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Originally published March 16 2012

Health Ranger releases seven new video interviews: Rappoport, Pressley, Joe Nobody, Dale Carson and more

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) I've just released seven new video interviews with some fascinating experts on subjects like vaccines, health freedom, protecting yourself from rogue cops and how to boost your personal defense during an economic collapse. In these interviews, you'll hear top-notch information from some of the world's best experts. Spread the word!

Here's what's new:

Jon Rappoport reveals dirty secrets of the vaccine industry:

Interview with Laura Pressley of who is now running for city council!

Interview with Stephen Miller about the Dr. Benjamin Rush Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (medical freedom):

Interview with Leslie Manookian, creator of The Greater Good documentary that exposes the truth about vaccines:

Interview with Joe Nobody about home defense and self protection for the coming collapse:

Part two with Joe Nobody:

Interview with former FBI agent Dale Carson about how to protect yourself from the police:

Upcoming documentary release: Hungry for Change

I've also been featured in an upcoming documentary movie called "Hungry For Change." This is a top-notch food documentary with very high production values and a powerful message.

The film won't be available until March 21, but you can be one of the first to see the new preview trailer right now at:

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