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Originally published November 3 2003

Fiscal insanity encouraged by voters; masterminded by politicians

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

It isn't just the trade deficit that's clobbering the dollar and the U.S. economy, it's also the out of control government spending. A review of new federal spending passed in 2003 shows that Republicans and Democrats alike are exercising virtually no fiscal restraint whatsoever. All across America, it's handout time. Senator McCain said it correctly: "They're spending money like a drunken sailor."

Buffett is just one of many observers with a global perspective. Soros is another. Both agree that the U.S. is presently trodding down the path of economic ruin. You simply can't keep spending money you don't have and export $500 billion in trade deficits each year.

Oblivious to economic reality, the voting public continue to demand their handouts: prescription drugs are the current favorite. In my view, there's something rather frightening about a generation of drug-addicted, crutch-wielding elderly marching on the White House, screaming, "Give us our drugs! For FREE!"

What the drug-demanding generation of voters is doing, by the way, is the same they've always done: pass on another trillion dollars in debt to their children. By allowing it, the federal government is actively promoting a great Ponzi scheme which, incidentally, is a violation of federal law.

But back to the global perspective, Buffett is betting that the U.S. economy is headed for serious economic disaster, and he's not afraid to state the obvious. Personally, my money's on Buffett. Something tells me he knows more about conserving and creating wealth than a group of politicians who can't seem to stop spending other people's money.


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