Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Red alert: Fukushima nuclear reactor 4 possibly collapsing, say sources, mass evacuations may be necessary

By Ethan A. Huff, December 12 2011
(NaturalNews) After enduring many months of total information blackout on the situation, an intelligence source connected with NaturalNews has just informed us that Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor 4 may now be on the verge of collapsing, and that mass evacuations in northern Japan could be necessary if such a collapse occurs and is confirmed. NaturalNews presents this only as a precautionary alert, as we have not yet been about to double or triple confirm this report, but we are actively investigating...

Did you know? Microwave popcorn gives off a toxic, lung-damaging gas when cooked

By Mike Adams, December 12 2011
(NaturalNews) You might be reassured to learn that the buttery flavor in microwave popcorn typically comes from a chemical actually found in butter, but you shouldn't be. This chemical, called diacetyl, is so toxic that it commonly destroys the lungs of workers in microwave popcorn factories, afflicting them with the crippling and irreversible disease known as bronchiolitis obliterans. Bronchiolitis obliterans is so rare outside of this context that it has become more commonly known as "popcorn lung...

Epilepsy Foundation warning shows that television, movies can reprogram brain neurology

By Jonathan Benson, December 12 2011
(NaturalNews) Rapidly flashing lights and other fast-moving visual effects in movies, television, and video games can trigger sudden epileptic seizures and other neurological disorders in humans, and a recent warning by an epilepsy group confirms this. According to the Baltimore Sun, the Maryland-based Epilepsy Foundation recently issued a warning about the new, hit movie Breaking Dawn, which is part of the Twilight series, that essentially proves popular media's ability to reprogram brain neurology...

Exposing the hidden epidemic of crippling, painful neurological adverse effects of antibiotics

By PF Louis, December 12 2011
(NaturalNews) The adverse reactions from a certain specific class of antibiotics resemble the crippling adverse reactions of the vaccine injured. But there is much less notoriety among these agonized and debilitated victims of the Medical Mafia, except for one PBS Nightly News special from June 16th, 2011. (PBS, source below) Most antibiotic victims are adults with no one to look after them. Unlike unfortunate autistic or paralyzed vaccine injured kids who have parents dedicated to taking care...

Green tea consumption linked to improvements in total and LDL cholesterol

By John Phillip, December 12 2011
(NaturalNews) Numerous studies have confirmed the health-supportive benefits of green tea consumption, as the ancient Chinese drink helps to prevent many forms of cancer and lowers the risk from cognitive decline and dementia. The result of a systematic literature search published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association finds that green tea supplied from drink or supplements lowers total cholesterol and artery-clogging LDL cholesterol. Green tea contains antioxidant compounds called catechins...

Congressional staffers tweet lurid details while partying on taxpayer dime

By J. D. Heyes, December 12 2011
(NaturalNews) To the hard-working residents and the swelling ranks of indigents in Washington, D.C., the nation's capital isn't really known as "Party Central." That's because they are too busy trying to make a living in one of the most expensive cities in the country or, in the case of the latter socioeconomic group, just trying to survive. With that in mind they - along with taxpayers - ought to be more than just a little upset with staffers of Democratic Congressman Rick Larsen of Washington...

Article updated with new message from the Health Ranger

By Mike Adams, December 11 2011
(NaturalNews) The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist. He now runs the Natural News Forensic Food Lab, conducting world-class food science research and publishing scientific papers on food contaminants and nutritional analytics. Through...

Gingrich wants what never was and can never be - a more aggressive drug war policy that works

By J. D. Heyes, December 11 2011
(NaturalNews) Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is rising in the polls and could very well wind up being the next Republican presidential nominee. Like him or despise him, one knock against him is his publicly stated desire for something that hasn't worked and can never work - a more "aggressive" drug policy and an absolute prohibition on medical marijuana. In an interview last month, Gingrich changed his mind since 1981, when he first introduced legislation to legalize marijuana. "What has changed...

CDC establishes vaccine 'task forces' in local communities to intimidate parents of unvaccinated children, coerce them into compliance

By Ethan A. Huff, December 11 2011
(NaturalNews) Obviously unnerved with the growing number of parents that are choosing to avoid vaccinations for their children, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has decided to establish localized vaccine "task force" squads that go door-to-door in local communities in order to harass parents into compliance. Every state in the Union has provisions on the books that recognize the freedom of individuals to opt out of getting vaccinated for medical, religious, or philosophical...

Artificial Sweetener Disease; a new breed of sickness

By S. D. Wells, December 11 2011
(NaturalNews) Artificial Sweetener Disease (ASD) is sweeping across America, affecting tens of thousands of consumers, and Western medicine calls it anything but what it really is, so that doctors can prescribe expensive pharmaceuticals and set up "check up" appointments for the following weeks. Call it recurring headaches, unbearable migraines, depression, anxiety, muscle pain, arthritis flare ups, buzzing or ringing in the ears, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS),...

International organ mafia coercing poor into donating kidneys to wealthy Israelis

By Jonathan Benson, December 11 2011
(NaturalNews) The demand for healthy, functioning body organs is high, as the number of organ patients far exceeds the number of willing and available organ donors. The result of this imbalance is an ever-growing black market for organs where international organ brokers, many of which are based in Israel, prey on the world's poorest by coercing them to give up their kidneys to primarily Israeli organ patients, or else face severe repercussions. Lebanon's The Daily Star reports on several cases...

Pro-active breast health prevents cancer

By Tara Green, December 11 2011
(NaturalNews) Protecting your health requires more than a good diet and regular exercise. It also involves having the courage to look beyond the received wisdom of the day. This is especially true in avoiding diseases which have reached epidemic proportions in our culture such as breast cancer. Just as the medical experts of other eras had blind spots that make modern experts shake their heads, present day mainstream medicine relies almost exclusively on three tools: surgery; invasive and/or painful...

Low impact holidays: less trash

By Sherry L. Ackerman, Ph.D., December 11 2011
(NaturalNews)For many of us, the first snow is on the ground, night skies are star-studded and a holiday spirit is in the air! Holidays, as much fun as they are, have a tendency to bring out some of our most entrenched bad habits. The holidays should not be a burden on the environment, but they are. Most Americans, for example, produce approximately 25 percent more trash during the holiday season (from Thanksgiving to New Year's) which equates to around 25 million extra tons of waste. There has to...

The dark side of smoking - what Big Tobacco doesn't want you to know

By S. D. Wells, December 11 2011
(NaturalNews) The truth is that most pack-a-day smokers are hooked and cannot figure out how to quit, mainly because most cessation methods don't address the true depth of the addiction, and most are just scams that are marketed by "Big Pharma" to damage your health even further and send any "ex-smokers" right back to the well. The latest regulations by the U.S. Government for cigarettes focus on regulating advertising, marketing, sale and distribution, but they do not address labeling the levels...

Science identifies powerful rejuvenating substance - Nitric Oxide

By Angelo Druda, December 11 2011
(NaturalNews) Human beings have always been looking for the perfect regenerative tonic. In my book the The Tao of Rejuvenation I detail the ancient search and identify some of the great elixirs that have been used to restore health and extend life. Even so, the key understanding is that it is the human body itself that produces the great life restoring chemistry. As it turns out, the long sought elixir of the ancients is actually produced by the body when all of it's systems are purified and boosted...

Federal agents raid Mormon food storage facility, demand list of customers storing emergency food

By Ethan A. Huff, December 10 2011
(NaturalNews) This story has been updated with new developments that include news channel 5 confirming door-to-door questioning of Tennessee citizens about their stored food, as well as the cannery in question here now reversing their original account and saying it never happened. Read those developments at: Here is the original story as posted: As was the plan all along, the so-called "War on Terror" has officially devolved...

Avocado nutrition facts - six things about this amazingly healthy superfood

By Tara Green, November 7 2011
(NaturalNews) Beware of popular health myths. For instance, throughout the 1990s and into the first few years of this century, popular health "experts" often warned against eating coconut oil or coconut milk, causing many people to eschew a food now known to offer many health benefits. Another lingering popular health myth warns against avocadoes, which wrongly labels them as a dietary culprit because of their caloric and fat content. Yet, the truth is avocadoes can boost health in at least 5 ways...

Many invasive pests necessary for pollination of plants, eliminating them could cause global devastation

By Jonathan Benson, December 10 2011
(NaturalNews) Native pollinators like birds and bats are becoming extinct in some areas of the world, and this loss is wreaking major havoc on many of the world's ecosystems. But new research published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B has found that non-native animals, which are typically viewed as undesirable and destructive pests, are actually pollinators themselves -- and eliminating them could cause further devastation of plants and food crops than has already occurred. Dr...

Aromatherapy in action - Peppermint aroma improves memory and concentration

By Elizabeth Walling, December 10 2011
(NaturalNews) Peppermint isn't just for toothpaste and candy canes: research shows the aroma of peppermint is a natural remedy for boosting memory, focus and concentration. Whether in the form of essential oil, fresh mint leaves, or brewed tea, the refreshing scent of peppermint may be just what you need to perk up your mind. One 2006 study in the United Kingdom measured the effect of peppermint aroma on cognitive performance. Researchers compared peppermint aroma in one group to ylang-ylang aroma...

Picky eater children more prone to allergies due to food repetition, suggest studies

By Jonathan Benson, December 10 2011
(NaturalNews) The World Health Organization (WHO) and various other so-called health authorities suggest that mothers breastfeed their babies for up to six months and avoid feeding them certain "high-risk" foods in order to prevent allergies. But several new studies suggest that withholding a diversity of foods from children, as well as allowing them to be picky eaters as they grow up, could actually be a cause of allergies. The UK's Telegraph reports that three large studies -- one out of King's...

TSA harasses teenage girl over design on purse, causes her to miss flight

By Jonathan Benson, December 10 2011
(NaturalNews) The US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has once again demonstrated its complete lack of competency and total disregard for employing any type of common sense. News 4 in Jacksonville, Fla., reports that TSA agents at Norfolk International Airport (NIA) in Virginia stopped 17-year-old Vanessa Gibbs at the screening gate because her small purse had an emblem of a gun on it -- and they harassed her for so long that she ended up missing her flight home to Jacksonville. The...

Hallmark now distributing vaccine shot compliance cards targeting newborns across America

By Mike Adams, December 9 2011
(NaturalNews) The Arizona Department of Health Services wants to remind parents to inject their newborn babies with neurologically-damaging chemical adjuvants found in vaccines, and to aid in this effort, they've teamed up with Hallmark, the famous greeting card company. Hallmark has designed and provided a special "vaccine shot tracking" card -- an "Immunization Record" -- that features the following vaccine propaganda: Bet you're as proud as you can be of that new little branch on your...

DHA used in infant formula products comes from genetically modified algae

By Selena Keegan, December 9 2011
(NaturalNews) One of the most vulnerable segments of the population -- infants -- are being affected as chemical giant Martek Biosciences uses cronyism to have its patented GMO products classified as organic. The National Organic Program is trying to correct this, but in the meantime the "organic" infant formula or baby food parents feed their children could contain industrial Frankenfood. History of Irresponsibility The story of how this state of affairs came about reveals much on how politics...

Fair Trade USA certifier severely dilutes standards to include non-fair trade products

By Ethan A. Huff, December 9 2011
(NaturalNews) Concerned about the horrific working conditions and measly wages that many of the world's poorest must deal with every single day, many consumers are now opting for "fair trade" products that, while slightly more expensive at times, come from farms and factories that operate ethically and honestly. But one of the prominent fair trade certifiers in the US, Fair Trade USA, has decided to compromise its standards and begin accepting products that are not technically fair trade, at least...

Advanced electrical stimulation technology can repair damaged nerves, restore neuron function with virtually no side effects

By Jonathan Benson, December 9 2011
(NaturalNews) Patients suffering from nerve damage or paralysis may soon be able to better regain function, thanks to a new electrical stimulation technique developed by researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) in Boston, Mass., and engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Science Daily reports that the new method of functional electrical stimulation (FES) reduces electrical output by 40 percent and better protects surrounding nerves and tissues from damage...

Portugal raiding pension funds could be sign of things to come in U.S

By J. D. Heyes, December 9 2011
(NaturalNews) There is a saying that epitomizes the dangers of surrendering too much of your independence: "Those who giveth can also taketh away." With that in mind, it should come as no surprise that in Portugal - and, most likely, a number of other nations in the months and years to come - state-provided pension funds are no longer safe from the government's all-powerful reach. As the country continues to drown in a sea of red ink caused by generations of politicians pandering to generations...

Sticking it to the man

By Sherry L. Ackerman, Ph.D., December 9 2011
(NaturalNews) Glen W. Bowersock hit the nail on the head when he observed that: "From the eighteenth century onward, we have been obsessed with the fall (of the Roman Empire): it has been valued as an archetype for every perceived decline, and, hence, as a symbol for our own fears." I agree. The parallels between the collapsing US Empire and Ancient Rome are staggering. The Roman Empire was brought to its knees through a confluence of factors, notably a decline in moral values, environmental...

Low body weight in later life associated with increased Alzheimer's disease risk

By John Phillip, December 9 2011
(NaturalNews) Many lifestyle factors are associated with the development of the memory-robbing form of dementia known as Alzheimer's disease. Smoking, diet, lack of exercise and poor B-vitamin status all contribute to the sixth most prevalent cause of death each year in the US. Past studies have shown that excess weight in mid-life increases the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Evidence published in the journal Neurology finds that low body weight (as measured by Body Mass Index or BMI) is...

Fukushima fallout: Japanese company recalls powdered baby milk after detecting high levels of radioactive cesium

By Jonathan Benson, December 8 2011
(NaturalNews) The disastrous effects of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear catastrophe are still emerging nearly a year after the fact, as a popular Japanese baby formula company has now announced a massive recall of baby food tainted with radiation. Meiji Holdings Co., maker of Meiji Step infant powder (Meiji Step is only sold in Japan) is recalling 400,000 cans of the product because of contamination with radioactive cesium. The Times of India reports that the recalled product contains excessive...

Every single tweet being turned over to U.S. government

By J. D. Heyes, December 8 2011
(NaturalNews) They say there are billions of them, with more than 50 million added per day. But whatever the actual number, every single tweet ever sent since the beginning of Twitter-time is set to be turned over to Uncle Sam. According to Federal News Radio earlier this week, Twitter has struck a deal (deal?) with the Library of Congress to archive every single tweet. Rather than treat them as free, protected speech, the billions of Tweets are being treated as historical documents and will archived...

Texas agency allows town to run pipeline through state park to avoid completely running out of water

By Jonathan Benson, December 8 2011
(NaturalNews) A historic drought that has stricken much of Central Texas over the past several months has caused some rivers and water reservoirs in the Lone Star State to run dangerously low. But one Central Texas town, Groesbeck, located about two hours south of Dallas, looks like it will avoid completely running out of water thanks to an emergency decision by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) to run a three-mile water pipeline through a popular state park. The decision is a first...

Article updated with new message from the Health Ranger

By Mike Adams, December 8 2011
(NaturalNews) The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist. He now runs the Natural News Forensic Food Lab, conducting world-class food science research and publishing scientific papers on food contaminants and nutritional analytics. Through...

Raw Milk Freedom Riders ride again! Join them at Chicago's Independence Park on December 8, 2011

By Ethan A. Huff, December 7 2011
(NaturalNews) After successfully rallying hundreds of parents and food freedom advocates for its inaugural raw milk rally at the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland, just a few weeks ago, the Raw Milk Freedom Riders (RMFR) are riding once again! On December 8, 2011, a caravan of food freedom patriots will make the trek from Wisconsin to Chicago's Independence Park to distribute raw milk and cookies, and collectively take a stand for food freedom. Birthed...

Android smartphone software tracks every user action and keystroke, analysis finds

By Ethan A. Huff, December 8 2011
(NaturalNews) Smartphone devices are convenient, handy tools for staying in touch with friends and family, getting directions on the go, and accessing a variety of helpful user applications from virtually anywhere. But a recent analysis of smartphones loaded with Google's Android software platform reveals that the technology can also track every movement, action, and keystroke of users, which represents a serious breach of privacy. The UK's Telegraph reports that preloaded Android software known...

Removing unaffected breast in women with cancer results in little benefit, many problems

By S. L. Baker, December 8 2011
(NaturalNews) Several celebrities have been in the news lately, because after being diagnosed with cancer in one breast, they decided to have both breasts removed. The procedure, known as contralateral prophylactic mastectomy (CPM), is offered to women as a kind of insurance. Supposedly, it will greatly reduce the odds they will not get breast cancer again. Although the rates of this surgical procedure are soaring, the real proof of whether it is worthwhile has been lacking. However, researchers...

Put the fat cats on a diet: Stop buying tainted food from billion dollar corporations

By Ronnie Cummins, December 8 2011
(NaturalNews) "I have not spoken to one farmer who doesn't understand the message of Occupy Wall Street, the message that so many people keep saying is nebulous. It's very clear. Because of business and corporate participation in agriculture, farmers are losing their livelihoods... And if it goes on like this, all we're going to have to eat in this country is unregulated, imported, genetically modified produce. That's not a healthy food system." Jim Gerritsen, a Maine organic farmer. "A Farmer...

Autism and vaccines - Study to debunk association rather strengthens association

By Paul Fassa, December 8 2011
(NaturalNews) When science is biased and works to comply with a certain agenda, the research can be confusing at best. Such is the case with the most recent attempt to divert attention from early childhood vaccinations as a causal factor for autism. The study was conducted at UC Davis and its findings were published in a late 2011 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences as "Brain enlargement is associated with regression in preschool-age boys with autism spectrum disorders...

Research scientist confesses to falsifying numerous studies published in peer-reviewed journals

By Ethan A. Huff, December 8 2011
(NaturalNews) The peer review process is alleged to be the "gold standard" of the scientific process, as it is supposed to ensure that only legitimate scientific studies get published. But a recent admission by psychologist and researcher Diederik Stapel, that he knowingly faked and made up data for numerous studies published in peer-reviewed journals proves that the process is more of a joke than anything else. Reuters London reports that Dutch psychologist Diederik Stapel, who worked at Tilburg...

Natural hormone rejuvenation on the next NaturalNews Talk Hour

By Jonathan Landsman, December 8 2011
(NaturalNews) Discover the only way to naturally rejuvenate your hormones - safely and effectively. Learn how to rebuild and balance hormones - without negative side effects. The NaturalNews Talk Hour presents Feeling Great - Natural Hormone Rejuvenation with our special guests Theresa Dale, Ph.D., Medical Consultant, Researcher and Traditional Naturopath. "Thanks Jonathan, you are just a natural treasure!" - Connie Hormone Replacement Therapy Exposed Dr. Dale says, "Hormone replacement...

Natural medicine for cancer - Do not let the revolution be stopped

By Ethan Evers, December 8 2011
(NaturalNews) For those who can look beyond the much hyped "war on cancer," a very different kind of war is actually being fought behind the scenes, on a scale few people realize. Cancer drug sales are forecast to reach $80 billion during 2012. But its greatest competitor, natural medicine for cancer, has been silently progressing at a revolutionary pace. Over 250 early-stage clinical trials are now active and directly threaten one of Big Pharma's biggest cash cows. But make no mistake, this revolution...

Blurred vision? Eye doctor myths exposed - learn how to exercise your eye muscles for restoring healthy vision and eliminating prescription glasses

By Mike Adams, December 7 2011
(NaturalNews) You're probably familiar with all sorts of mythologies promoted as "truisms" in modern medicine: Flu vaccines prevent the flu (they actually don't), CT scans are harmless (they aren't), chemotherapy works to save lives from cancer (it actually causes cancer), and so on. There are all sorts of falsehoods in dentistry, too: Mercury fillings are safe for you! (They aren't.) Gum health has nothing to do with nutrition! (It does.) Cavities can only be treated by drilling, filling and billing...

North Korea may soon be able to strike USA with ultimate doomsday weapon that deactivates (nearly) all electronics

By Mike Adams, December 7 2011
(NaturalNews) Obama administration officials have released new intelligence indicating North Korea is building mobile ICBMs that will soon be able to reach the United States. This was reported in the Washington Times, which states, "New intelligence indicates that North Korea is moving ahead with building its first road-mobile intercontinental ballistic missile, an easily hidden weapon capable of hitting the United States." (

Report: 45 tons of highly radioactive water leaked from Fukushima

By Jonathan Benson, December 7 2011
(NaturalNews) The woes of Fukushima are far from over as the plant's owner, the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), announced recently that a purification mechanism has leaked at least 45 tons of highly radioactive water, some of which ended up flowing directly into the ocean. TEPCO officials are reportedly in the process of investigating the situation to determine the extent of the damage caused. Throughout the past year, government authorities have been working with TEPCO to bring the Fukushima...

One of the world's most expensive foods is made from bird saliva

By Mike Adams, December 7 2011
(NaturalNews) For more than 400 years, bird's nest soup has long been one of the most expensive foods in the world, and even today a single bowl of it costs between $30 and $100. You can't just make it out of any bird's nest. Only the edible nest of the cave swiftlet will do, a nest made entirely out of the bird's saliva. These nests are high in calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium. They are hard when harvested, but partially dissolve into a more jelly-like consistency when boiled into soup. Cave...

U.S. DEA agents admit laundering drug money, then claim they were testing how it works

By J. D. Heyes, December 7 2011
(NaturalNews) Imagine for a moment you are appearing in court for money laundering. What do you think your chances are of being acquitted if you admitted you laundered cash, but said you did so only because you were conducting research into how the system of selling drugs actually worked? If you said slim-to-none, you'd probably be right. That is, unless you're a federal agent. In what has become the epitome of the double standard, federal officials are defending the actions of Drug Enforcement...

Police confiscate and destroy medical equipment, vitamins from OWS protesters

By Jonathan Benson, December 7 2011
(NaturalNews) The Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement in New York City's Zuccotti Park recently came to a halt when Mayor Michael Bloomberg ordered a massive sweep to evict all protesters and their belongings from park grounds. But rather than relocate the protesters' possessions to a holding facility in Manhattan as was promised, New York City police instead destroyed tents, personal laptops and computer equipment, and even medical devices and medicine. The stated goal of the eviction was to rid...

Milk thistle extract shown to halt lung cancer progression in its tracks

By John Phillip, December 7 2011
(NaturalNews) Lung cancer is a devastating disease with a traditionally poor survival rate of less than ten percent after five years from diagnosis. There are a number of well documented triggers that cause tissue damage that eventually results in DNA damage, allowing lung cancer cells to develop and spread. Researchers from the University of Colorado publishing in the journal Molecular Carcinogenesis found that treatment with silibinin, a major component of milk thistle, effectively treated wound...

Post-Gardasil Syndrome - the new name for the spectrum of side effects following HPV vaccination

By Rosemary Mathis, Vice President of Victim Support, SANE VAX, INC., December 7 2011
(NaturalNews) 2007 Ohio: 21 year old college student, Brittney (, was told by her family doctor she needed the Gardasil vaccine to protect her from getting an HPV (human papillomavirus) infection via an accident at her college lab. Afraid that the doctor may be right and after being assured there were no risks involved, she consented to vaccination with Gardasil. New medical conditions began to appear almost immediately. After the second dose, Brittney lost...

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