Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Fed up with federal inaction, California sets new standards for toxic chemicals, encouraging companies to find safer alternatives

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, October 11 2013
(NaturalNews) More than 80,000 chemicals in the United States have never even been tested for their toxic effects on human health and the environment. Federal regulations, designed to protect public health and the environment from toxic chemicals, have done the opposite. The federal Toxic Substances Control Act, passed in 1976, has been more of an open door for toxic chemicals to run amuck. The people and the states are waking up to this. The federal government is not providing safety but is instead...

Reverse type 1 diabetes with a raw food diet

By Antonia, October 11 2013
(NaturalNews) Is it possible to reverse type 1 diabetes (T1D, previously known as insulin-dependent diabetes or IDDM) simply by enjoying a raw food diet? According to Dr. Kirt Tyson, a naturopathic doctor who practices in Arizona, eating a diet that primarily consists of raw foods can dramatically reduce blood sugar levels in type 1 diabetics, perhaps even stopping their insulin dependency. How one doctor stopped his insulin dependenceDr. Tyson speaks from experience. A former self-proclaimed...

Pharmaceutical drugs now pollute Lake Michigan, study confirms

By Jonathan Benson, October 11 2013
(NaturalNews) Following the release of several reports in recent years highlighting the presence of pharmaceutical contaminants in many of the nation's drinking water supplies, a new study published in the Elsevier journal Chemosphere reveals that pharmaceuticals are now turning up in large quantities in the Great Lakes as well. A summary of this new research recently put out by Environmental Health News reveals disturbing levels of undiluted pharmaceuticals just two miles from Milwaukee's main wastewater...

Amber Alert website shutdown exposed as Obama administration hoax

By Ethan A. Huff, October 11 2013
(NaturalNews) It is no longer a secret that the Obama administration has been actively engaged in a massive domestic terrorism operation against the American people, turning the recent federal government shutdown into a flagrant display of tyranny and abuse. And the latest scam to be exposed in this ridiculous political charade was the recent shutdown of the federal government's Amber Alert information website, a move that Steve Watson over at explains was nothing more than an obfuscated...

Magnesium potently boosts vitamin D's protection from heart disease, cancer and death

By Ethan Evers, October 11 2013
(NaturalNews) New research has shown that magnesium is so important for the proper use of vitamin D in your body, it can actually boost vitamin D's protection from fatal heart disease and colon cancer by nearly 500 percent, and from overall death by over 100 percent. Importantly, this also means that those with low magnesium levels are getting far less benefit from their vitamin D than they think. Magnesium - your body can't use vitamin D without it The three major enzymes responsible for activating...

Obama's government shutdown is entirely contrived; 83% of government still running

By J. D. Heyes, October 11 2013
(NaturalNews) Government shutdown? What government shutdown? That's the question more and more Americans are beginning to ask, as more people discover that, at best, what is occurring is a partial shutdown of some non-essential services. In fact, according to reports, fully 83 percent of the government is still operating as if nothing has happened in D.C. Per the Washington Examiner: Everyone knows the phrase "government shutdown" doesn't mean the entire U.S. government is shut down. So in...

Top 10 superfoods for women

By Willow Tohi, October 11 2013
(NaturalNews) Rushed. That's how women feel in the modern age. In a hurry to get the house cleaned, the shopping done, the kids to school, that presentation for work ready. No one expects more from us than we expect from ourselves. Trying to cram 30 hours of ToDos into each day means we are bound to cut corners. The corners we most often cut are those we need for our own health. We are accustomed to 'sucking it up.' Always planning for 'when things settle down,' we aren't willing to accept that chaos...

The many health benefits of Moringa oleifera

By Michael Ravensthorpe, October 11 2013
(NaturalNews) Moringa oleifera, also called the drumstick tree, is a tree that grows in the foothills of the Himalayas in northern India. It is also cultivated throughout Central and South America and Africa due to the ease with which it grows in tropical and sub-tropical environments. While moringa remains relatively unknown in the West, it has developed a reputation in its native lands for its unusually high nutritional value. Indeed, health researchers have started to give it nicknames such...

1,000 CFL light bulbs with mercury crushed, dumped on Dallas playground

By Jonathan Benson, October 11 2013
(NaturalNews) The chickens are coming home to roost for the fluorescent and compact fluorescent (CFL) light bulb industries as the toxic consequences of the mercury contained in these bulbs increasingly rears its ugly head all across the American landscape. This time, the mercury-laden residue of thousands of crushed fluorescent and CFL bulbs was discovered on an empty lot and in a children's playground in a neighborhood in South Dallas, according to The Dallas Morning News, and authorities are still...

It's true! Men hate it when women succeed: Research

By Mike Bundrant, October 11 2013
(NaturalNews) Many successful women have long suspected that men can't handle being out performed by the opposite sex. According to a recent study, their suspicions are likely correct. The study, conducted by psychologists at the University of Florida, was actually not meant to test the hypothesis that men are intimidated by women's success. The intention was to investigate heterosexual peoples' responses to the success or failure of their partners, but it turned out that men and women responded...

Foods with surprisingly high sugar content

By Yanjun, October 11 2013
(NaturalNews) Most tomato products are high in sugar content. Ketchup is a food that few people realize has a large amount of sugar. The truth is that sugar is in most processed foods, meaning you never know when it will land on your table. Doing your best to avoid unwanted sugar is always a good idea, but you wouldn't expect to find sugar in an all natural 100% fruit juice, but sugar is in it as well. Sugar is an ingredient that just shows up unexpectedly. One reason for such high sugar contents...

Learn about the many benefits of Chinese cupping therapy

By Ethan A. Huff, October 11 2013
(NaturalNews) Many of our readers are probably already familiar with some of the more popular modalities of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), such as acupuncture, massage therapy and herbal medicine. But did you know that there is another lesser-known TCM treatment protocol known as cupping therapy that can help relieve a host of maladies? The protocol, which involves applying small cups or jars to the skin and suctioning it away from the body, dates as far back as 1500 B.C., when ancient Egyptians...

Amaranth is a gluten-free and super healthy source of protein

By P. Simard, October 11 2013
(NaturalNews) Amaranth is grown as a gluten-free grain that unfortunately goes far too often under the radar in North America. Although its production began in the 70s in the US, it is best known as being forcefully destroyed by the Spanish conquistadors who forbade its use and growth a few centuries ago. Amaranth is part of the Chenopodiaceae family of plants and is therefore related to beets, Swiss chard, spinach and quinoa, the latter of which was also forbidden by the Spanish upon their arrival...

Much of what science knows today about blood circulation was discovered by Dr. William Harvey in the 1600s, but was initially considered heresy

By S. D. Wells, October 11 2013
(NaturalNews) Picture yourself feeling very achy and running a high fever, and your family doctor, being so thoughtful, comes to your home to check your vital signs and try to figure out what's wrong. Also imagine this is taking place four centuries ago, in the year 1612. You're lying in your bed and the doctor is explaining to you the best three choices for quelling this fever and flushing out this illness, whatever it might be: "We have a few choices here; we can induce vomiting for a few days...

Obamacare computer code riddled with typos, Latin filler text, desperate programmer comments and disastrous architecture

By Mike Adams, October 10 2013
(NaturalNews) If I had told you one month ago that ten days into the launch of Obamacare not a single person could be confirmed to have successfully enrolled, you would have called me a lunatic. And yet, here we are, tens days into the launch, and guess what? The White House cannot produce a single person who has successfully enrolled through the federally-run exchange Not one. The real story on the catastrophic IT disaster known as is only now beginning to be...

Warning: Enrolling in Obamacare allows government to link your IP address with your name, social security number, bank accounts and web surfing habits

By Mike Adams, October 10 2013
(NaturalNews) We have already established that is not a functioning database application that allows people to shop for competing health plans. It is actually a government-run Trojan Horse that suckers people into creating accounts where they hand over: • Name and address • Email address and password • Social security number • Private bank account details • Employer details and other information During the enrollment process, your computer also hands...

Japanese doctors ordered to cover up mass radiation sickness across population

By J. D. Heyes, October 10 2013
(NaturalNews) A substantial number of Japanese have suddenly begun suffering nosebleeds that some reports indicate are likely tied to radiation poisoning from the damaged nuclear plants at Fukushima. The reports are based on a series of tweets, allegedly from Japanese citizens who report the nosebleeds, along with photos of blood-soaked rags and bandages. Many of the reports are flowing through Facebook. If true, the damaged Fukushima plant continues to wreak havoc One site says that Japanese...

Citizens denounce Obamacare, vow to not comply

By PF Louis, October 10 2013
(NaturalNews) There have been efforts by politicians at different levels of government to keep Obamacare from even getting a legal foothold in America. And doctors have grouped together and paid for TV infomercials protesting Obamacare. But guess what. It's here; it's happening. Some will be happy to get health insurance with preexisting conditions. They are eager to enter the medical system that is at least the third highest cause of death in America after heart disease and cancer. Those people...

Banks are stockpiling cash ahead of anticipated financial panic

By J. D. Heyes, October 10 2013
(NaturalNews) As the government shutdown grinds on with no end in sight, as President Obama continues to vow not to negotiate with House Republicans over raising the debt ceiling limit and funding Obamacare, many of the nation's biggest banks are stockpiling cash for ATM machines in case the public becomes panicked over a potential U.S. default. Per London's Telegraph newspaper: Major banks have increased the amount of funds by around a third, and are holding daily meetings in sealed rooms...

Drug-free job applicants denied positions over urine that is too healthy

By Lance Johnson, October 10 2013
(NaturalNews) If you are a drug-free, healthy person applying for a job that requires a drug test, you may still fail the drug test - honest and outright. Sounds insane, but it's all very real for some Americans. Some Americans are being denied jobs altogether or fired, because they have healthy, clean urine that contains no drugs whatsoever. What is going on here? According to hospitals and employers, clean urine is too dilute. They think healthy urine is always the result of a person trying...

UK government threatens to cut funding to hospitals that refuse to force vaccines on staff

By Jonathan Benson, October 10 2013
(NaturalNews) The cult of vaccination has stooped to depraved new lows in the United Kingdom, where government officials are now threatening to cut funding to hospitals that refuse to force their staffs to get vaccinated for the flu. As reported by the UK's MK News, struggling government-run hospitals all across the country are being incentivized to have their faculties flu jabbed in exchange for much-needed funding as part of an evil blackmailing campaign that both politicizes and jeopardizes public...

Ten foods to prevent and stop diabetes

By Yanjun, October 10 2013
(NaturalNews) Diabetes is a disorder wherein the body cannot control its level of blood glucose or sugar. While many of the foods today contain high levels of diabetes-inducing sugar, there are ten amazingly healthy foods that can actually prevent diabetes from developing. Not only do these foods control blood sugar levels, but they are also packed with other nutrients and minerals that even those who do not have diabetes will benefit greatly from. Preventing Diabetes through Diet and ExerciseA...

How does a ketogenic diet kill cancer cells

By Jonathan Landsman, October 10 2013
(NaturalNews) Recently, the ketogenic diet has been touted as a 'cure' for cancer. Very popular websites - in the natural health world - magazines and medical experts have raved about its ability to kill cancer cells by feeding the body, primarily, a fat-based diet. But, we must ask a very simple question (before getting too excited) - where's the scientific proof? Carbohydrates are "bad" for cancer patients. We hear this all the time and it's the main reason why the ketogenic diet has attracted...

Obama shuts down the OCEAN off Florida as part of staged shutdown

By S. D. Wells, October 10 2013
(NaturalNews) Most people don't even know what "staged" means when it comes to politics. Most people think that Congress and the President love America, what it stands for, the Constitution and the Founding Fathers. People think that, because these rich white snobs went to some Ivy league school 40 or 50 years ago and crawled their way from some crappy city council job to mayor or some state job and on up to some governor or Big Business CEO type job, these clowns care about "doing what's right"...

Fact check: Is it true that Congress has a special sweet deal on health care?

By J. D. Heyes, October 10 2013
(NaturalNews) When the massive piece of legislation that would later become known as Obamacare first came up for votes, Republican Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa was insistent upon one thing: that members of Congress and their staffs be made to live under the exact same rules and mandates the law would force upon the private sector. And while that provision made it into the final version of the law, President Obama - unconscionably and unconstitutionally - has rendered the Grassley provision moot...

Health benefits of grape seed extract

By Dr. David Jockers, October 10 2013
(NaturalNews) Grapes have been used by European and Middle Eastern folk healers for years for their powerful medicinal properties. Scientists have found that the grape seed has the most concentrated form of health benefits from the grape. Grape seed extracts have been shown to improve immunity and prevent cancer. Every part of the grape plant has been used to improve health. Grapevines have been made into special ointments that were used to treat skin and eye diseases. Grape leaves were used to...

Social Security Administration admits all benefit payments are contigent upon endless cycle of debt

By J. D. Heyes, October 10 2013
(NaturalNews) If you have ever wondered what all the fuss over the future of Social Security has been about and thought that, no matter what, it will always be funded, because the system allegedly takes in more than it pays out, then a frank admission by the Social Security Administration in the wake of the federal government's 17 percent shutdown should dispel that myth once and for all and expose the system as nothing more than the world's greatest Ponzi scheme. As recently reported by The Wall...

Elevated levels of pollutants found downstream from fracking wastewater

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, October 10 2013
(NaturalNews) A new study from Duke University published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology reports alarming levels of pollutants coming from Pennsylvania fracking waste water. The pollutants, including radioactive chlorides and bromides, are discharged into the surrounding environment, where they settle into the sediment. Radium is showing up at levels 200 times greater where the Josephine Brine Treatment Facility discharges treated wastewater. This is important, as near the treatment...

These medicinal herbs make great additions to your herbal medicine or tea cabinet

By Zach C. Miller, October 10 2013
(NaturalNews) Medicinal plants and herbs truly do put the "mother" in mother nature. Like good friends, herbs are always there for you to support your body and help put things right when you're not feeling well. Medicinal herbs in nature can cure many ailments and truly do put effective, punctual and natural healing power right in the palm of your hands. Here are three herbs which can help you take charge of health. Peppermint (Mentha piperita)Peppermint is one of the easiest choices to make when...

Health Basics: What are the four 'bad news' food groups?

By S. D. Wells, October 10 2013
(NaturalNews) How many bad diets are really out there? How much bad advice is floating around the media and how many roads leading to health destruction are there? Just how many "FDA approved" food products and "doctor recommended" weight control programs incorporate toxic foods, dead foods and synthetic foods, like artificial sweeteners and empty "carb" calories? Junk science, Big Food and the biotech industry (GMOs) will lead you right off a health "cliff" if you let them. These are the new dirty...

Malibu High School may be contaminated with carcinogens, teachers fear

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, October 10 2013
(NaturalNews) A Malibu, California, High School building, including eight classrooms, has been evacuated under speculation of high carcinogen levels that are making students and teachers sick. Twenty teachers from the school have signed a letter stating concerns over three faculty members who have recently been diagnosed with thyroid cancer in the past six months. They also state that seven other faculty members have come down with persistent migraines in that time and that some teachers have experienced...

Obamacare exchange suffers critical account failures, asks everyone to change passwords or register new accounts

By Mike Adams, October 9 2013
(NaturalNews) The online Obamacare exchange system has just performed a system-wide password reset. This is a sign that a critical failure has occurred behind the scenes: either a security breach has stolen passwords, or passwords have been lost. So now everyone is being required to create a new password, reports ARS Technica. But that's not even the worst of it: some users are being told they have to create new accounts all over again. "Individuals whose logins never made it to the site's database...

Head fake! Is only an empty shell MOCKUP of a working Obamacare exchange?

By Mike Adams, October 9 2013
(NaturalNews) As the days of glitches, snafus, down-time and critical errors mount up, evidence is mounting that the Obamacare exchange is not actually a fully-formed online application. More and more, it appears to be a mockup of a health care exchange enrollment system. Think about it: HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, on live television with Jon Stewart two nights ago, couldn't even answer the question of how many people have enrolled. This is a statistic you would have immediately...

Shutdown insanity: Jogger fined $100 for exercising at Valley Forge National Park

By J. D. Heyes, October 9 2013
(NaturalNews) Don't look now, folks, but your country is slowly, quietly - but surely - slipping away from you as it is increasingly being governed by a punitive, capricious ruling class who despises you and seeks to punish you at every turn, just to keep you in line. As the partial federal government shutdown stretches into its first week, it is becoming more and more obvious that President Obama is using the massive Bureaucratic State as a fourth branch of government to exert his will and influence...

Shutdown goes Gestapo: Senior citizens roughhoused by federal employees at Yellowstone

By J. D. Heyes, October 9 2013
(NaturalNews) The punitive nature of the Obama regime's actions in closing down taxpayer-funded monuments and parks continues to get out of hand, as this report demonstrates. Some of the nation's "Greatest Generation" were already humiliated and abused by federal Park Rangers at the World War II Monument in Washington, D.C., early in the current government shutdown, as the White House-directed closures of the people's property expanded to include keeping the nation's great war veterans from seeing...

American individuals, states show defiance against Obama's contrived selective shutdown of government parks

By J. D. Heyes, October 9 2013
(NaturalNews) As President Obama and his Bureaucratic State grow ever more frustrated with their political opponents, they are taking more of their frustrations out on American citizens with punitive, hateful tactics aimed at making life miserable for as many people as possible. Arbitrary and capricious closures of open-air monuments - including trying to keep World War II vets from visiting their monument, possibly for the first and last time in their lives - as well as attempts to close off...

Truckers for the Constitution to shut down D.C. roads, arrest violators of oath of office

By J. D. Heyes, October 9 2013
(NaturalNews) The rumbling sound that will be heard around the nation's capital in a few weeks could be one of the most terrifying heard in Washington, D.C., in quite some time, for it will represent more than just another angry American demographic. It will represent the very lifeblood of our nation, for without them, commerce all but stops. Hence the movement "Truckers for the Constitution," an ad hoc assembly of ticked-off truckers who are fed up with the shenanigans in Congress and the White...

Six powerful ways to use lavender during the cold and flu season

By Carolanne Wright, October 9 2013
(NaturalNews) Hidden beneath the pleasing scent of lavender is a fierce natural medicine and formidable protector. Used since antiquity, lavender was a significant guardian against some of the most deadly infectious diseases of all time - the great epidemics of plague sweeping across Europe throughout the Middle Ages and into the 17th century. The protective aspects of the plant were discovered when tannery workers who utilized the oil in manufacturing, and those who tended lavender fields, appeared...

Horrifying new street drug 'Krokodil' made from pharmaceuticals turns skin into zombie flesh while delivering cheap high

By Ethan A. Huff, October 9 2013
(NaturalNews) A deadly new street drug that reports indicate first originated in former-Soviet Russia has apparently made its way to the U.S., where at least two unconfirmed cases were recently identified in Arizona. Known as "krokodil," which is Russian for crocodile, the cheap alternative to heroin literally destroys skin tissue and blood vessels, turning users' skin into a type of zombie flesh that starts to fall off after prolonged use. According to, two patients recently...

Rite Aid deliberately dumped hazardous waste across California landfills, declares judge

By Ethan A. Huff, October 9 2013
(NaturalNews) One of the nation's largest drug store chains has been ordered by a California judge to fork over more than $12.3 million to settle a civil lawsuit accusing the company of illegally dumping hazardous waste in California landfills. As reported by the Los Angeles Times (LAT) and others, Pennsylvania-based Rite Aid Corp. was found to have improperly handled and disposed of sensitive materials in at least 600 landfills across the Golden State. The ruling came after the district attorneys...

Herbs for effective blood pressure management

By Sandeep Godiyal, October 9 2013
(NaturalNews) One in three adults in the United States today has high blood pressure, medically referred to as hypertension. However, lots of people are not even aware they have this condition, simply because it has no warning signs and symptoms. It is typically caused by improper diet, smoking and alcohol abuse. When high blood pressure occurs along with increased levels of blood sugar and cholesterol, it could cause severe damage to the vital organs of the body. Nevertheless, this is now easy to...

FDA: 30 million pounds of antibiotics given to conventional livestock annually

By Ethan A. Huff, October 9 2013
(NaturalNews) While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) endlessly stonewalls in establishing enforceable guidelines for the appropriate use of antibiotics in livestock, the conventional meat industry continues to shove about 30 million pounds of these drugs annually down the throats of animals. And recent figures released by the Pew Charitable Trusts reveal that antibiotic use in meat and poultry production now outpaces the amount used to treat sick people by a factor of five. An "infographic...

Discover the healing power of goji berries

By Derek Henry, October 9 2013
(NaturalNews) With the superfood movement in full force, it sometimes becomes difficult to know which ones you should be incorporating into your diet on a daily basis to strive for optimal health. What is not in question, however, is the healing power of goji berries and the fact that they are at the top of the list for superfood healing powers and should be consumed on a consistent basis for optimal health. Goji berry nutritional profileGoji berries are a nutrient-dense superfood that contain...

Resveratrol keeps fighting cancer even after body breaks it down into other compounds

By Jonathan Benson, October 9 2013
(NaturalNews) Researchers from the U.K. have made a breakthrough discovery with regards to resveratrol, the well-known antioxidant compound in grape skins that is hailed for its incredible anti-aging and anti-cancer benefits. A team of scientists from the University of Leicester's (UL) Department of Cancer Studies and Molecular Medicine recently found that, even after being broken down by the body into sulfate and glucuronide metabolites, resveratrol continues to actively fight cancer and other diseases...

Six easy, natural ways to boost your immune system for flu season

By J. D. Heyes, October 9 2013
(NaturalNews) Well, summer's over and healthcare professionals are already gearing up for cold and flu season. Don't rely solely on that flu vaccine to keep you protected; in many cases, the vaccines tend to make people sick. And while no single food or supplement can keep the flu at bay, there are a half-dozen ways to boost your immune system naturally, thereby giving you a much better chance to stay flu-free this coming winter: Boost your intake of vitamin A. "Experts have long known that vitamin...

Lemon balm: A smooth, soothing herb

By P. Simard, October 9 2013
(NaturalNews) Lemon balm should be considered as the plant that brings back joy. It energizes without causing nervousness and is a great tonic for the stomach, as it smoothly calms the intestinal tract. This plant also has incredible antiviral properties, and it will add a bit of a lemon-like aroma if you elect to add it to your homemade teas. This special herb, also known as Melissa officinalis, is native to Europe and part of the mint family. Knowledge of its calming effects goes as far back...

Antidepressants again linked to type 2 diabetes risk

By J. D. Heyes, October 9 2013
(NaturalNews) A just-completed meta-analysis suggests that physicians should use caution when prescribing antidepressant medications, because they can raise the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The study's authors don't directly conclude that antidepressants are the direct cause, but in reporting their findings in the latest issue of Diabetes Care, the researchers from the University of Southampton said that the use of antidepressants has risen dramatically in recent years, and they are concerned...

Working your way up from adrenal fatigue

By Luella May, October 9 2013
(NaturalNews) Adrenal fatigue occurs when the adrenal glands can't keep up with the demands placed on them by the body. It most commonly presents itself when an individual is under intense or prolonged stress. However, it can also be the result of acute or chronic infection or disease. There are no tests that diagnose adrenal fatigue. Diagnosis is made by observing symptoms. The most prominent symptom is fatigue that is not relieved by rest or sleep. People suffering from adrenal fatigue often...

Natural News announces new donations to GMO labeling initiative 522, Institute for Responsible Technology

By Mike Adams, October 9 2013
(NaturalNews) As promised, Natural News has made two important donations toward food transparency and honest labeling for consumers. We've just donated $12,000 to the YES on 522 campaign in support of GMO labeling laws in Washington State. We also urge all Natural News readers to help support this campaign in any way you can. We're up against some real monsters in this fight. The biotech companies have, predictably, raised millions of dollars to run intentionally deceptive and misleading ads that...

Court rules Amish girl to be forcefully poisoned with chemotherapy; Akron Children's Hospital now practicing predatory medicine

By Mike Adams, October 8 2013
(NaturalNews) Just weeks after an Ohio court ruled that medical authorities could not force chemotherapy upon a 10-year-old Amish girl against the wishes of her parents, an appeals court overturned the rule, allowing the hospital -- which profits from chemotherapy treatments -- to force this girl to receive chemotherapy against the wishes of her parents. This is, essentially, chemotherapy at gunpoint or what I call "predatory medicine." If the parents refuse the court order, they will be arrested...

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