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Originally published January 8 2013

The best-tasting organic gourmet coffee ever? Nutricafe delivers immune mushroom blend with low-caffeine 'health coffee'

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) Coffee lovers are always on the lookout for healthier options, and the response we've received on Nutricafe has been overwhelmingly positive.

Created by the same company that brought you Cocoa Mojo, Nutricafe is a 100% USDA Organic, fair-trade, low-caffeine gourmet coffee that's actually good for you!

Click here to get some at the Natural News store.

Unique immune mushroom blend

Nutricafe is blended with an immune-supporting mushroom complex containing organic Agaricus Blazei, organic Cordyceps Sinensis, organic Grifola Frondosa, organic Ganoderma Lucidum (Reishi), organic Coriolus versicolora and organic Lentinula Edodes.

Plus, each cup contains only about half the caffeine of regular coffee. It's less acidic than regular coffee, too, making it more pleasant to drink and easier on digestion.

Fairly traded coffee from the makers of Cocoa Mojo

Nutricafe is also a fairly-traded coffee, meaning the owners of the coffee farms receive a fair living wage rather than the corporate slave wages typically paid by other companies.

Nutricafe is grown in Chiapas, Mexico, and is roasted in San Antonio, Texas. It's then delivered straight to the Natural News warehouse in central Texas.

Nutricafe is in stock right now at the Natural News store.

Recent science documents health benefits of coffee

I'm not a coffee drinker myself, but I've been astonished at all the recent science documenting the health benefits of moderate coffee consumption. (Don't overdo the caffeine, obviously!)

Here's a complete list of all the Natural News stories on coffee:

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