Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Six ways to improve your IBS symptoms using proper food combining

By PF Louis, May 26 2013
(NaturalNews) Eliminating foods and food combinations that trigger IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) symptoms is the first step toward coping with IBS. Eventually, coping can lead to healing. However, relying on conventional, mainstream medicine will put you into a life of coping with the side effects and dependency of their prescribed pharmaceutical meds. It's better to take responsibility through proper diet decisions and improve IBS conditions with natural herbs such as triphala, aloe vera...

Chronic disease costing U.S. $84 billion in lost productivity

By J. D. Heyes, May 26 2013
(NaturalNews) American businesses are all about efficiency but the nation's rising incidence of chronic disease is costing them billions every year. According to a recent Gallup report, $84 billion to be exact: The annual cost to the U.S. in lost productivity due to absenteeism tied to poor health ranges from $160 million among agricultural workers to $24.2 billion among professionals. The total yearly bill across 14 job types for lost productivity due to workers being above normal weight or...

C-sections could double the risk of childhood obesity, study finds

By Michael Ravensthorpe, May 26 2013
(NaturalNews) Incidences of childhood obesity have skyrocketed over the last couple of decades, and factors such as processed foods and limited exercise play a big role in it. However, an interesting contemporary study by researchers at the Division of Gastroenterology and Nutrition at Boston Children's Hospital in Massachusetts suggests that there is an additional reason for this worrying trend: the continued rise of births by cesarean sections, or 'c-sections.' Unnatural birth, unnatural weightThe...

Walnuts found to boost heart health: Study

By Jonathan Benson, May 26 2013
(NaturalNews) Eating a handful of walnuts or taking a few ounces of walnut oil during or following meals can help regulate healthy cholesterol metabolism and protect against cardiovascular disease. These are the findings of a new study conducted by researchers from Pennsylvania State University (PSU) in State College, who found that the oil component of walnuts is particularly effective at promoting good vascular health. In a small, randomized-controlled trial that included 15 participants with...

Stupid: Even historical museum guns are banned from public display in Chicago

By J. D. Heyes, May 26 2013
(NaturalNews) Just how pervasive is the inane hypersensitivity to guns in Chicago? Bad enough that even inert historical firearms cannot be displayed in the city's history museums. According to Chicago's longstanding anti-Second Amendment ordinances, city museums are banned from displaying even firearms of historic value. Naturally, these weapons would be a) unloaded; and b) unable to fire even if someone stole one. That may be about to change. Edward Burke, the city's most powerful alderman...

The individual vs. the collective in the Matrix

By Jon Rappoport, May 26 2013
(NaturalNews) In the 1950s, before television had numbed minds and turned them into jelly, there was a growing sense of: the Individual versus the Corporate State. Something needed to be done. People were fitting into slots. They were surrendering their lives in increasing numbers. They were carving away their own idiosyncrasies and their independent ideas. Collectivism wasn't merely a Soviet paradigm. It was spreading like a fungus at every level of American life. It might fly a political...

Theater of the absurd

By Hesh Goldstein, May 24 2013
(NaturalNews) So, today i get this piece from one of my high school buddies. It had no author indicated so I googled it and nothing came up. I wish I had the creativity to do it myself but alas, I do not. Having said that and in no way taking credit for it, i would like to pass it on so you all may see the irony and hypocrisy. Should one of you have an indication as to who the author is, please email me at [email protected] and i will insert his/her name in the article. The article was...

Exclusive: Facebook censors pictures of children rallying against GMOs during global March Against Monsanto

By Mike Adams, May 26 2013
(NaturalNews) In one of the most devastating acts of destruction of its own credibility, Facebook engaged in yet more censorship of Free Speech with the suspending of an account that posted a photo of children rallying against Monsanto during today's global March Against Monsanto. The picture shows two children of Natural News reader Andrea Lalama. They are carrying hand-drawn signs that read: "ORGANIC FOOD It's My Medicine - Label GMOs - Say NO to GMO" and "BIOPESTICIDES = AUTISM - SAY...

Millions rally around the world in March Against Monsanto - photos from Austin, Texas

By Mike Adams, May 25 2013
(NaturalNews) Millions around the world rallied against Monsanto today, marching in person in nearly 300 cities and spreading the message of food freedom across websites, Facebook and Twitter. In Austin, Texas, at least a thousand people took part in an upbeat, passionate celebration of food freedom, farm freedom and labeling or eliminating GMOs from the food supply. Although the day was rainy (which is rare for Austin), people and families showed up in huge numbers to support the message of protecting...

New study reveals how glyphosate in Monsanto's Roundup inhibits natural detoxification in human cells

By Lance Johnson, May 24 2013
(NaturalNews) The modern age of industrial agriculture and manufacturing has dumped heavy metals, carninogens, plastics, and pesticides into the environment at alarming rates. These toxins are showing up in most human tissue cells today. One distinct chemical may be trapping these toxins in human cells, limiting the human body's ability to detoxify its own cells. In a new peer reviewed study, this sinister chemical, glyphosate, has been proven to inhibit the human cell's ability to detoxify altogether...

JPMorgan exposed: Company found guilty of masterminding 'manipulative schemes'

By J. D. Heyes, May 24 2013
(NaturalNews) The financial institution that came to epitomize the "too big to fail" concept should have been left to its own economic destruction during the days of the Great Recession it helped to cause back in 2008-09, because had it been allowed to go under, its criminal behavior would have ended then. But as it was, the taxpayer bailout of the financial giant JPMorgan did not "teach" it's arrogant executives anything, so it should come as no surprise that the company's cycle of corruption...

3D printers may revolutionize more than just consumer products - Scientists can now print human 'tissue' and functional artificial ears

By Carolanne Wright, May 24 2013
(NaturalNews) The age of 3D printing is here - and not only for common household products. Scientists have discovered a way to print a tissue-like material as well as an artificial ear, potentially revolutionizing how physicians approach the replacement of damaged areas of the body. Still in its infancy, 3D printing holds the promise of limitless possibility for consumers and medical teams alike as the technology becomes more advanced. DIY fabricationAs reported in the Natural News article, "Fabrication...

Detoxify quickly with these spring power veggies

By PF Louis, May 24 2013
(NaturalNews) Spring cleaning is not just for your home or yard or car. It's time to clean out the body as well. And there are several foods that are seasonally appropriate for the task. For maximum results, invest in a juicer. Juicing gives you maximum nutrition and enzyme potential with minimal digestive effort. The better juicers are masticating single or double auger types. They extract the juice without injury or excess enzyme-destroying heat and discard the pulp. One doesn't need to go...

Are you eating for life or death? That is the question

By S. D. Wells, May 24 2013
(NaturalNews) Everything you purchase, whether it is to eat, drink, or put on your skin, is a choice you make which either supports life or supports death. What are you buying next? Are you buying aspartame, MSG, GMO, bleached foods and fluoridated water? Are you buying medicine that was made in a lab that makes you sicker, or are you buying organic food, nature's food, and herbs and natural remedies? Do you know about Superfoods, or are you not even aware of that choice? It's time to double think...

Treating 'hidden causes' cures debilitating mental illness, when nutritional approaches and counseling fail

By Michelle Goldstein, May 24 2013
(NaturalNews) Addressing nutritional deficiencies can often cure mental illness. Counseling which addresses life stressors is documented to improve situational depression and anxiety. However, when nutritional approaches combined with psychotherapy fail to reverse mental health problems, there often exist hidden causes which need to be treated. The "hidden causes" include systemic infections, parasites, dental toxins, metal toxicity, gut dysbiosis and allergies. Individuals can obtain miraculous...

Corrupt CPS takes baby from couple after they seek second medical opinion

By J. D. Heyes, May 24 2013
(NaturalNews) For generations doctors have implored their patients to "get a second opinion" to ensure that a diagnosis for a medical condition is accurate. Child Protective Custody bureaucrats in Sacramento, Calif., have either never heard of that - which would be extremely difficult to believe if true - or they simply don't care because they are from the government and, well, they know better. According to the HealthyHomeEconomist website, a Sacramento couple had their five-month-old child taken...

Explosive: President of CBS News and WH Benghazi fiction-writer are blood brothers

By Jon Rappoport, May 24 2013
(NaturalNews) Just a coincidence. Nothing to see. Move along. Remember the Benghazi attacks? Remember how the White House rewrote their talking points to scrub out mention of a terrorist attack? Well, here are some new talking points. Point one: Star CBS investigative reporter, Sharyl Atkisson, has been discussing leaving CBS since April. She can't get some of her Benghazi stories on the air. Atkisson was hot on the trail of figuring out who, at the White House, rewrote the Benghazi talking...

How to control your emotional state through breathing

By Seppo, May 24 2013
(NaturalNews) For centuries, the art of breathing has been one of a myriad of tools employed by Yoga masters in order to calm the body and mind, in preparation for meditation, contemplation or simply to remain in control of one's emotions. Long utilized as a spiritual practice, a recent study has now brought the use of breathing as a way to control emotions into the realm of neuroscience. The results are promising and could mean a reduction in the administration of drugs as a form of anxiety, depression...

Protein in breast milk fights antibiotic resistant 'superbugs'

By Jonathan Benson, May 24 2013
(NaturalNews) The key to overcoming antibiotic resistant "superbugs" could be a simple protein found naturally in human breast milk. These are the promising findings of a new study out of the State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo, where researchers recently discovered that HAMLET, which is short for Human Alpha-lactalbumin Made Lethal to Tumor cells, targets the mitochondria of drug-resistant bacteria. Similar to the way HAMLET has previously been shown destroy cancer cells, the breast...

Limiting soda sizes may increase obesity, boost sugary drink consumption instead of reduce it: Study

By Jonathan Benson, May 24 2013
(NaturalNews) New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's harebrained scheme to restrict public access to sugary beverages sold in volumes higher than 16 ounces will more than likely result in people actually consuming more of such beverages, and thus lead to higher rates of obesity and diabetes. These are the findings of a new study out of the University of Missouri - Kansas City, which found that people are more likely to spend more money on, and drink more, sugary beverages when they are sold only...

Is your personal lubricant safe?

By Lisa S. Lawless, Ph.D., May 24 2013
(NaturalNews) When it comes to healthy products most people forget to include their sexual health products. With the majority of people having used a personal lubricant at some point in their life and because they are directly absorbed into the bloodstream, it is important that you ensure that what you use is nontoxic. The problem is that the majority of personal lubricants sold in drug stores, including those used and recommended by medical professionals contain controversial toxins in the form...

NYC public school is country's first to adopt all vegetarian menu

By J. D. Heyes, May 24 2013
(NaturalNews) Officials at one public elementary school in New York City have turned to brainwashing children into accepting certain lifestyle choices that they otherwise might not if left to their own decision making. Granted, the decision by Public School 244 to be among the first in the nation to offer an all-vegetable menu sounds like a good decision health-wise, but it also contributes to the nanny state mentality that is pervasive in NYC (think Mayor Bloomberg) and growing around the country...

The government theft of retirement accounts has begun

By Hesh Goldstein, May 24 2013
(NaturalNews) This article written by Dave Hodges of puts very well in perspective the corruption that engulfs us on a daily basis by the governemnt of, for, and by the Corporation! Treasury Secretary Jack Lew Is Planning to Steal Selected Federal Retirement Account Many were roundly criticized for daring to say that the Cyprus thefts could visit our shores. If Treasury Secretary Jack Lew gets his way, Cyprus will look like a walk in the park compared to what's coming...

Coconut oil ketogenic cleanse for cancer

By Dr. David Jockers, May 24 2013
(NaturalNews) Growing evidence is reporting that cancer is a metabolic disease characterized by cellular mitochondrial respiratory insufficiency. Cancer cells can only survive and thrive off of glucose and amino acid fermentation. A ketogenic cleanse has been proposed as a means of starving off cancer cell development. The ideal fuel source for the ketogenic cleanse is extra-virgin coconut oil with its powerful immune boosting properties. Famous cell biologist Otto Warburg discovered that cancer...

Top 10 reasons to join the March Against Monsanto tomorrow! (Saturday, May 25, 2013)

By Mike Adams, May 24 2013
(NaturalNews) The global March Against Monsanto happens tomorrow! Nearly three hundred cities will host what's sure to be hundreds of thousands of protesters and activists around the globe who are taking a stand against Monsanto and GMOs. YOU can join in the activities, too! Check this site to see if there's a march planned near you: And learn more about the event at this FB page: Here...

Natural News releases latest laboratory test results for Clean Chlorella, confirming it is the cleanest chlorella superfood on the planet

By Mike Adams, May 23 2013
(NaturalNews) As Natural News readers know, we recently announced the availability of Clean Chlorella and explained how it was cleanest chlorella on the planet. Today I'm happy to share with you the actual lab test results which have now been repeated across multiple production batches. These results show the astonishing cleanliness of Clean Chlorella. Why does this matter? Most chlorella is contaminated with trace levels of lead, arsenic, aluminum or cadmium. Our previous round of lab tests showed...

Water fluoridation DEFEATED in Portland; citizens overwhelmingly reject dumping toxic fluoride chemicals into the water supply

By Mike Adams, May 23 2013
(NaturalNews) Voters in Portland, Oregon solidly defeated a city-wide water fluoridation measure yesterday, with 60% of the voters saying "NO!" to the practice of adding toxic fluoride chemicals to the water. The result is a huge victory for and all the men, women and children of Portland who can now rest easier, knowing their tap water is not intentionally poisoned with cancer-causing chemicals derived from industrial waste and mislabeled "fluoride." The defeat of...

AP scandal widens: DOJ also targeted Fox News reporter in 2010

By J. D. Heyes, May 23 2013
(NaturalNews) There is a time when national security literally depends on secrecy. Regardless of the prevailing mindset among many in the press and in the general public, the American people do not have an inherent "right" to know everything about everything the government is doing when it is legitimately operating on behalf of securing the nation and protecting the homeland, because such functions necessarily require secrecy. Imagine, for example, if someone "in the know" had leaked plans and details...

Under Obamacare, cancer patients could pay thousands of dollars a month out of pocket for treatment

By Ethan A. Huff, May 23 2013
(NaturalNews) The affordable component of the so-called Affordable Care Act may not be all that affordable after all, as many of the most sickly patients covered under the Obama scheme will still likely have to pay thousands of dollars out of pocket for their treatments, according to new reports. In California, for instance, cancer patients could be required to pay up to 30 percent of the costs associated with chemotherapy drugs and other conventional treatments, and the situation could be much the...

Top five essential oils for stress relief and how to properly use them

By Angela Doss, May 23 2013
(NaturalNews) When used properly, the power of essential oils lies in their ability to deliver the beneficial healing properties of certain plants in a direct and highly concentrated form. Recognized long ago for their therapeutic properties, ancient Egyptians made essential oils by first soaking the flowers, leaves, twigs or bark in oil and then using linen as a filter to isolate the oil. The healing applications of essential oils are many, from antibacterial defense to pain relief and emotional...

Protect your family from cancer-causing fluoride

By Jonathan Landsman, May 23 2013
(NaturalNews) In the 1950s, within the United States, the fluoridation propaganda machine was in full swing. Television commercials brainwashed an entire nation into believing that a toxic (cancer-causing) substance would make children "healthier and happy". Now, as people are waking up to the lies, politicians and the conventional dental industry are shaking in their boots. Discover the shocking truth behind the danger of fluoride consumption; learn how to protect your family and become an...

Medical radiation treatments fraught with technician error and fatal mishap, oversight questionable

By Carolanne Wright, May 23 2013
(NaturalNews) Medical radiation accidents are more common than you may think. Whether it's a software glitch or technician error, there are plenty of opportunities for a scan or treatment to go horribly wrong. And technologists are poorly regulated in a number of states, increasing the chances of a serious and potentially life-threatening mistake. As reported in the New York Times, radiation medical technology is far from foolproof. Do no harmScott Jerome-Parks entered St. Vincent's Hospital in...

Civil disobedience rising across America as citizens fed up with criminal government

By J. D. Heyes, May 23 2013
(NaturalNews) To many veterans of the 1960s-era civil rights movement there is a rising angst and discourse among the populace that is eerily familiar to them. Nearly everywhere you turn, crowds of angry Americans are gathering, no longer content to merely sit idly by and remain spectators to the cavalcade of injustices being perpetuated ad nauseum against We the People by criminal governments that have long since lost their legitimacy. Run by an elitist ruling class, they prove daily that...

Turmeric - A fierce superfood spice that melts away body fat and defeats insulin resistance

By Carolanne Wright, May 23 2013
(NaturalNews) Besides garnering attention as a a veritable fountain of youth, cancer tamer and fibromyalgia remedy, turmeric has proven itself to be a formidable weight loss superfood as well. Easing inflammation is just one benefit of this golden beauty. It also mitigates insulin resistance and balances blood glucose levels while helping to prevent the spread of fat tissue - providing a powerful tool in the battle of the bulge. A staple in Asian cultures for centuries, turmeric is a safe, flavorful...

Feds, mainstream media argue 'there are no states' and feds have ultimate power over all state laws

By J. D. Heyes, May 23 2013
(NaturalNews) There is a constitutional fight brewing between Kansas, whose current governor is a former federal legislator, and the Obama Administration over the passage of a state law banning federal agents from enforcing national gun control mandates and regulations when all firearms business is conducted between citizens within the state's boundaries. Gov. Sam Brownback is pushing against a Justice Department assertion the U.S. Constitution prevents his state from passing such a law. In a...

Marijuana cannabinoids slow brain degradation and aging, reverse dementia: here's how

By Ethan A. Huff, May 23 2013
(NaturalNews) The human brain contains an extensive network of special receptor sites that modulate nervous system function only when activated by the appropriate cannabinoid compounds, many of which are found in abundance in the marijuana plant. And emerging research continues to uncover the unique role these cannabinoids play in protecting brain function, which in turn helps deter the aging process and even reverse the damaging effects of Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia and cognitive...

March against Monsanto (opinion)

By Hesh Goldstein, May 23 2013
(NaturalNews) This coming Saturday, May 25, 2013, there is going to me a nationwide march against Monsanto. Because of Monsanto's stupidity, callousness, and total disregard for people's health, they have made people aware of little regard they have for anything other than their profits and domination of the food supply. This awareness has created an amazing number of groups in just about every state that opposes Monsanto. Try to find a group in your area and participate. You may ask, "Why...

Research proves bad eating behaviors of children can lead to heart disease later in life

By Joey Cardillo , May 23 2013
(NaturalNews) Heart failure is considered to be one of the top killers for men and women across the United States. This year alone, more than 900,000 people in America will have a heart attack. What's interesting is that research is now showing that heart disease can actually stem back to eating behaviors at a very early age. In simpler terms, children are predisposing their bodies to developing heart complications by the foods they choose (or are given) to consume. The Young Finns StudyIn the...

Army of the 12 monkeys? 40 psychiatric patients escape hospital

By Ethan A. Huff, May 23 2013
(NaturalNews) Africa's only public psychiatric facility resembled a scene out of the movie 12 Monkeys recently when a group of mental patients banded together to overtake the facility's guards and escape. According to reports, 40 male patients voluntarily withdrew, if you will, from the Mathari Mental Hospital in Kenya because the psychiatric drugs they were being forcibly given were "ineffective." The Associated Press (AP) reports that at least 70 male patients decided to overpower the guards...

Driving with kids in the car 12 times more distracting than a cell phone

By Jonathan Benson, May 23 2013
(NaturalNews) Your local police department could soon be adding to its revenue stream with the implementation of so-called "distracted driving" laws, which would fine drivers for talking on their cell phones, texting, and engaging in other activities that steal their attention from the road. And a new investigation by CBS2 News in Chicago takes aim at parents with children, having found that driving with kids in the car is roughly 12 times more distracting than talking on a cell phone. To see...

U.S. bees now carry antibiotic-resistant genes due to antibiotic overuse, scientists discover

By Jonathan Benson, May 23 2013
(NaturalNews) For more than 60 years now, many conventional bee farmers have been dousing their hives with antibiotic drugs to prevent their bees from dying of foulbrood, a bacterial disease that has the potential to wipe out entire bee colonies if left unaddressed. But the unabated use of these drugs has had the unintended, long-term consequence of generating antibiotic-resistant genes within entire species of bees, and particularly among bees in the U.S. that have endured the longest and most substantial...

CBS News star hacked: the big chill

By Jon Rappoport, May 23 2013
(NaturalNews) Sharyl Atkisson is the one thing CBS News has going for it. She's the real article. As real as you can be in the current news climate, while still working for a major media outlet. She crashed the credibility of the CDC, as it was lying through its teeth about numbers of Swine Flu cases and overplaying the fake "epidemic." She's taken on the horrific effects of vaccines, to the point where her Wikipedia page, through a series of unethical maneuvers, continues to characterize her...

Are your children swimming in feces? If you're taking them to public pools, the answer is yes

By J. D. Heyes, May 22 2013
(NaturalNews) Summer is coming. The weather is finally starting to warm up after a long, cold, gray winter. As temperatures rise, kids and parents will begin to look for ways to stay cool, and one of the most favorite pastimes is taking a dip in the local public pool. There's only one problem: According to new research, that local pool - while it might appear to be crystal clear-blue - is very likely full of feces. Researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta have...

Global warming debunked: NASA report verifies carbon dioxide actually cools atmosphere

By Ethan A. Huff, May 22 2013
(NaturalNews) Practically everything you have been told by the mainstream scientific community and the media about the alleged detriments of greenhouse gases, and particularly carbon dioxide, appears to be false, according to new data compiled by NASA's Langley Research Center. As it turns out, all those atmospheric greenhouse gases that Al Gore and all the other global warming hoaxers have long claimed are overheating and destroying our planet are actually cooling it, based on the latest evidence...

Over 800 world scientists agree: GM crops are nothing short of a bio-war on our food

By Summer Tierney, May 22 2013
(NaturalNews) You don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand why genetically modified foods are dangerous, but if you look closely, you may just find the name of one listed among the names of more than 800 scientists from around the globe who have joined forces in an open letter to all world governments, outlining their detailed concerns over the alarming potential threat of biotech's unauthorized, worldwide GM foods experiment. In a country whose government and media appear only too eager...

Globalist corporation Apple pays virtually NO tax in any country

By J. D. Heyes, May 22 2013
(NaturalNews) Despite being one of the top electronics corporations in the world, Apple, Inc. has been paying no corporate income taxes to any country overseas in which Apple does business, even though it has earned tens of billions of dollars. The finding, unearthed by U.S. Senate investigators, comes as the debate over whether the U.S. tax code needs overhauled heats up, The Wall Street Journal reported May 20. Investigators from the Senate's Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, who...

When a painful stomach ache strikes, arm yourself with these foods and drinks

By Zach C. Miller, May 22 2013
(NaturalNews) Stomach aches are never a welcome occurrence. They often come on suddenly, due to number of factors, such as the proliferation of GMO and contaminated foods, daily stressors, and busy lifestyles which don't allow adequate time for healthy food preparation. Whatever the cause, the worst stomach aches can put you out of commission quickly, leaving you doubled over in agony. Luckily, there are foods and drinks provided by mother nature that can help soothe even the worst stomach aches...

Chinese herb eradicates cancer in 40 days, says new research

By Jonathan Benson, May 22 2013
(NaturalNews) The key to curing the type of pancreatic cancer that afflicted Apple visionary Steve Jobs just might be found in an ancient Chinese herb that has long played a crucial role in traditional Chinese medicine. A new study published in the journal Science Translational Medicine has revealed that lei gong teng, also known as "thunder god vine," possesses at least one unique compound capable of fully eradicating cancer tumors within 40 days, which could eventually make the herb a go-to alternative...

Oregano is a very healthy culinary choice

By P. Simard, May 22 2013
(NaturalNews) Oregano is a popular herb employed as a pleasant addition to various dishes for many Italians and Greeks. It certainly seems like a very sensible idea to prepare certain meals using oregano, once you understand the important health benefits it brings to the table. This wonderful culinary herb is a symbol of happiness and the word oregano actually translates from Greek as joy of the mountains. Besides being a great source of minerals such as potassium, calcium, manganese, iron and magnesium...

DHS to be granted total dictatorial power in immigration bill, all laws nullified, voters silenced

By J. D. Heyes, May 22 2013
(NaturalNews) There has been a lot of rhetoric on both sides of the issue regarding the current "immigration reform bill" that the Senate has taken up, but one thing you likely haven't heard about at all is the scope and breadth of power the massive 850-page-plus measure contains. Simply put, if it becomes law, it will give the Department of Homeland Security near-dictatorial powers. Sen. Jeff Sessions, an Alabama Republican, has entered a letter into the congressional record from law enforcement...

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