Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Vaccines: Who assumes the risks?

By Victoria Moore, November 13 2012
(NaturalNews) Most parents who refuse to vaccinate for personal or religious reasons are usually asked by a doctor to sign an exemption form by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). This form is nothing more than an indoctrination piece about the supposed value of vaccines and the risks of not vaccinating. By signing this form, parents are falsely assuming risk for opting out of the immunizations. This measure is meant to be intimidating as well as remove liability from the doctor in the event...

Treat and minimize IBS symptoms with these natural remedies

By Danna Norek, November 13 2012
(NaturalNews) Irritable bowel syndrome, otherwise known as "IBS," is a condition that afflicts millions of Americans in large part because of our highly processed low fiber diets. It is an uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing condition that is marked by bloating, gas and a feeling of never quite being fully relieved after bowel movements. It is common for a person with IBS to have intermittent bouts of diarrhea followed by days of constipation. Many times those with IBS just never feel quite...

Latest research on camu camu

By Willow Tohi, November 13 2012
(NaturalNews) As disease epidemics reach astonishing numbers in our country, combined with the cost of healthcare, more and more people are researching their options for maintaining or regaining their health and quality of life. After trying western medicine and fad diets, it becomes obvious that there is no way around addressing diet and nutrition in the quest for health. It is amazing how overfed and under-nourished we are in the industrialized world. One of the only ways to quickly and easily...

Multiple sclerosis and vitamin D connection makes winter sun essential

By Katie Brind''Amour, November 13 2012
(NaturalNews) A recent review on environmental risk factors for multiple sclerosis (MS), an autoimmune disorder, summed up a world of scientific evidence on the potential impact of latitude and vitamin D levels on the development of this life-changing illness. Researchers have long suspected a connection between environmental factors (such as gender, Epstein Barr Virus, smoking, and sun exposure) and MS rates, and recent efforts at identifying causal pathways for these relationships are gaining ground...

Seven signs you are becoming a modern, brain-dead zombie

By Mike Bundrant, November 13 2012
(NaturalNews) Of course modern, mush-for-brains, walking dead zombies do not think they are victims of a zombie apocalypse. That's the problem. Part of slipping into zombie-dom is missing the sad fact that it is happening. You should be terrified of dulling out your mind! If your attitude is "Oh, yeah, heh heh, whatever I don't think there's a problem," then it may be too late for you. This is perhaps the number one sign that your mind is half-baked. Beyond that, please read the other signs...

General Petraeus and 'the spy who loved him'

By Jon Rappoport, November 13 2012
(NaturalNews) It's absurd to think the FBI just found out about CIA Director Petraeus' affair with Paula Broadwell, his biographer. The timing is too convenient. The FBI knew about the affair some time ago and, under strict orders, kept their mouths shut until just after Election Day. If they hadn't, the scandal would have blown up during Obama's campaign run. During the period the FBI knew about Petraeus' affair, they also knew he was completely vulnerable to blackmail. In FBI and CIA circles...

The importance of beta carotene

By Hesh Goldstein, November 3 2012
(NaturalNews) First and foremost beta carotenes are one of the many brightly compounds called carotenoids that make foods red, yellow, and orange. Also, those red or orange colored hydrocarbons found in carrots and other vegetables change into vitamin A in the body, which helps regulate the growth of cells and control immune system reactions. The cells that are affected most by vitamin A live in your digestive tract, in organs like the stomach. Not coincidentally, eating foods chock-full of...

The Dark Side of Science - new video examines horrors of science pursued without ethics

By Mike Adams, November 13 2012
(NaturalNews) When I began to investigate the horrors that have been committed against humanity in the last century or so, I was aghast to realize how many of them had been pursued in the name of "science." DDT chemicals? "Scientific." Agent Orange? "Science." Hitler's eugenics agenda? "Scientific." Genetic pollution and GMOs? "Rational science!" The pursuit of science was supposed to deliver humanity out of the age of superstition and ignorance, but in many ways it has actually condemned humanity...

Huge fluoride victory in Wichita: Voters put their foot down and say no to the water supply chemical additive

By J. D. Heyes, November 12 2012
(NaturalNews) Regular readers know that Natural News has been closely watching a situation in Portland, Ore., where city officials are pushing to add dangerous fluoride to the water. City officials in Portland have done everything they can - openly and behind closed doors - to force residents of both the city and the surrounding area to accept fluoridation, though the citizenry has obviously been getting along just fine without it. A similar battle was being waged much further east, in Wichita...

Prop 37 vote-fraud update: 3.3 million votes still uncounted

By Jon Rappoport, November 12 2012
(NaturalNews) When the networks and other media outlets made the early call on election night, claiming Prop 37 had gone down to defeat, there were millions of votes still uncounted. I just checked the California Secretary of State's website, which is the official center for vote results, and there are 3,334,495 votes that remain unprocessed. Reading the county-by-county reports, the last date any of them reported in with numbers was November 8, three days ago. Why is it taking so long for...

Deceptive doctors trick Sharon Osbourne into having double mastectomy due to 'bad breast cancer gene'

By J. D. Heyes, November 12 2012
(NaturalNews) One of the last things any woman would want to hear is that she may be carrying a gene that commonly leads to breast cancer. But is just the possibility of developing such a cancer worth having both of them removed? Sharon Osbourne, wife of rocker Ozzie Osbourne and a judge on the reality television show, "America's Got Talent," thought so. In what British magazine HELLO! described as a "deeply emotional interview," Osbourne said she recently underwent the invasive surgical procedure...

California hoodwinked by big business, Prop 37 fails - Here's how to continue the battle for safe food

By Carolanne Wright, November 12 2012
(NaturalNews) Big money wins yet again -- this time defeating Prop. 37 in California. Monsanto, DuPont and others contributed $45 million to keep the American public in the dark about genetically modified organisms. Even though the failure of this ballot measure is a blow to those who value safe food, the battle continues on a grassroots level. Taking the initiative and protecting yourself from GM food remains a significant issue for health and well-being. With awareness and perseverance, GMOs can...

Doctors' warning to women: Don't take antidepressants during pregnancy

By Jonathan Benson, November 12 2012
(NaturalNews) Autism, birth defects, persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN) -- these are among the many serious health conditions newborn babies face whose mothers take selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and certain other antidepressant drugs during pregnancy. The side effects of SSRIs are so serious for pregnant women, in fact, that two prominent doctors recently came forward with warnings to pregnant women against taking the drugs, which can cause potentially deadly...

Women left at the mercy of untested prescription drugs as most drugs are only tested on men

By D Holt, November 12 2012
(NaturalNews) Whilst doctors whine on about the dangers of alternative medicine, they has admitted that trials of major drugs are only carried out on men. This has led to up to one million women being admitted to hospitals every year with side effects from nausea and high blood pressure, to life threatening conditions. Some drugs tested for males have been prescribed to pregnant women without the drugs being approved for this purpose. One example is that pregnant women on antidepressants have...

Yes on 37 refuses to challenge vote fraud!

By Jon Rappoport, November 12 2012
(NaturalNews) Lying down on the road in front of a truck isn't the best way to end a political campaign, but that's what the YES ON 37 forces are doing. In an email sent out on Nov. 9, the PR people for 37 wrote: "They [the leaders of YES ON 37] assume these [millions of uncounted] ballots won't be in our favor. For this reason the campaign does not want to get involved in the pressuring for counting the remaining votes." I guess everybody is a vote-projection expert these days. Wow. No...

Top-secret, deadly chemical tests done in St. Louis during the Cold War by Army prove deadly years later

By J. D. Heyes, November 12 2012
(NaturalNews) As new details begin to surface about secret chemical tests performed on American citizens in St. Louis during the 1950s, we here at Natural News can only shake our heads in disgust and ask the obvious question: How many more of these kinds of tests were done without our knowledge? In 1955 when she was still just a baby, Doris Spates' father passed away suddenly, she recalled in an interview with The Associated Press recently. Since then, she says, she has survived cervical cancer...

Incidence of gluten sensitivity skyrocketing in the U.S. - Are GMOs to blame?

By Carolanne Wright, November 12 2012
(NaturalNews) Gluten intolerance has reached epidemic proportions -- a staggering 40 percent of the U.S. population now suffers from it in one form or another. Celiac disease alone strikes one in every 133 Americans. Taking into account the fact that gluten sensitivity has risen sharply over the last 20 years, researchers and food safety advocates are looking at the role GMOs play in this this dramatic spike. The dynamics of food intoleranceWhen a person has a sensitivity, the body believes the...

Medical products company to pay feds $30 million to settle lawsuit over whistleblower kickbacks

By J. D. Heyes, November 12 2012
(NaturalNews) As the healthcare industry becomes more regulated, more expensive and less enticing to would-be physicians and other providers, expect to continue to see fraud and other abuses of trust rise, all in the name of turning a dollar. The latest example involves a Nevada medical implant and surgical products company, Orthofix International NV, which recently agreed to a $30 million federal fine to settle allegations by whistleblowers that a subsidiary of the firm paid improper kickbacks...

Crust formed on overcooked foods can triple the risk of heart disease

By John Phillip, November 12 2012
(NaturalNews) Be careful the next time you order that hamburger and fries cooked on an open grill or over flames. Not only do you have to be especially cautious of hydrogenated and trans fats infused during cooking, but the crust formed on these foods, and many others, from grilling, charbroiling or frying boosts pre-formed anti-glycation end products (AGEs) that are shown to dramatically raise the risk of heart disease, especially in diabetics. A research study team from the University of Illinois...

Natural medicine therapies significantly benefit arthritis sufferers

By J. D. Heyes, November 12 2012
(NaturalNews) A new study published in the November issue of the Journal of Clinical Nursing found that almost 25 percent of patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis used a procedure known as complementary and alternative therapy (CAT) to help them better manage their condition. Researchers said they interviewed 250 patients between 20 and 90 years old, with more than two-thirds, or 67 percent, having developed rheumatoid arthritis. The rest had developed osteoarthritis...

STAND up for your health: The scary truth about sitting

By Melissa A. Bartoszewski, DC, November 12 2012
(NaturalNews) In today's workplace, the majority of people sit for eight or more hours per day. Think your desk job isn't affecting your health? Think again. A sedentary lifestyle, at home or work negatively impacts your health in multiple ways. Smoking, alcohol, lack of exercise and junk food are all detrimental to our health... we need to add sitting to that list as well. "Sitting diseases" are quickly lowering our lifespans and increasing our healthcare costs. What happens when we sit?Sitting...

Unlocking the mysteries of childhood genetic diseases: Can a mother's diet, pre-conception, damage her baby's DNA?

By Raw Michelle, October 24 2012
(NaturalNews) Cornelia de Lange Syndrome, or CdLS, an increasingly less rare genetic disorder affecting one in 10,000 to 30,000 newborns, may have ties to mom's bad food choices. Meet SamanthaOn March 22, 2002 Samantha was taken from the womb a month early and was held in the NICU, in a Windsor hospital in Canada, for several months before she was able to go home to her parents. A diagnosis was not readily available until a specialist arrived on the scene from the nearby city of London. Samantha...

'Proof of Heaven' documents existence of afterlife, multiverse, intelligent life beyond Earth, multidimensional realities

By Mike Adams, November 12 2012
(NaturalNews) There's a secret that's much bigger than politics, health freedom, science or even the entire history of the human race. That secret remains entirely unacknowledged -- even condemned -- by the scientific community, and yet it is the single most important secret about everything that is. Yes, everything. That secret is simply this: We all survive the physical death of our bodies. Our consciousness lives on, and upon our death in this Earthly dream, our consciousness transcends this...

Chia seeds are the ultimate survival food for long-term storage

By Mike Adams, November 11 2012
(NaturalNews) In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, there's a lot of renewed interest in preparedness. One thing we all learned from the disaster is that when the power grid goes down, starvation isn't too far behind for those who have failed to store food. It's easy to store a 72-hour supply of food just by shopping at the grocery store, of course: Canned soup, bread, peanut butter and even salted nuts are all readily available as long as you don't wait until the last days before a storm hits...

Ten Health Ranger predictions about December 2012 and the first half of 2013

By Mike Adams, November 11 2012
(NaturalNews) Obama's re-election has set a number of things in motion behind closed doors that are about to emerge before the Summer of 2013. If anything, Obama's victory has accelerated the timeline of financial collapse that's now a foregone conclusion for the United States of America. Here's what I see unfolding between now and mid-2013 (or before other dates as stated below): #1) December 21st, 2012 "Mayan Calendar" day will be a bustNothing special will happen on this day other than lots...

Massive surveillance nation: Police now using license plate scanners to collect intelligence on cars, no crime necessary

By J. D. Heyes, November 10 2012
(NaturalNews) The newest version of the popular video game, "Assassin's Creed," is set in 1775, "a time of unrest in the American colonies." The theme is, of course, the Revolutionary War and it evokes thoughts of the colonists' struggle for freedom and independence from Great Britain. For me, the game also conjures up thoughts about our country's founding document, the U.S. Constitution and especially the Bill of Rights, which are so badly under assault some 230 years after our founding fathers...

Vote fraud: who destroyed Prop 37 on election night?

By Jon Rappoport, November 10 2012
(NaturalNews) "So look, there are fifteen million votes out there we haven't counted yet. What do you want to do?" "How long have the polls been closed?" "Let's see. Two hours." "The hell with it. Let's call it a defeat for Prop 37." "Okay." This isn't over. We're not just looking at how many votes in California are still uncounted. We're not just guessing how it'll turn out and making little projections. That's a sucker's game. We're looking at real symptoms of fraud. And fraud...

New York blasted with toxic influx of sewage and other dangerous industrial chemicals in Sandy's wake

By Jonathan Benson, November 10 2012
(NaturalNews) Embattled with several feet of flood waters in some areas, persistent power outages, and rot and decay throughout tattered streets, many areas of New York and New Jersey that were hit hardest by Hurricane Sandy are also now suffering the consequences of a massive influx of toxic waste, sewage, and chemicals in the storm's aftermath, according to reports. When the flood waters began to rise, so did all sorts of industrial pollution, sewage discharge, and other toxins that have been...

Millions of taxpayer dollars wasted on cloned 'Frankencow' that produces GM milk nobody will ever drink

By Ethan A. Huff, November 10 2012
(NaturalNews) It might look like normal milk, but the milky white substance produced by "Daisy," the infamous cloned cow developed by New Zealand-based AgResearch using $50 million taken directly from taxpayers, is actually genetically-modified (GM), imitation milk geared towards people with milk allergies. But because nobody will likely ever be willing to drink the putrid, genetic mess, the admittedly failed project is doomed to go down in history as one of the biggest misuses of taxpayer dollars...

ZMA: Naturally boost testosterone levels

By John McKiernan, November 10 2012
(NaturalNews) Low testosterone levels in men can result in muscle deterioration, diminished sex drive, depression, low energy, infertility and loss of hair among various other consequences. Slightly elevated testosterone levels on the other hand, will promote muscle growth, energy, sex drive and an overall sense of well being. Low testosterone and mineral deficiencies There are many pharmaceuticals available for the treatment of low testosterone. Unfortunately, the majority of them cause side...

Five amazing and unusual uses for algae - From healing your gut to fueling your car

By PF Louis, November 10 2012
(NaturalNews) The simple, single celled algae that comprise superfoods such as chlorella, spirulina, marine plankton, or blue-green algae (which some now consider a bacteria) are self-feeding photosynthetic (needing sunlight) organisms that grow in lakes, man-made pools, and the ocean. In addition to using green algae as potent superfoods, especially for general heavy metal detoxification, there are burgeoning industries for utilizing algae as fuels for producing biodegradable plastics and biofuels...

Role of chiropractic in managing seizures in children with autism

By Eric L. Zielinski, November 10 2012
(NaturalNews) Over a decade ago, Pistolese presented the results of a thorough chiropractic literature review that out of the 17 papers reviewed, 15 epileptic patients out of 15 reported positive outcomes resulting from subluxation-based chiropractic care. Since his paper, several studies have been published documenting similar results. Of the various theories that have been postulated to explain the apparent effectiveness subluxation-based chiropractic has in managing seizures, Amalu's work concerning...

Top four therapeutic herbs for sciatic pain

By PF Louis, November 10 2012
(NaturalNews) Sciatic pain, or sciatica, occurs off and on with many people. Sometimes it's mistaken for lower back pain or leg cramps. When it does, the tendency is to stay in bed and gulp down some ibuprofen or other OTC (over the counter) pharmaceutical. But sciatica is a symptom of another problem that is pinching or creating pressure on the sciatic nerve. It's not a diagnosed condition itself. The sciatic nerve is the largest single nerve in the human body. It runs down each leg from the...

Cocoa butter is not just for chocolate anymore - Discover the healthy secrets behind this sensuous food

By Carolanne Wright, November 10 2012
(NaturalNews) Need another reason to love the cacao bean? As it turns out, cocoa butter has its own set of health enhancing properties apart from cocoa. External use of the butter clears everything from psoriasis to dermatitis to eczema, while conditions such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, heart disease and cancer respond well to internal use. Cocoa butter is also nutrient dense -- supplying antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and beneficial fats. Frequently used in skin care products, this...

Everything you need to know about self-confidence

By Mike Bundrant, November 10 2012
(NaturalNews) Do you need greater self-confidence to pursue the life you want? You can have it, regardless of past failures or how much you doubt yourself in the present. How can I be so sure? Because I understand the cornerstone principles upon which self-confidence is based. By the end of this article, you will understand these principles as well. Once you get the four cornerstones of self-confidence, all you need to do is put them in place. It is that simple! If you read invest a little...

Use local handshaking customs to meet and greet when traveling abroad

By JB Bardot, November 10 2012
(NaturalNews) Handshaking and other simple gestures are used by all people as a greeting method worldwide. Every country has its own unique cultural signals that people send with the shake of a hand or nod of their head. An acceptable gesture in your home country can turn into an offensive one elsewhere. When you travel abroad, it's always a good idea to learn ahead of time what is and what is not an acceptable handshake in whatever country you visit. United States, Canada, Australia and the UKShaking...

Obama's economic policies explained for Earthlings: Debt multiplication, the quantum multiverse and transdimensional accounting

By Mike Adams, November 9 2012
(NaturalNews) In case you haven't noticed, the U.S. populace -- as well as its delusional political leadership -- has resigned itself to the intellectual lazy-ism of "Let's just SPEND our way out of this mess!" The mind-numbing re-election of President Obama in the wake of trillions of dollars in new debt created by the man is the death knell for fiscal responsibility in the United States of America. Only under Obama does Big Government not only think it can spend money more wisely than the businesses...

Three-year-old boy arrested for peeing in his front yard, mom gets $2,500 ticket

By J. D. Heyes, November 8 2012
(NaturalNews) Judging by the cost of the ticket and the inflexible attitude of the police officer issuing it, you'd think Piedmont, Okla. had a huge problem with toddlers running all over the place urinating on anything and everything in their paths. Only, it doesn't. In fact, the incident is so isolated - and the case so ridiculous and bizarre - not only does it boggle the mind, but it defies logic and reason at every level. Here are the details. The parents of three-year-old Dillan Warden...

Did Prop 37 really lose or was it vote fraud?

By Jon Rappoport, November 8 2012
(NaturalNews) Hold your horses. On election night, not long after the polls closed in California, the announcement came out: Prop 37 was losing. A little while later, it was all over. 37 had gone down to defeat. But is that the whole story? No. As of 2:30PM today, Thursday, November 8th, two days after the election, many votes in California remain uncounted. I tried to find out how many. It turns out that the Secretary of State of CA, responsible for elections in the state, doesn't...

Dangerous state of military housing making service members sick across the U.S

By J. D. Heyes, November 8 2012
(NaturalNews) The U.S. military is equipped with the finest, deadliest and most technologically advanced gear on the planet. Satellites from space can spot bad guys on the ground, while drones guided by pilots in remote locations 9,000 miles away direct missile fire towards the unsuspecting enemy. The U.S. builds bombers and jet fighters that are nearly invisible to radar; warships and submarines that can avoid detection, and cyber warfare capabilities that can penetrate the toughest countermeasures...

Preppers stay well-fed and warm after disasters with survival cooking on a DIY home-built rocket stove

By JB Bardot, November 8 2012
(NaturalNews) After a disaster when power is out, the two most important things people yearn for are heat and food. A rocket stove is a useful survival tool because it produces a very hot flame and needs very little fuel. These stoves are highly efficient?woodstoves, which can also burn coal or other biofuels. They are simple to construct, making sustainable cooking stations that can also be used as heating units at campsites and in your own backyard. Rocket stoves are inexpensive to build, and can...

Four ways to use pumpkin as a healing superfood

By Angela Doss, November 8 2012
(NaturalNews) Look again. There's more behind the funny face of that festive winter squash still sitting on your front porch than you might think. When it's not moonlighting as a jack-o-lantern or as a centerpiece for random fall decor, pumpkin is actually an undercover superfood - one that bestows seasonal nourishment and deep healing, from head to toe, on all who partake. Because of its rich supply of vital nutrients, pumpkin is gaining popularity as a health food. Packed with everything from...

Divine brain food - Sharpen your thinking with chocolate

By Carolanne Wright, November 8 2012
(NaturalNews) Most people don't need an excuse to eat chocolate -- its creamy texture and delicious taste are reason enough. Yet, here is another compelling reason to savor chocolate: it helps your brain work better. Flavonols present within chocolate may be the key to this enhanced cognitive functioning. But we are not speaking of a Hershey bar here -- only high quality, extra dark varieties will improve brain function and sharpen the mind. The brain on chocolateA study at the University of L'Aquila...

Seven ways to supercharge your immune system fast

By PF Louis, November 8 2012
(NaturalNews) In a 2002 Jon Rapoport interview of a retired vaccine industry researcher turned whistleblower, the whistleblower, whose identity is protected, dismisses the false premise of vaccinations creating immunity by stimulating antibodies. Here is part of what he told Jon, ... "the immune system is much larger and more involved than antibodies and their related killer cells." Jon responded with, "The immune system is?" The scientist/whistleblower responded with, "The entire body, really...

Next up on the list of ridiculous jabs: A 'bad fat-battling' vaccine

By Ethan A. Huff, November 8 2012
(NaturalNews) There are a variety of reasons why Americans in particular tend to struggle with weight issues -- a heavily-processed, high-grain diet tainted with all sorts of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) and synthetic additives is just one reason among many why as many as 42 percent of Americans are expected to be obese by 2030. But rather than address the foundational causes of obesity, which include poor diet, lack of regular exercise, and exposure to environmental toxins, researchers...

Bush-era political leaders used 9/11 attack as false justification for war with Iraq

By J. D. Heyes, November 8 2012
(NaturalNews) An elaborate, well-sourced blog posting alleges that Bush-era officials, including Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Vice President Dick Cheney, may have used the 9/11 attacks as a false justification to strike the late Saddam Hussein's Iraq. The Washington's Blog entry begins by quoting Rumsfeld, who claimed just hours after the attacks that left nearly 3,000 Americans dead, the World Trade Center in ruins and the Pentagon smoldering, that his "interest is to hit Saddam Hussein...

Big victories under the radar Tuesday night

By Jon Rappoport, November 8 2012
(NaturalNews) Okay, so we saw Obama and Romney go head to head and grab the headlines Tuesday night. Clown puppet A beat clown puppet B. The real winner was big federal government, and that was a foregone conclusion before a single vote had been cast or rigged. Big gov was going to come out on top either way. We knew that. But at the state level, six things happened that are cause for celebration. Six states told the federal government to take a long walk on a short pier. They passed ballot...

Overweight and obesity are shown to increase cancer risk by up to 50 percent

By John Phillip, November 8 2012
(NaturalNews) It doesn't take much more than a casual glance around you to know that overweight and obesity rates have risen during the past half century, specifically skyrocketing over the past five to ten years. An overabundance of highly processed, fructose-infused convenience foods and meals eaten at fast food restaurants have been significant contributors to the rapidly growing problem apparent in many western cultures. To put it simply, people today eat differently than their parents and grandparents...

The holistic benefits of meditation from boosting immune response to mending relationships

By D Holt, November 8 2012
(NaturalNews) Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years as a pathway to enlightenment and greater understanding of the universe. Until scientists are able to quantify and prove the spiritual effects of meditation, we will never see trials that prove spiritual benefits; however, research has shown that both mental and physical health can be enhanced with the practice of meditation. The range of benefits so far identified are greater cognitive ability, improved immune response, reduced...

3 ways to improve memory and boost brain power

By Jonathan Landsman, November 8 2012
(NaturalNews) Perhaps the greatest threat to brain function is chronic stress. Challenged by fear and anxiety, the body will produce excessive amounts of cortisol, the "stress hormone", which eventually damages the brain's memory center. And, although cortisol is a necessary hormone for survival purposes, excessive amounts destroy our adrenals, immune system plus much more. Eliminate brain fog - naturally! On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, a LIVE internet radio broadcast - Dr. Holly Lucille,...

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