Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Read between the lines on the FDA's CAM Guidelines

By Mike Adams, May 23 2007
If you've been following the debate over the FDA's new CAM Guidelines (click here for latest update) that threaten to destroy natural medicine by regulating herbs, supplements and even vegetable juices as "unapproved drugs," you've no doubt heard the opposing opinion by some natural health commentators who claim the guidelines say nothing new. Some are even saying the CAM Guidelines are a "non issue" and represent "no big deal." As much as I appreciate the efforts and comments of others in the...

Product review: Power Immune anti-viral tincture from Fitura

By Mike Adams, May 22 2007
Nearly three years ago, I recommended an anti-viral tincture product from a small company that has since closed its doors. It was one of my favorite herbal tincture products: A combination of twelve proven anti-viral herbs like cat's claw, olive leaf, astragalus, garlic and lemon balm. I found that this combination clobbered viruses with a barrage of synergistic phytochemicals, and no virus could resist its effects (it worked for me 100% of the time). Now a new company has resurrected the formula...

The aloe vera miracle: A natural medicine for cancer, cholesterol, diabetes, inflammation, IBS, and other health conditions

By Mike Adams, May 21 2007
I'm truly excited to be bringing you this information today about the miraculous healing abilities of aloe vera. First off, in case you don't know, let me emphasize that I don't sell aloe vera products of any kind, I haven't been paid to write this article, and I don't earn any commissions from the sale of any products mentioned here. I am, however, an enthusiastic supporter of natural medicine, and I personally grow and eat aloe vera plants in Tucson, Arizona. In fact, my yard is an aloe farm...

Breakthrough honeybee drugs to treat Colony Collapse Disorder (satire)

By Mike Adams, May 18 2007
Following the mysterious, accelerating collapse of honeybees across North America and Europe -- a condition dubbed "Colony Collapse Disorder" -- ConPfuzer, a top pharmaceutical company, has announced a new, patented medication designed to treat the disorder by drugging honeybees with psychotropic chemicals. ConPfuzer shares rose $14 in trading today as ConPfuzer's lead pharmaceutical entomologist created quite a buzz with his explanation of how the new drug -- called "Buzzalin" -- might work. "We...

Preview of seven amazing new natural health products to be featured on NewsTarget

By Mike Adams, May 17 2007
It seems that natural health products just keep getting increasingly advanced. As new product samples keep arriving at the NewsTarget officers, we're discovering amazing natural health products from some of the most innovative companies in natural health today. Most of these are new products, and very few people have even heard about them. But they're truly astonishing natural health products that I believe can not only prevent disease and greatly enhance health; they can also treat and help cure...

U.S. Senators financially enslave Americans as Indentured Servants to Big Pharma

By Mike Adams, May 16 2007
The facts found in the report are almost as astonishing as the source of the report itself: USA Today, a mainstream media giant in the United States, has revealed the apparent financial conflict of interest by U.S. Senators who voted against the infamous S.1082 reimportation amendment. That amendment would have ended Big Pharma's monopoly over U.S. consumers and ultimately saved American citizens, businesses and governments tens of millions of dollars by allowing them to import medicines from other...

U.S. Senate attempts damage control as House braces for onslaught

By Mike Adams, May 16 2007
(NaturalNews) This story has been removed. To learn more about nutrition and natural health, try these pages on NaturalNews and NaturalPedia: Nutrition: Superfoods: Nutritional supplements: Resveratrol...

FDA acquiring new powers to suppress alternative health

By Mike Adams, May 15 2007
(NaturalNews) This story has been removed. To learn more about nutrition and natural health, try these pages on NaturalNews and NaturalPedia: Nutrition: Superfoods: Nutritional supplements: Resveratrol...

Camalina herbal healing hot compress boosts circulation, accelerates healing

By Mike Adams, May 15 2007
The Thai people have a long tradition of natural healing, and their hot compresses, known as herbal bags, are a favorite remedy around the world. "Herbal heat revival," also known as the herbal bolus treatment, is believed to calm the nerves and redirect the body energy in a way that is vital to good health. Products at The Herbalist ( are "developed in alignment with ancient beliefs of the chakra system providing a fundamental context for treatment of body, mind and...

Black raspberries shown to be highly effective in preventing cancer

By Mike Adams, May 11 2007
A new study conducted by Ohio State University researchers has documented the power of black raspberries to prevent the development of tumors in the esophagus and colon. The study's findings were presented at the March 2007 national meeting of the American Chemical Society. Gary Stoner, Ph.D., a professor of internal medicine at Ohio State University, led the study. Stoner and his co-workers prepared a powdered, freeze-dried extract from black raspberries then gauged its effect on rats that had...

Why health freedom will ultimately overcome Big Pharma mischief and FDA corruption (opinion)

By Mike Adams, May 10 2007
Do you find yourself frustrated with the lack of progress in the fight for consumer rights against Big Pharma and the FDA? Take comfort, my friends, in knowing that even though we did not achieve the victory we wanted in this latest legislative effort in the United States, we did stand up and be heard. Hundreds of thousands of grassroots supporters of natural health contacted their senators and let their voices be heard. As a result, senators Hatch, Enzi and others are now on the record stating that...

FDA drug safety bill passes in the U.S. Senate; health freedom advocates outraged at betrayal of American consumers

By Mike Adams, May 9 2007
The U.S. Senate passed the FDA "drug safety" bill today (S.1082) with a 93-1 vote. A key amendment that would have called for genuine drug safety protections for consumers -- the Grassley amendment 1039 -- was defeated by a single vote (47 to 46). The new law deepens financial ties between Big Pharma and the FDA, doubling the amount of money directly paid to the regulator by drug companies, but it fails to explicitly protect foods and nutritional supplements from overreaching FDA regulation efforts...

Mike Adams launches eco-friendly LED lighting technology with 1000% improvement in energy efficiency

By Mike Adams, May 9 2007
I'm passionate about solving problems and doing my part to make our world a better place. My passions focus on areas that include disease prevention through nutrition, green living, renewable energy, consumer safety, animal welfare and more. For the past four years, my efforts have focused primarily on education, grassroots activism and content creation. Today, I'm expanding the scope of these efforts with the launch of two new for-profit entities that aim to deliver practical yet innovative products...

Update on Senate bill S.1082 and implications for the health freedom of consumers

By Mike Adams, May 8 2007
After enduring numerous amendments, debates and public scrutiny, Senate bill S.1082 is headed for a likely vote on Wednesday, May 9th. The bill at one point contained an approved amendment that would have ended Big Pharma's monopoly over drug prices in the United States and saved consumers and businesses tens of billions of dollars by allowing them to import medications from other countries, but that provision was summarily nullified by an organized counterattack via Big Pharma-funded Democrats and...

Campaign for Commercial-Free Childhood blasts TV promotion of junk foods to children

By Mike Adams, May 8 2007
In the wake of findings that food is the most-advertised product on television programming viewed by children, the Boston-based Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood (CCFC) recently issued a statement calling for "policies that will protect children from junk food marketers." CCFC's Dr. Susan Linn made the statement in response to the Kaiser Family Foundation's report, "Food for Thought: Television Food Advertising to Children in the United States." "This invaluable report clearly demonstrates...

Americans betrayed by Democratic senators with surprise amendment that protects Big Pharma monopoly

By Mike Adams, May 8 2007
Consumers expecting a miracle in the Senate that would end Big Pharma's monopoly and the FDA-enforced drug racket now operating in the United States will be sorely disappointed by yesterday's events. Fifteen Democratic senators (led by Sen. Edward Kennedy) abandoned consumer interests and joined a Republican-organized amendment that would protect Big Pharma's stranglehold over U.S. consumers by blocking the importation of prescription drugs from other countries. The amendment in question is Senate...

S.1082 Update - Senate Stabs Americans in the Back; Big Pharma Maintains Monopoly on U.S. Drug Prices

By Mike Adams, May 7 2007
(NaturalNews) This story has been removed. To learn more about nutrition and natural health, try these pages on NaturalNews and NaturalPedia: Nutrition: Superfoods: Nutritional supplements: Resveratrol...

28 Senators vote to maintain Big Pharma monopoly over U.S. consumers; Republicans oppose free trade for medicine

By Mike Adams, May 7 2007
On May 3rd, 2007, U.S. Senators voted on an amendment to the 2007 Prescription Drug User Fee bill that aims to reform the FDA and enhance drug safety. This amendment, known as the "Dorgan Amendment No. 990," threatened to break Big Pharma's monopoly over pharmaceutical sales and allow U.S. consumers, cities, states and businesses to purchase their pharmaceuticals from safety-certified pharmacies located in Canada, Japan, the U.K. and other nations. Americans currently pay the highest prices in...

Natural health community having a huge impact on Senate bill S.1082; consumers achieving important victories

By Mike Adams, May 4 2007
We have good news to report on the Senate bill S.1082 that we've been covering all week. The grassroots efforts of citizens and advocates in the health freedom movement are making a huge impact on this legislative effort. We've already managed to delay the voting on the bill from early this week to next week (Monday looks likely), and as Byron Richards reports here, the Senate voted 63-28 to accept the Dorgan amendment which allows prescription drugs to be imported from other countries -- a move...

NewsTarget secures reader discounts on top health and eco-friendly products

By Mike Adams, May 3 2007
As a service to our readers, NewsTarget has secured discounts on nutritional products (supplements, superfoods, and more) from leading supplement formulators and retailers. These discounts, which are exclusive to NewsTarget readers, offer free bonus products, free shipping, percentage discounts or other incentives (varies from one company to the next). Companies are offering these discounts because we asked them to extend exclusive offers to NewsTarget readers. We want to save you money on great...

How to get your natural health or green living product reviewed or recommended by NewsTarget

By Mike Adams, May 3 2007
Here at NewsTarget, we've openly and independently recommended hundreds of natural health and green living products, all without asking for (or accepting) any money from the companies we publicize. Through our recommendations, we've helped numerous companies launch new products and connect with customers, and we've helped literally millions of consumers find new products that enhance health, protect the environment, improve quality of life and offer other similar benefits. I'm often asked by makers...

Review: The Future of Food, a must-see documentary that exposes the biotech threat to life on our planet

By Mike Adams, May 3 2007
There is a cabal of power-hungry corporations that are systematically destroying humanity's future. These companies have taken over the food supply, injected pesticides, viruses and invading genes into staple crops, engineered "terminator" genes that make crop seeds unviable, destroyed the livelihood of farmers and used every tactic they could think of -- legal threats, intimidation, bribery, monopolistic market practices and many more -- to gain monopolistic control over the global food supply. One...

Smokers pose huge burden on employers with extra sick days and lower productivity

By Mike Adams, May 2 2007
Separate studies on two continents have concluded smoking is associated with decreased productivity on the job, both in the civilian and military sectors. The studies were published in the April 2007 issue of the journal Tobacco Control. "In both the civilian and military sectors, smoking has been linked to disability and job-related outcomes, including decreased productivity, increased absenteeism, and long and more frequent work breaks," reported Terry L. Conway, Ph.D. and colleagues at San...

FDA Revitalization Act renamed, amended and still hotly debated; floor vote is imminent

By Mike Adams, May 1 2007
The hotly-debated S.1082 legislation sponsored by Sen. Kennedy has now been renamed the Enhancing Drug Safety and Innovation Act of 2007, reports Brenna Hill of the Health Freedom Foundation and American Association ( The bill is being hotly debated and has been delayed by two days due to the introduction of various amendments. The health freedom community is continuing its grassroots efforts to rally public support for defeating the bill, even while some lawmakers such as...

FDA hoodwinks public over CAM Guidelines comment period, slams door shut on public comments one month early

By Mike Adams, May 1 2007
The FDA has slammed the door shut on accepting public comments over its contentious "CAM Guidelines" that threaten to destroy natural medicine by classifying virtually all health-enhancing foods, juices, nutritional supplements and functional foods as "unapproved drugs." NewsTarget has acquired emails from an FDA employee and key author of the CAM Guidelines. This email contains statements that directly contradict the FDA's own website and reveal a tactic designed to silence public commentary by...

Darth Vader, the FDA, and the Empire of Modern Medicine (opinion)

By Mike Adams, May 1 2007
When studying the actions of the FDA, the American Medical Association, the American Cancer Society and the behavior of doctors, medical journals and drug companies, the phrase "evil empire" quickly comes to mind. Modern medicine is a medical racket, a drug monopoly and disease treatment scam that has been foisted upon the people of western nations (America, Canada, United Kingdom, etc.) in order to maximize corporate profits. And the FDA has become the Darth Vader of the empire, using the power...

Health freedom community rallies against passage of FDA Revitalization Act of 2007

By Mike Adams, April 30 2007
(NaturalNews) This story has been removed. To learn more about nutrition and natural health, try these pages on NaturalNews and NaturalPedia: Nutrition: Superfoods: Nutritional supplements: Resveratrol...

Neurological disease names sound complex, but they often share a common cause

By Mike Adams, April 30 2007
Western populations are plagued by mysterious neurological disorders that rarely, if ever, existed just a century ago. We have disorders with all kinds of complex sounding names like ALS, Lou Gehrig's disease, fibromyalgia and Alzheimer's disease. Most people have heard of these diseases, but just because we name them doesn't mean we know their cause. Take Lou Gehrig's disease -- even conventional medicine admits that perhaps 90 percent of the cases have no known cause. They don't know what causes...

Urgent action needed to help stop "FDA Evilization Act of 2007"

By Mike Adams, April 28 2007
If you are an American, your action is greatly needed on a pending vote in the Senate. On Monday, April 30th, the Senate is expected to vote on the FDA Evilization Act of 2007 (oops, I mean the "Revitalization Act"). This is a bill that has some good points (such as banning advertising on new drugs until they're on the market for two years) but also contains some extremely dangerous provisions that have been exposed by Byron Richards, an author and nutritional supplement formulator who has been working...

After a cancer diagnosis: Crucial questions to consider about chemotherapy vs. naturopathic cancer treatments

By Mike Adams, April 26 2007
It is widely known that an increasing number of consumers are turning to alternative medicine for treatment for diseases like cancer, depression, diabetes, heart disease and so on. What are generally not known are the circumstances under which many consumers make this switch from conventional to alternative medicine. The truth about that is rather surprising and, perhaps, even a bit frustrating because many consumers only switch to alternative medicine after conventional medicine has failed them...

FDA, Inc.? Food and Drug Administration to enter drug business under new "Revitalization Act"

By Mike Adams, April 25 2007
(NaturalNews) This story has been removed. To learn more about nutrition and natural health, try these pages on NaturalNews and NaturalPedia: Nutrition: Superfoods: Nutritional supplements: Resveratrol...

FDA's attempts to slip its CAM Guidelines under the radar fail; deadline for public comment extended to May 29

By Mike Adams, April 25 2007
Following widespread criticism by the public over proposed CAM Guidelines that the agency tried to slip under the radar (see below), the Food and Drug Administration has now extended the deadline for public comment to May 29. (It was previously April 30). The CAM Guidelines (click here to read them yourself) represent a new era of thinking at the FDA and describe the agency's intentions to regulate herbs, functional foods, therapeutic oils, nutritional supplements and even physical devices such as...

The top five cancer-causing foods

By Mike Adams, April 24 2007
Ever wonder which foods should be strongly avoided by those at high risk for cancer? We can begin identifying cancer-causing foods once we know which ingredients in our food cause cancer. Some of those ingredients are food additives and chemicals used to enhance taste, while others are used strictly for appearance or to increase product shelf life. The key to avoiding cancer-causing foods is knowing which ingredients are carcinogens -- or cancer promoters -- and then reading food labels to permanently...

Hawaiian macadamia nut farmers face economic devastation due to false labeling of imported mac nuts as "Hawaiian"

By Mike Adams, April 23 2007
Macadamia nuts are one of my favorite foods for providing health-enhancing oils. They're rich in monounsaturated fats and contain many other phytonutrients that contribute to human health. I think that eating handful of macadamia nuts a day is a great way to control blood sugar, satiate your appetite and boost your nutrition. One of the best regions in the world in which to grow macadamia nuts is Hawaii, but the industry there is about to be devastated, and in another five years it may not exist...

Product review: The Pilates Allegro Reformer is a phenomenal machine for strength, flexibility and coordination training

By Mike Adams, April 20 2007
The popularity of Pilates has skyrocketed over the last ten years. For those that haven't heard much about it, Pilates is an exercise system originally created by Joseph Pilates that focuses on core strength while also emphasizing flexibility and strength through motion, stability, balance, and many other important aspects of strength training. The best thing about it: Pilates is something that anyone can do, irrespective of age, gender, or fitness level. Pilates movements range from extremely simple...

Analysis: Senate committee approves drug safety bill, but FDA still runs on Big Pharma money - UPDATE 1

By Mike Adams, April 19 2007
On Monday, April 30th, the Senate is expected to vote on the FDA Evilization Act of 2007 (oops, I mean the "Revitalization Act"). This is a bill that has some good points (such as banning advertising on new drugs until they're on the market for two years) but also contains some extremely dangerous provisions that have been exposed by Byron Richard, an author and nutritional supplement formulator who has been working to protect health freedom for decades. We republished Byron Richards' most recent...

Are antidepressant drugs an accomplice in the Virginia Tech shootings? (opinion)

By Mike Adams, April 18 2007
The Chicago Tribune reports that Cho Seung Hui, the Virginia Tech shooter who killed 32 fellow students in a shooting rampage, was taking antidepressant drugs. This is not the first time a school shooting rampage has been linked to antidepressants. The infamous Colombine High shootings took place almost exactly eight years ago, and the shooters in that rampage were also -- you guessed it -- taking antidepressant drugs. What is it about antidepressant drugs that provokes young men to pick up pistols...

The top herbs and supplements for wound healing and post-surgical recovery

By Mike Adams, April 17 2007
Is it any wonder everyone wants to get out of the hospital as soon as they’ve arrived? Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are dangerously common; new viruses surface with frightening regularity. Horror stories of Staph infections and amputations can make the hospital stay after surgery scarier than the procedure itself. Post-surgery recovery can be another time of great concern. Did the staff sterilize the medical equipment carefully? Did they follow guidelines to prepare properly for the surgery?...

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