Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

The new AIDS - stubborn infection, Chagas, spread by insects

By J. D. Heyes, June 25 2012
(NaturalNews) Chagas, a potentially deadly disease that experts say is spreading like HIV once did in its earliest stages, has been labeled "the new AIDS of America" by a number of tropical disease experts in a recently published editorial. The authors, writing in the Public Library of Science (PLoS) Neglected Tropical Diseases journal online, said Chagas, which is caused by parasites transmitted to humans by blood-sucking insects, wrote that the disease is currently spreading through our hemisphere...

Find natural sunburn and bug bite relief in your own kitchen

By Christy Pooschke , June 25 2012
(NaturalNews) Summer is an exciting season filled with swimming pools and barbeques. Unfortunately, increased time spent outdoors often results in painful sunburns and itchy bug bites that can ruin the fun in a hurry. There are many commercial products available for relieving the discomfort. However, if you would prefer to know exactly what you are rubbing into your skin, then next time you suffer from one of these summertime fun-wreckers, head to your kitchen for one of these all-natural remedies...

FDA looks the other way while school uses electroshock torture on autistic students

By Jonathan Benson, June 25 2012
(NaturalNews) A special needs school in Canton, Massachusetts, known as The Judge Rotenberg Center (JRC) is once again in the news, this time for its use of a controversial form of therapy that is no longer officially approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). According to a recent report by CNN's Anderson Cooper, the FDA has essentially refused to even address JRC's continued use of electroshock therapy, despite the fact that the agency announced an investigation into the matter roughly...

Nature offers safe and effective blood thinning alternatives to mainstream drugs

By Tony Isaacs, June 25 2012
(NaturalNews) Millions of people in the United States take either prescription medications, aspirin or a combination of those drugs to thin their blood. The problem with prescription blood thinners and aspirin is that they all have a number of side effects associated with them, some of which can be fatal. The good news is that nature offers several effective options that are effective and far safer. Typically, blood thinners are prescribed if you have some kind of heart or blood vessel disease...

Experts 30 years later - Intestinal fungi like Candida can contribute to disease

By Eric Hunter, June 25 2012
(NaturalNews) Certain biologists and "alternative" practitioners have long been supporting the notion that intestinal fungi can contribute to disease. When we take antibiotics or eat a western diet, yeasts like Candida Albicans gets a chance to flourish in the intestinal tract. Healthy gut flora is vital in maintaining our immune system, and severe alterations lead to poor health and disease. However, the general medical community has been downplaying the role of intestinal fungi. This is largely...

EPA drones spying on the livestock activity of Midwest farmers

By J. D. Heyes, June 25 2012
(NaturalNews) As the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) continues to approve scores of drone applications for a range of federal, state and local agencies, concern among Americans and privacy groups is rising about the use of these drones for illegal surveillance. The latest federal agency to potentially have violated constitutional protections against invasive, unauthorized drone surveillance is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a federal leviathan within a leviathan that is developing...

The seven deadly sins of self-growth

By Mike Bundrant, June 25 2012
(NaturalNews) Self-growth's seven deadly sins are especially dangerous because when you are the sinner, you may not see it. Acting against your own growth, you also blind yourself to the truth of what you are doing. This is known as self-deception and it's truly a maddening issue. Yet, it is important to know when you are inhibiting your own development as a person. Here are self-growth's seven deadly sins, as well as how to know if they apply to you. If none of the following are relevant to you...

American Anti-Cancer Institute disavows any involvement with failed ALIVE New York event, clarifies mission and intent

By Mike Adams, June 24 2012
(NaturalNews) In the wake of the ALIVE New York event imploding under allegations of financial mismanagement ( and obvious fraud (, nearly all the speakers who had been invited to participate in the event have cancelled and will no longer attend. As evidence of tax-exempt misrepresentation and fraud, criminal histories and a deep web of deception have...

NHS intentionally kills off at least 130,000 elderly patients every year

By Ethan A. Huff, June 24 2012
(NaturalNews) A controversial end-of-life care program that was allegedly designed to improve "quality of dying" for terminally ill patients in the U.K. is being widely abused as a form of back-door euthanasia, says a prominent doctor and professor. The U.K.'s Daily Mail reports that the program, known as the Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP), is now responsible for killing off at least 130,000 patients in the U.K. National Health Service (NHS) every single year. LCP was developed, at least on the...

History of Medicine Fact #8: U.S. water fluoridation began in 1945 and continues today, despite the fact that the FDA has never approved it

By S. D. Wells, June 24 2012
(NaturalNews) The year before water fluoridation began in the United States, the entire dental profession recognized that fluoride was detrimental to dental health. In fact, in 1944 the Journal of the American Dental Association reported that using between 1.6 and 4 ppm (parts per million) fluoride in water would cause 50% of adults to need false teeth. On top of that, the world's largest study looked at 400,000 students, revealing that tooth decay increased in over 25% with just 1ppm fluoride in...

The Hospital Birth - Why most women are putting themselves at risk

By Victoria Moore, June 24 2012
(NaturalNews) The population has been led to believe that birthing in the hospital is the best option to having a safe delivery for mother and baby. While hospitals may provide the best environment for high-risk pregnancies (which account for six to eight percent of births worldwide), there are healthier alternatives for pregnancies that are considered low risk. Hospital vs. Non-Hospital Births:Hospitals are under the control of the administration and doctors and have unusually strict policies...

Here's a great idea: Restrict calories and take 20 years off the age of your heart

By John Phillip, June 24 2012
(NaturalNews) Nutrition scientists have been closely following the health modifying and life extension benefits of calorie restriction (CR) for decades, as reducing caloric intake by 25 to 40 percent each day is shown to dramatically improve quality of life and add years to lifespan in virtually every animal and mammal species. Not only is CR an important element to control overweight and obesity, but the practice is also shown to positively influence the expression of longevity genes known as SIRT...

'Money is not speech' - Ben and Jerry's co-founder launches campaign to highlight the influence of corporate money in American politics

By J. D. Heyes, June 24 2012
(NaturalNews) Longtime social liberal Ben Cohen, co-founder of "Ben & Jerry's" ice cream brand and one of the deep pockets behind the "Occupy" movement, wants to take his message a step further this election season by actually stamping U.S. paper money with key anti-establishment messages. According to recent reports, Cohen will launch his movement this summer, when a number of political contests - most notably the presidential race - heat up in earnest. The message? Essentially, it's this: There...

Natural bug busters that are non toxic and effective

By Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, June 24 2012
(NaturalNews) The use of toxic pesticides in the environment has taken a huge toll on this beautiful planet. On a large scale, there are the insecticides that are used in agriculture that basically poison organisms that are considered to be harmful to crops. In 2006 and 2007, the US alone used 5.1 billion pounds of pesticides in the environment. Staggering numbers! Since the "green" movement is slowly beginning to wake up the masses about the effects of these toxins on our health, more people...

Obama campaign data mining everything about you and your parents

By J. D. Heyes, June 24 2012
(NaturalNews) Have you ever heard the phrase, "He/She will do anything to get elected?" Well, it's a phrase that now applies to the Obama campaign. The Imperial Presidency needs to know everything about you and your parents in order to remain in the White House for another term. In what's being hailed in some quarters as the greatest political data-mining operation in history, President Obama's reelection campaign headquarters in Chicago has employed more than 150 "techies" who are "quietly peeling...

Woman behind military mom's breastfeeding photo campaign fired from her job

By J. D. Heyes, June 24 2012
(NaturalNews) The woman behind a recent controversial photo shoot depicting a pair of female Air Force enlisted personnel breastfeeding their infants in uniform has been fired from her civilian job as an X-ray technician, though the company - naturally - says the divisive shoot had nothing to do with it. Army vet Crystal Scott, who served from 2000-06 and whose term of service included a tour in Iraq, was terminated by Schryver Medical, a company that provides X-rays, EKGs, ultrasounds and other...

Sick from stress -The cortisol connection

By Craig Stellpflug, June 24 2012
(NaturalNews) Have you ever been so stressed out you can't think straight? Crunch time, trying to make a rational decision and you can't even clearly see the problem? This happens when there is too much cortisol in the brain. There is point where the brain cannot properly make and store new thoughts and memories because it is overwhelmed by cortisol. In our stress-driven society, cortisol overload is a major cause of dementia-related problems in our population. Your adrenals make DHEA plus the...

7 easy ways to prevent disease and maximize health

By Dr. Jessica Vellela, June 24 2012
(NaturalNews) In a world inundated with over-the-counter medicines, prescriptions, and pills to supposedly cure any ailment, it's good to know that there are alternative approaches to preventing disease and maximizing health. Most of these, like eating well, sleeping enough and exercising, seem like simple common sense, but their origins can be traced to a healthcare system thousands of years old called Ayurveda. The name Ayurveda means the "Science of Life" for a reason - it is a user's manual...

Mom illegally kicked out of library for breastfeeding in public

By PF Louis, June 23 2012
(NaturalNews) Hadley Barrows was recently kicked out of the Minneapolis Central Public Library for discreetly breastfeeding her baby on a bench in an atrium area of the library. Minnesota law allows mothers to nurse their babies in public and private areas. But the security guard told Hadley she was exhibiting indecent exposure and should go outside or in the bathroom to breastfeed her child. Hadley then complained to a librarian who simply agreed with the security guard. The local CBS TV station...

Top seven vegan sources of protein

By Willow Tohi, June 23 2012
(NaturalNews) Like most people who have a higher health conscious, most vegans and vegetarians have a story about how they came to the decision to live their particular lifestyle. No matter your reasons, one of the challenges for non-meat eaters is making sure they get enough protein every day. But its not as big a deal as many think. Like most of the nutrients from quality food, a little goes a long way. Back in the hunter/gatherer days, primitive man ate a lot less meat - usually around 20% of...

Rekindle a zest for life with adrenal health

By Carolanne Wright, June 23 2012
(NaturalNews) A silent and little known epidemic is causing fatigue, weight-gain, and chronic illness in fast-paced America. This pervasive syndrome is linked with two small glands known as the adrenals. Responsible for producing more than 50 crucial hormones, the health of the adrenal glands is imperative for well-being. By tending to the adrenals through diet, supplementation, and stress reduction, vibrancy and health are restored. The adrenal glands are located directly above the kidneys and...

Invasive species from Fukushima tsunami washing up on U.S. shores

By J. D. Heyes, June 23 2012
(NaturalNews) Japan's tsunami-caused nuclear disaster at the Fukushima energy complex in March 2011, in which three atomic reactors were heavily damaged, continues to wreak havoc on ecosystems - in the U.S. The latest danger emanating from the Fukushima complex to hit our shores came not in the form of irradiated tuna, but in the form of a boxcar-sized piece of floating dock which washed ashore along a sandy Oregon beach earlier this month. The find initially excited some beachcombers, reports...

NSA social spy network Facebook to use facial recognition technology to track individuals across photos, videos

By J. D. Heyes, June 23 2012
(NaturalNews) Have you ever been "tagged" by someone - a friend, a co-worker, or perhaps someone you don't really know that well but who may be a friend of a friend - on Facebook? You may want to rethink that whole concept, thanks to a little purchase the social media giant made recently. Facebook has purchased's facial recognition technology, which techies say will make it faster and easier to tag photos, but which privacy experts say could become an issue, according to a report in InformationWeek...

Fixing allergy barriers

By Craig Stellpflug, June 23 2012
(NaturalNews) Anyone with allergies should ask the question: "why do I have allergies?" Allergies are the sign of dysfunction in the body and allergies are not normal. Most people spend their time and money treating the allergy symptoms while the causes go untreated. That's a win for Big Pharma companies who are in the business of selling symptom treatments that mask the symptoms (sometimes) but leave a trail of toxic misery and side effects. Allergy medications work by causing malfunction in a normal...

Learn the art of fermented foods for gut health

By PF Louis, June 23 2012
(NaturalNews) The importance of probiotic supplements and foods cannot be exaggerated. Antibiotics have a way of getting into us through commercial foods even if we don't take pharmaceutical antibiotics. Of course, any rounds of pharmaceutical antibiotics demand an even stronger course of probiotics. Stress, GMOs, and other toxins that abound and surround also disturb the delicate balance of probiotic intestinal flora. Probiotic "friendly bacteria" are vital to more than digestion. They also...

Epidurals - How much do they really help?

By Craig Stellpflug, June 23 2012
(NaturalNews) Epidural is the popular choice for over half of American women in labor. Epidurals are especially common with women having their first babies. For the very few women that actually have a medically necessary birth by caesarean section, epidurals are certainly a great alternative to general anesthetic. This allows the mother to see their baby being born, and to hold, bond and breastfeed right away: however, epidural use for a "normal" vaginal birth is highly questionable. Modern epidurals...

Google reports 'alarming' rise in government censorship requests

By J. D. Heyes, June 23 2012
(NaturalNews) In what may be the most ironic thing to happen all year, tech giant Google - a serial privacy violator - says the company is experiencing what it describes as an "alarming" increase in the number of censorship requests being received by Western (in particular, the U.S.) governments. Seems the Leviathan - also known to regularly violate privacy rights (see increased use of drones and other surveillance devices) - doesn't like to be held to account, either. Besides wanting to censor...

Health and corruption: the deadly duo (opinion)

By Hesh Goldstein, June 20 2012
(NaturalNews) One would think that in a world of sanity the goal would be to keep the population as well as possible What do you think the goal would be in a world of insanity? Let's take a look. Monsanto, the salt of the earth, by their standards, alleges that their goal is to feed the world. So, they create genetically modified, chemically created foods because what God does isn't good enough for them. These gmos work wonders. They kill the bees, they create super weeds impervious to monsanto's...

Free streaming event June 29-30 to help natural health industry heal: the NaturalNews FREE Healing Summit announced

By Mike Adams, June 23 2012
(NaturalNews) In the wake of recent events impacting the natural health industry, NaturalNews is announcing a FREE streaming health education event to be broadcast this coming Friday, Saturday and Sunday on June 29 and 30. The event is 100% FREE, commercial-free, no tickets needed and no registration needed. The NaturalNews FREE Healing Summit will feature many of the top speakers and personalities who were previously associated with the ALIVE New York event, including: • Dr. Leonard Coldwell &bull...

Fraud, criminal history behind ALIVE New York exposed: Joshua Daniel Scurry and Anna Marie Scurry

By Mike Adams, June 22 2012
(NaturalNews) NaturalNews has confirmed, through conversations with the IRS as well as through their database of records, that neither the "ALIVE Foundation" nor "ALIVE New York" has any legal standing with the IRS for accepting tax-deductible contributions. This is searchable at the following link, when selecting the "Are eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions" option: As you can see yourself...

Natural health industry flexes its own immune system against crooks, scammers and con artists

By Mike Adams, June 22 2012
(NaturalNews) A recent event of mass deception has rocked the natural health world, yet in its wake, the power of high-integrity individuals willing to tell the truth has emerged stronger than ever. As many of our readers now know, a couple of individuals running a devious scam recently infiltrated the natural health movement, pretended to be one of us, and pretended to run a non-profit that did not exist, for the purpose of putting on a fancy show that was never really going to happen. The entire...

High intake of cholesterol shown to actually repair damaged brains

By Ethan A. Huff, June 22 2012
(NaturalNews) Including high-cholesterol foods as part of a healthy diet may not be the poor dietary choice we have all been told it is, suggests a new study published in the journal Nature Medicine. It turns out that cholesterol actually helps increase production of an important component of the nervous system that facilitates proper nerve cell communication, and prevents the onset of brain diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. The study focused specifically on patients with a...

Greek healthcare system collapses, hospital workers now working without pay

By Jonathan Benson, June 22 2012
(NaturalNews) The economic situation in Greece is only continuing to worsen, as reports indicate that hospitals and care centers throughout the nation are running completely out of medicines, and many healthcare workers are now voluntarily providing care services without pay. Strapped with spiraling debt, the Greek healthcare, which is government-run, has had to receive gobs of international financial aid just to keep operating with some semblance of normalcy. There has also been plenty of IOUs...

Filthiest item in a hotel room isn't the mattress... it's the TV remote

By J. D. Heyes, June 22 2012
(NaturalNews) What is the nastiest, most bacteria-ridden item in the average hotel room? To be honest, for years I thought it had to be the bedspread. Surely, I was conditioned to believe, the hotel doesn't often wash those heavy things that are generally the first thing travelers sit, lie or put luggage on. Well, turns out I was wrong. Somebody tested that theory by conducting a study, and do you know what they found? Those oft-used television remote controls in your hotel room are the worst...

MMR causes autism, proven in Italian court case

By D Holt, June 22 2012
(NaturalNews) For many years the stories from devastated parents have been eerily similar. A young, bright child vaccinated with MMR, has minor side effects such as high temperature and being off food, and then develops the debilitating disability of autism. Whilst the mainstream medical profession deny the link between autism and the triple shot of measles, mumps and rubella, there have been many who have argued to the contrary. Statistics show the increases in autism correlate alarmingly with...

Nature fights back - bugs devour GM Monsanto corn with a vengeance

By Tony Isaacs, June 22 2012
(NaturalNews) Corn genetically engineered by Monsanto to kill western corn rootworm is reportedly being devoured by those pests with a vengeance. Thanks to heavy reliance on the genetically modified (GM) crops, the tiny rootworm pest has overtaken fields, outsmarting the genetic engineering that was supposed to keep it away. Nature fights back against GM cornThe GM corn, launched in 2003, is engineered to produce a protein, known as Cry3Bb1, derived from a bacterium known as Bacillus thuringiensis...

Scotts Miracle-Gro sold bird seed contaminated with toxic poisons, class-action lawsuit seeks damages

By Jonathan Benson, June 22 2012
(NaturalNews) Scotts Miracle-Gro, a popular household name in gardening and lawn care products, is the subject of a new class-action lawsuit that is seeking damages for the company's willful distribution and sale of bird seed products contaminated with toxic, unapproved insecticides. Courthouse News Service (CNS) reports that plaintiffs from Illinois, Missouri, Minnesota, Arkansas, Kentucky, and New Mexico have jointly filed the new suit, which follows an earlier suit in which Scotts Miracle-Gro...

The medicalization of childbirth

By Craig Stellpflug, June 22 2012
(NaturalNews) Our overzealous medical community has taken the blessed event of childbirth and turned it into a medical procedure with a whole different set of risks and side effects. This medicalization of childbirth turns our newborns into medical experiments and permanently hooks them into a life of medical dependency. Where it beginsThe assault on the infant begins with the invasive ultrasound. The FDA warned in 2004, "ultrasound is a form of energy, and even at low levels, laboratory studies...

Samsonite luggage handles found to contain cancer chemical; company voluntarily recalls inventory

By J. D. Heyes, June 22 2012
(NaturalNews) Does it seem like everything causes cancer these days? Well, researchers have found another unlikely source for the disease - the handles on some Samsonite luggage. The world's largest luggage maker said recently it planned to replace handles on its American Tourister brand's Tokyo Chic inventory after claims some of the products contained excessive levels of potentially carcinogenic chemicals. The Samsonite brand, which aims for the mid to upper-level marketplace, said the recall...

Pennsylvania residents beg to be poisoned with fluoride

By Jonathan Benson, June 22 2012
(NaturalNews) A small Pennsylvania town that was in the process of ending its water fluoridation program appears to be reversing course, all because of a few local, and very vocal, residents that literally begged township supervisors to keep poisoning their water with toxic fluoride. According to the York Daily Record, a 4-1 vote by West Manheim Township supervisors to end water fluoridation has now been reversed, which means West Manheim Township could remain the only municipality in York Water...

Fighting obesity requires a radical mindset (Opinion)

By Hesh Goldstein, June 20 2012
(NaturalNews) While we are entrenched in a horrible, devastating obesity epidemic, the alleged "cures", although good, are shortsighted. The mainstream emphasizes the epidemic as a societal one and not just a children's issue. One of the greatest influences on children's behavior is the actions of the adults around them. That is not to discount the millions spent on marketing products to children or the lure of technology-based entertainment's effect on children's activity, but the social...

ALIVE New York celebrity awards event crumbles under allegations of financial mismanagement; key speakers bail

By Mike Adams, June 21 2012
(NaturalNews) The ALIVE New York event that promised to celebrate pioneering natural health innovators, speakers and authors has imploded over the last 48 hours, with a co-founder of the event quitting and laying out allegations of gross financial mismanagement on the part of the other partners. A key speaker at the event, Dr. Leonard Coldwell, has not only pulled out of the event, he has posted a public message on his Facebook page as follows: I and all my friends are pulling out of the Alive...

Sun exposure reduces pancreatic cancer risk by nearly 50 percent

By Ethan A. Huff, June 21 2012
(NaturalNews) The health benefits of vitamin D are almost becoming too numerous to count, with yet another new study presented at the recent American Association for Cancer Research Pancreatic Cancer Conference in Lake Tahoe, Nev., shedding light on the hormone's specific anti-cancer benefits. According to the groundbreaking research, individuals exposed to natural sunlight, which is the most abundant source of natural vitamin D, are nearly 50 percent less likely to develop pancreatic cancer than...

Flame malware, created by US government, could wreck critical infrastructure

By J. D. Heyes, June 21 2012
(NaturalNews) Some scientists have called nuclear bombs weapons they wish the world could un-invent. Now some are saying the same thing about cyberweapons, an expanding new form of "combat" aimed at debilitating or destroying an enemy's computerized infrastructure. One such scientist is Eugene Kaspersky, whose security lab recently discovered the suspected U.S. and Israeli-generated Flame virus that has been used to attack computers in Iran and elsewhere. He says there should be an immediate global...

Sears worker videotaped children in changing rooms, then uploaded footage to the internet

By Jonathan Benson, June 21 2012
(NaturalNews) A former Sears worker is being charged with numerous crimes after it was discovered that he had been quietly installing spying equipment in women's dressing rooms and restrooms throughout the store. Courthouse News Service (CNS) reports that Alejandro Gamiz, who had been working as a maintenance worker at the North Hollywood, California, Sears location for seven years until being recently fired, had been capturing secret video footage of women and children changing and using the restrooms...

Meditation technique repairs the brain processes that aspartame destroys

By D Holt, June 21 2012
(NaturalNews) Research has shown that with as few as 11 hours of mindful meditation, the white matter of the brain that aspartame destroys, can begin to grow back. Research into the brain damage that aspartame causes, has revealed lesions to the nerve fibers known as white matter. This is due to the by-products created when aspartame is ingested, namely methanol and formaldehyde. The effects of ingesting these chemicals are so serious that they cause symptoms often mistaken for multiple sclerosis...

Forced medical intervention - Disrespecting informed consent

By Craig Stellpflug, June 21 2012
(NaturalNews) Criminals have more constitutional rights than medical patients. Gone are the rights of due process and second opinions. It seems that patients are somehow bereft of Sixth Amendment rights to counsel. When doctors are pitted against patients, the courts often defer to the fallible physicians' demands that patients submit their bodies to them. Forced care condones coercion and denies fundamental, medical principles of informed consent and informed refusal. Case and pointSamantha Burton...

Managing the gift of ADD/ADHD with Dr. Kevin Ross Emery

By Mike Bundrant, June 21 2012
(NaturalNews) Download this episode of Mental Health Exposed where Dr. Kevin Ross Emery, author of the book Managing The Gift: Alternative Approaches For Attention Deficit Disorder, joins Mike Bundrant on Natural News Radio's Mental Health Exposed to discuss ADD/HD as an evolutionary process that we need to work with, not medicate! The problem is, parents and teachers can be too lazy to put a ton of effort into their ADD/HD children to give them what they need. Instead of rolling up their sleeves...

Health Basics; how the media lies about supplements

By S. D. Wells, June 21 2012
(NaturalNews) How does the Media lie? How do the major networks mislead you into buying things you normally wouldn't buy, or NOT buying things you would regularly buy? How does the media convince you so well, to change your mind and spend money supporting the wrong causes, the wrong "cures," and worst of all, the wrong food and medicine? Let it be told that the media in the United States has been suppressing natural cures, vitamins, herbs, and supplements for over 75 years, knowing there's hardly...

Medicaid on brink of financial collapse in Illinois and other states

By Jonathan Benson, June 21 2012
(NaturalNews) The taxpayer-funded government healthcare disaster known as Medicaid is on the brink of collapse in Illinois and a number of other states, according to reports, and legislators are working feverishly to come up with solutions to keep the welfare program afloat. A recent Reuters report explains that Illinois Governor Pat Quinn, for instance, has signed into law a string of new bills that will supposedly trim roughly $2.7 billion from his state's Medicaid's expenditures in order to keep...

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