appetite is designed like an airplane instrument panel to warn you when spiritual and emotional fuel run low.

Hunger is a flashing red light signaling, "I need more peace of mind!"

Animals put on extra weight in preparation for winter hibernation. Humans who carry extra weight are in a spiritual hibernation, asleep to their true potential. The weight serves as a hedge against perceived dangers and lack, in a world that, in truth, is filled with safety and abundance. It's time to wake up from the heavy, tired hibernation of overweight and overeating. When you walk out of the dark winter cave and into the daylight, you experience your true state of eternal springtime, filled with creativity, success, and energy!

In the past, you may have tried to kill your appetite with external forces such as diets, powders, or pills. As you discovered, that approach didn't work for long. What is needed, instead, is to heal your appetite using an internal approach. Well, that's exactly the approach you will be offered in these pages.

It's no accident that you crave a particular food at a particular moment. We crave foods that we hope will give us peace of mind. Cravings occur for two reasons: a desire to feel better emotionally, or to shift our energy level. We want to feel peppier or calmer. More secure and confident. Less angry. Or less afraid.

All creatures are driven to fulfill their basic needs for food, water, rest, shelter, and peace of mind. If any of these needs go unfulfilled, your body signals you to correct the situation. This process of maintaining a comfortable, healthy balance in your body and mind is called homeostasis.

Gut Feelings

The homeostatic drive tells you to put on a jacket when you're cold, drink when you're thirsty, and sleep when you're tired. When you lose peace of mind, your gut feelings direct you to take action to correct the troubling situation. If you don't take action, you experience a negative emotion such as depression. Still, your body is driven to maintain homeostasis, so it tries another approach with you. Your appetite knows which foods will deliver your desired emotion or energy level, those that will bring you back to a temporary state of peace of mind.

Every food you crave has mood- or energy-altering properties that will return you to a temporary homeostasis. As you'll read further on, your body's natural intelligence is remarkable.

As Virtue explains in her book, our gut is an extremely important part of our bodies, and we can learn a lot from listening to it. For instance, consider how fear, excitement, anger and love are all often felt in our midsection. Consider the following emotions:

• You had butterflies of excitement in your stomach.
• You were newly in love, and lost your appetite as a result.
• Your intuition came in the form of a "gut feeling."

For more on overcoming your food cravings, pick up a copy of Virtue's book today.


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