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Originally published November 10 2004

Biomimetics breakthroughs: studying nature to develop practical technology for mankind

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

Biomimetics is a fascinating -- and fast-emerging -- field of research. Simply stated, it's the science of looking for solutions that have been engineered by nature. Previous biomimetics efforts lead to the development of velcro, and now an entire expo called "Nature's Wisdom" is dedicated to showcasing breakthroughs created by nature and recognized by scientists.

I'm a huge supporter of this sort of science: nature has much to teach us, and if we would have the patience to look at the solutions already provided by nature rather than trying to reinvent everything from scratch, we'd be richly rewarded for doing so.

Nowhere is this more true than in medicinal herbs, where nature has already provided an abundance of disease-preventing herbal medicines all around us -- in the deserts, forests, plains and jungles of the world. And yet only around 2% of the world's plant species have even been studied for possible medicinal benefits. Clearly, there are miraculous phytochemicals just waiting to be discovered and leveraged for the healing of chronic disease.

Yet biomimetics is really more about the physics of nature rather than the chemistry. Using biomimetics, scientists have created temperature-sensing clothing materials that mimic the adaptation response of pinecones. They've also studied the aerodynamics of insect wings to gain insight into advances for machine-powered flight.

Biomimetics is promising, fascinating, and essentially free. Nature has already conducted the research over the last few million years! All we have to do as humans is be smart enough to recognize that nature has already solved all sorts of problems that we are only beginning to encounter.

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