Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Over Eight Hundred Billion Dollar Stimulus Plan will Pay for New Windows, Day Care and Cable TV

By Jo Hartley, February 10 2009
(NewsTarget) The $825 billion stimulus package rolled out by congressional Democrats last week contains huge amounts of government spending being added in with the purpose of creating jobs and providing the economy with a boost. It`s interesting to note that the stimulus package contains a number of items that these congressional leaders don`t often mention. The stimulus proposal was drafted by Rep. David Obey (D-Wis.), the chairman of the House Appropriations Committee. The "American Recovery...

Buying Organic is Well Worth the Cost even When Times are Tough

By Barbara L. Minton, February 10 2009
(NewsTarget) Organic food is now the fastest growing segment of U.S. agriculture. In 2007, the value of retail sales from organic food was estimated at more than $20 billion. According to the Food Marketing Institute, more than half of Americans now buy some organic food product at least once a month. The industry is expected to grow at a rate of 18 percent per year until 2010, making organic food sales one of the fastest growing sectors in the generally sagging U.S. economy. Cutting organic food...

NAIS Threatens Access to Organic, Local and Sustainable Food

By Barbara L. Minton, February 9 2009
(NewsTarget) At first glance, many readers of Natural News will think the National Animal Identification System (NAIS) is nothing that concerns them because they eat only plant based foods. However, NAIS is only one part of a much bigger issue. The implementation of NAIS directly threatens the ability of everyone to eat locally grown, organic, and sustainable foods, including fruits and vegetables. NAIS is the first step in the final round of the takeover and regulation of all agricultural products...

Discover What Traditional Chinese Medicine Knows about Mushrooms

By Jo Hartley, February 9 2009
(NewsTarget) Mushrooms are gaining popularity as a beneficial super food in North America. They are high in vegetable proteins and low in calories, making them a valuable source of healthy nutrition. They also contain zinc, iron, chitin, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Not only are mushrooms a healthy addition to the diet, they also have important medicinal properties. Traditional Chinese Medicine has used mushrooms for thousands of years. There are over 200 species of mushrooms in China...

Researchers Detail Statin Drug Dangers

By Sherry Baker, February 9 2009
(NewsTarget) With familiar and widely-advertised names like Levacor, Zocor, Pravachol, Lipitor, and Crestor, statin drugs have become some of the most widely prescribed drugs in the world. In fact, the medications (technically a class of drugs called HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors) have been so hyped as a pill-popping easy way to quickly lower soaring cholesterol levels, some doctors have advocated they should be sold over-the-counter like aspirin. Others want children as young as two to be on these...

Early Mammograms May Trigger Genetic Breast Cancer

By Sherry Baker, February 8 2009
(NewsTarget) What if a diagnostic test actually triggers the life-threatening disease it is supposed to detect? According to a Johns Hopkins study just published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, that may be exactly what happens when women at risk for genetic breast cancer are subjected to radiation exposure from annual mammograms. According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), about 13.2 percent of women in the general U.S. population will develop breast cancer. But scientists...

Natural Cure for Bladder Control Problems

By Sherry Baker, February 8 2009
(NewsTarget) The National Association For Continence (NAFC) reports about 25 million adult Americans experience transient or chronic problems with urinary incontinence -- and the vast majority who struggle with passing urine accidentally, around 75 percent, are women. Symptoms can include leaking urine when you cough, laugh, or exercise. The number of people affected by the problem has produced a huge market for products to help cover-up or relieve the symptoms, including panty liners that trap urine...

Explore the Many Physical and Mental Benefits of Yoga

By Jo Hartley, February 8 2009
(NewsTarget) Yoga is an effective way to enhance both physical and mental well-being. While yoga is becoming more popular in recent years, it is actually an ancient activity that focuses on connecting the mind, the body, and the spirit by performing specific poses, breathing, and meditation. The practice of yoga has many health benefits that can improve everyone's health. In fact, yoga is an inexpensive and effective way to improve all areas of one's life. Some of the physical benefits include...

Economic Fallacies 101: Government Does Not Create More Jobs Through "Stimulus" Debt Spending

By Mike Adams, February 7 2009
(NaturalNews) While Congress has passed an $800+ billion economic stimulus plan, almost everybody in America seems caught up in a common economic fallacy: The idea that Government can "create" jobs through debt spending. Government spending of debt money does not result in any net creation of jobs at all. It only confiscates wealth from private citizens and forces them to pay for centrally-planned jobs that the real economy usually neither needs nor benefits from. Consider three people living...

Be Informed about Common Poultry Products

By Jo Hartley, February 7 2009
(NewsTarget) Chickens on regular farms are treated inhumanely. Hens are confined to very small spaces and are subjected to high-intensity artificial light to simulate daylight hours. This increases egg production. These laying hens are also fed many different hormones and antibiotics to increase their production as well. It is important that consumers realize the background of the poultry products they are buying and consuming because there are serious ramifications for both the consumer and the...

Hands Free Cell Phone Use Shown to Disorient Drivers

By Sheryl Walters, February 7 2009
(NewsTarget) Research is slowly but surely revealing that the use of cell phones is dangerous and may play a large role in the modern day increase in cancer as well as brain diseases such as Alzheimer's. Certain US States and European countries have banned or are planning to ban the use of cell phones while driving. Now research shows that even hands free phones can affect drivers. England has already banned the use of handsets while driving, and is set to take further action to ban the use of...

Use Aromatherapy to Relieve Stress

By Jo Hartley, February 7 2009
(NewsTarget) People's stress level these days seems to be directly related to their jobs and their workplaces. There are many factors that directly contribute to the amount of stress that people feel. Job insecurity, unnatural lighting, lack of natural sun, computers, chemicals, and job pressures are only a few of the many situations that people have to deal with on a daily basis. Many of these situations also seem beyond a person's control and that can lead to even more stress. What are some...

Health Ranger Posts Second Video Demonstrating Aid for the Impoverished Elderly of Ecuador

By Mike Adams, February 6 2009
(NaturalNews) Ecuador is a beautiful country with a wealth of natural abundance: Food, sunlight, gold and even oil. And yet some people slip through the cracks in the social network of Ecuador and find themselves impoverished, lacking food, clothing and a place to sleep. Last year, while living in Ecuador, my wife and I launched an effort to provide emergency aid to the poor, elderly members of Vilcabamba, Ecuador. This effort involved visiting their homes, finding out what they needed, then acquiring...

Fight and Prevent Osteoporosis Naturally

By Jo Hartley, February 6 2009
(NewsTarget) Women have a higher risk of dying from Osteoporosis than from breast cancer. As our population ages, we will see the prevalence of osteoporosis going up also. Currently, one in four women and one in eight men suffer from this condition. There is good news, though. The best way to prevent Osteoporosis is to eat a diet high in vegetables. Vegetables preserve bones and help fight off Osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a skeletal disorder that is characterized by decreased bone strength that...

Associated Press Kills Michael Phelps Bong Story, Questions Whether Marijuana Was Being Smoked at All

By Mike Adams, February 6 2009
(NaturalNews) Following his admission that he was caught smoking a bong, Michael Phelps has now learned he's been dropped from Kellogg's as a sponsor. When his sponsorship contract runs out at the end of the month, it won't be renewed by Kellogg's, according to a source that spoke to CNBC earlier today ( But the Associated Press killed their story on the matter, and for approximately two minutes, the following message appeared on Google News, which hosts AP content...

Infertility Linked to Common Household Chemicals

By Sherry Baker, February 6 2009
(NewsTarget) For the first time, scientists have evidence that perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs), long thought to be inactive in the human body, can disrupt fertility in women. This is particularly troublesome because PFCs are widely used in industrial nations -- they are in everything from pesticides and clothing to carpets, upholstery, food packages, Teflon-coated cookware and personal care products. And they persist in the environment as well as the human body for decades. The University of California...

Fatty Fish may Reduce Kidney Cancer Risk

By Reuben Chow, February 6 2009
(NewsTarget) More and more research is uncovering the beneficial qualities of fatty or oily fish as a healthy food. A recent study in Sweden has added to this databank of knowledge, having found that Swedish women who consumed such fish at least once every week had a markedly lower risk of developing kidney cancer, as compared to those who did not eat fish or who ate lean fish. Details and Findings of Study The said study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, had run...

Enzymes are Key to Health and Wellness

By Jo Hartley, February 6 2009
(NewsTarget) Not only are enzymes necessary for proper digestion, they are an integral component of every chemical reaction that occurs within the body. Without enzymes no bodily processes would be possible. For example, detoxification, digestion, elimination, and a properly-functioning nervous system are all processes that would not occur without enzymes. This is the reason that enzymes are considered the most important supplement today…and everyone reading this can experience improved health...

Review of ReVitaPhi: A Masterpiece of Superfoods Offered by Elements for Life

By Mike Adams, February 5 2009
(NaturalNews) Dr. Jameth Sheridan is probably the best superfood product formulator alive today. That's no small achievement, either: His products go beyond the world of basic nutrition and embrace the realm of food energetics. There's a quality about his products that resonates with high-vibration people, and every person I've ever watched test his products energetically (through muscle testing, etc.) has been astonished at the positive results. Jameth is best known for his Vitamineral Green...

Review of Zamu: The Best New Health Drink Sold by Any Network Marketing Company

By Mike Adams, February 5 2009
(NaturalNews) The Amazon Herb Company, one of only a handful of network marketing companies I currently recommend, has launched an extraordinary new beverage called Zamu. Unlike most superfruit juices sold by network marketing companies (which are made mostly with cheap filler juices), Zamu is authentic and nutritionally superior. Consider this: • Zamu is certified USDA organic (most other companies like Zrii use non-organic juices). • You can actually taste the rainforest herbs in...

Consumer Wellness Center Awards Nutrition Grant to Florida Non-Profit Delivering Nutrition Education to Economically Disadvantaged Youth

By Mike Adams, February 5 2009
(NaturalNews) The Consumer Wellness Center, led by Executive Director Mike Adams (editor of NaturalNews), has announced a fifth grant in its Nutrition Grant Program. The Consumer Wellness Center (CWC) is a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to promoting nutrition education. The Executive Director position is a non-paid position. Our Nutrition Grant Program awards $1,000 grants to individuals or institutions dedicated to the promotion and sharing of nutritional knowledge among children, expectant mothers...

Cardiac Imaging Zaps Patients with High Radiation

By Sherry Baker, February 5 2009
(NewsTarget) Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the leading cause of death in the United States and many heart attacks occur in people who've had no previous symptoms or warning. So a noninvasive imaging technique known as cardiac computed tomography (CT) angiography (CCTA) that evaluates the anatomy of the coronary arteries quickly and can find calcified and non-calcified plaques that could lead to a heart attack sounds like a great idea -- especially when the test is so specific it has about a 90%...

The Hidden Dangers of Roundup

By Dr. Gregory Damato, Ph.D., February 5 2009
(NewsTarget) Roundup is the world`s most popular herbicide used to control weeds all over the planet and is omnipresent in the food chain of animals and humans. Roundup is claimed to have an active ingredient known as glyphosate (G) and said to be safe for humans even though plants are readily killed. In a first of its kind published study, French researchers recently sought to examine the toxicity of four popular G-based herbicide formulations on human placental cells, kidney cells, embryonic cells...

Traffic Pollution Bad for the Heart

By Reuben Chow, February 5 2009
(NewsTarget) A study recently conducted in Germany has found that people who lived near traffic had a higher chance of developing atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), which in turn increases the risk of heart disease. Details and Findings of Study The study team, led by Dr Barbara Hoffman, who also heads the unit of environmental epidemiology at the University of Duisburg-Essen, used a technology called "electron-beam computed tomography" to measure the build-up of calcium in arteries...

FDA Regulations Permit Toxins in Cosmetics

By Jo Hartley, February 5 2009
(NewsTarget) The FDA Handbook is the standard for regulations in the US regarding the manufacture of food and drugs, including cosmetic and skin care products. It is interesting to learn that this handbook actually allows the use of known harmful ingredients in the creation of cosmetic and skin care products. In fact, almost any ingredient is permissible in cosmetics and body care products, as evidenced by these quotes from the FDA Handbook: "With the exception of color additives and a few...

Peanut President Involved in Salmonella Outbreaks Serves as Industry Quality Adviser

By Jo Hartley, February 5 2009
(NewsTarget) The president of the peanut company that has been involved in a nationwide salmonella outbreak serves on an industry advisory board that assists the U.S. Department of Agriculture in setting quality standards for peanuts. Stewart Parnell, the president of Peanut Corporation of America, was initially appointed to the USDA's Peanut Standards Board in July 2005. He was reappointed in October 2008 for a second term that will continue until June 2011. The salmonella outbreak that involves...

U.S. Treasury Begins Final Blowout Phase as Fed Ramps up Inflationary Debt Purchases Using Fictitious Money

By Mike Adams, February 5 2009
(NaturalNews) For those who haven't been paying much attention to the financial situation recently, the U.S. Treasury has just entered what I call the "final blowout phase" of debt desperation. As reports, the Treasury is set to auction off $67 billion in debt next week, to be followed by increasingly frequent auctions of yet more debt, to the tune of unknown billions (or even trillions) each year. The question is: Who is stupid enough to actually buy a 30-year debt note from the U.S. Treasury...

VA Strains to Meet the Needs of our Veterans

By Jo Hartley, February 5 2009
(NewsTarget) The number of veterans needing health care is rising, and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is having difficulty meeting the needs of our veterans. New statistics released from the Department of Defense and the VA reveal that US casualties are rising. Injuries and deaths connected to Iraq and Afghanistan assignments are at 81,361 now. This is an increase from 72,043 from one year ago. Veteran patients increased from 263,909 in December 2007 to 400,304 currently. Mental illness...

A Holistic Guide to Fighting Stress

By Sheryl Walters, February 5 2009
(NewsTarget) Living in modern life means that we all have to deal with stress. Sometimes stress can be a positive force in our lives because it motivates us. However, sometimes stress can really get us down. It is essential that we have tools in our lives so that we can cope with stress and the general ups and downs of life. So how can we learn to cope with stress? Here are a few tools to help you deal with life in a more balanced and positive way. Diet Sugar, wheat and caffeine are the...

Ending the Atrocities of the FDA; Life Extension Urges Immediate Petition Action for Health Freedom

By Mike Adams, February 4 2009
(NaturalNews) What follows is a call-to-action article by William Faloon, founder of the Life Extension Foundation ( NaturalNews and LEF are working together to publish this information as widely as possible, calling for urgent action to end the FDA's tyranny against the American people and the health supplements industry. Read this article and share this link with as many people as possible. This article also asks for your support in signing an urgent grassroots petition that calls...

Google Latitude Spies on Americans' Exact Geographic Location in Real Time

By Mike Adams, February 4 2009
(NaturalNews) Has the age of electronic stalking begun? Google has announced a new service called Latitude that triangulates the real-time position of any mobile phone user and displays their location online, in real time, for other people to see. Google says it's a "100 percent opt in" service that only works if you sign up for it, but there's something fishy about all this they're not saying: How is it that Google has access to cell phone tower triangulation data in the first place? A typical...

Grape Seed Extract Kills Leukemia Cells in Laboratory

By Jo Hartley, February 4 2009
(NewsTarget) Grape seed extract comes from the seed of grapes. Studies have shown that grape seed extract is high in antioxidants that are able to counteract cell damage in the body that is caused by free radicals. Free radicals are active molecules that can cause cell damage as they roam about and multiply in the body. A new study has recently shown that over three-quarters of leukemia cells in a laboratory setting died within 24 hours of being exposed to grape seeds. In fact, they actually killed...

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