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Originally published December 8 2015

URGENT: Sign the proxy letter to take back the National Organic Standards Board and protect our food supply!

by Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) If you and your family value having access to clean food produced with a minimal amount of synthetic chemicals and pesticides, your help is needed today to stop the national organic label from being rendered meaningless due to persistent industry corruption and the continued watering down of our nation's organic food production standards.

Click here[PDF] to download and sign the proxy letter to remove current USDA organic management! Mailing instructions can be found below.

Right now, there's a conspiracy taking place that threatens to ruin the integrity of the USDA's certified organic food label. And if readers like you don't take formidable action now to protect it, everything that early organic pioneers worked so hard to establish in the interest of providing all of us with certifiably clean food could be wiped out in a matter of months.

The National Organic Standards Board (NOSB), which was established by Congress in 1990 to protect the integrity of the certified organic food label, has undergone some major position changes in recent years. And these changes, warns the organic watchdog group Cornucopia Institute (CI), aren't good for the organic food industry or consumers.

In a nutshell, the current head of the National Organic Program (NOP), Miles McEvoy, is quietly stripping the NOSB of its authority to protect the organic label. As established by Congress, the NOSB is a 15-member body composed of many different stakeholders in organic food production that's supposed to act as a buffer so Big Ag doesn't hijack the organic food industry for its own gain.

But McEvoy is allowing the NOSB to be taken over by industry hacks who have one intent in mind: to lower the threshold of what constitutes "organic," allowing factory farms and everything that organic food production is not to gain access to the prized certified organic label.

What this means is that, if left to run its course, this massive power grab will eventually result in non-organic foods being labeled as organic. Such has already been the case with the Horizon "Organic" dairy brand, which has repeatedly been indicted for illegally selling factory-farm milk labeled as "organic."

"Mr. McEvoy has stripped much of the power from the NOSB," warns CI in a new action alert. "Along with the illegal stacking of the board with agribusiness executives instead of working farmers, this body has become a rubber stamp for corporate/industrial organics."

You can read CI's full assessment of the situation here:[PDF]

Print, sign and mail the Cornucopia Institute proxy letter TODAY to protect the integrity of the organic label

Rather than resort to pushing another online petition (which legislators and policymakers rarely read anyway), CI has created a proxy letter that it's urging everyone to print out, sign and mail in for hand delivery to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack.

This letter, which you can download and print as a PDF here,[PDF] addresses all the major issues at stake. And unlike online petitions, Vilsack and his colleagues will have to log and address every single proxy letter they receive from readers like you.

CI isn't asking for any money in exchange for helping out – though donations to this well-respected organization are encouraged if you can afford it. The goal is to make a real impact in protecting the organic food label so our families, our children and our children's children will have access to clean food that's free of chemicals, GMOs and other toxins.

Be sure to print out, sign, and mail in the CI proxy letter as soon as you can:[PDF]

The mailing address where you can send the CI proxy letter is:

The Cornucopia Institute
P.O. Box 126
Cornucopia, WI 54827

You can also fax the proxy letter to the following number:
(866) 861-2214

We also encourage you to get involved with the important work that CI is doing every day to protect the integrity of the foods you and your family eat:

Sources for this article include:[PDF][PDF]

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